Scavenging Hyena
Card Text
Whenever a friendly Beast dies, gain +2/+1.
Flavor Text
Hyenas prefer the bones of kodos or windserpents, but they'll eat pretty much anything. Even Brussels sprouts.
Card Sounds
Whenever a friendly Beast dies, gain +2/+1.
Hyenas prefer the bones of kodos or windserpents, but they'll eat pretty much anything. Even Brussels sprouts.
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Very good in Aggro hunter.
A good 2-drop card with fantastic snowballing potential if set up right, and thus your opponent will do anything in his or her power to kill it the instant it's on the board 95% of the time. In the other 5% you somehow managed to keep Scavenging Hyena alive- and in the even rarer scenario that you somehow did this on a later turn, like 6 or 8- it has especially amazing synergy with cards like Tundra Rhino, Violet Wurm, Savannah Highmane, Unleash the Hounds, and Hunting Mastiff.
So, best-case scenario, a 2/2 that grows quickly into something way more dangerous, and worst-case scenario, a 2/2 with a soft Taunt. Viable if only for demanding enemy focus.
Why is bonemare nerfed and not this? Bonemare cannot win you a match in 3 turns, with the right formula this is the most overpowered in the game. Overpowered not as in the best, but since it is such a low cost card and it is a common, is is far too powerful , more nooby than infinite fireball mage as well
Love this card! It's very powerful in the early game if you start with a couple 1-drop beasts, and also very powerful in the endgame combo with Unleash the Hounds especially with Tundra Rhino present.
I've recently discovered an interesting bug with Scavenging Hyena and Explorer's Hat. If you cast Explorer's Hat onto Scavenging Hyena and trigger its Deathrattle with Terrorscale Stalker or Princess Huhuran than Scavenging Hyena will gain +2/+1 even though a beast didn't die. I haven't tested it with other cards that grant Deathrattle though, like Infest or Ancestral Spirit. I haven't tested it with Feign Death either, but I'm assuming it works as well.
To be honest, this card has a hidden trait of winning every single brawl it has been in. My copy of it at least.
it astounds me everyday that this isn't played in every hunter deck.
Seriously? Imagine you have 10 Mana, your opponent's field is full of Murlocs at 1-3 Health. You play Hyena, cast Unleash the Hounds, sacrifice them into your opponent's minions, giving your Hyena +12/+6. You also play Tundra Rhino for a 18 direct damage. Can Huge Toad or Flame Juggler do it?
Fun Fact: A hyena's jaw is extremely powerful. Its bite force is strong enough to snap bone easily while its cast-iron stomach lets it swallow bones completely with no harmful side effects.
idk why no one plays this card
Because it doesn't have charge, therefore no face.
Easily one of my favorite cards. You will rarely get a massive hyena that is allowed to live, it's normally a kill on sight target. Why I adore this thing is that it can be used as a taunt if you don't have one out already. Just it's existence on the board causes people to throw something at it to kill it, and if you've been able to attack at least once with a beast this turn, or even better had a hound combo, you're pretty much going to trade up.
Also combos well with Snake Trap
True, I forgot about Snake Trap! Thank you for reminding me.
and unleash the hounds
I really like this card, Scavenging Hyena is one of the reasons why I still play beast deck.
I feel that this card is not played as much as before.
do you like hyenas?
The problem with this card is that it gains 1 health in addition to 2 damage every time a beast dies. It's way too good for how much it costs. Combine this with how broken the buzzard and UtH combo is, and you're set up for a win almost every time. Using this card is akin to saying "I have no imagination."