Furious Howl
Card Text
Draw a card.
Repeat until you have at least 3 cards.
Flavor Text
Hunters make the worst neighbors.
Draw a card.
Repeat until you have at least 3 cards.
Hunters make the worst neighbors.
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imagine demon seed with this card..
Has meme potential in Wild (force opponent to play it on a deck with 2 cards or less for the OTK via Cho and Saboteur or even with Togwaggle with a double-Thaurrisan after emptying your own deck). I guess we could use Voracious Reader as a test case to see if this would actually work
I like that it doesn't require it to be the last card like Quick Shot, so you can use it to draw 1, 2, or 3 depending on the situation.
Best card of the set hands dowm
My Face Hunter is jubilating!
This card is insanely good and really buffs the crap out of some hunter decks that shouldn't really have reliable card draw like this.
But then I've always liked the empty hand mechanic in Hunter, so... eh. What I really wanna see at some point, is like an expensive beast card that becomes cheaper when it's the only card in your hand. That'd be cool.
oh no
oh yeah
Strong card because it's repair the biggest problem with hunter card draw, but 2 mana for draw 1 is bad, 2 for 2 is already good, 2 for 3 is POGGERS.
Let's think in slower hunter no chance.
Quest Hunter dont think so (new hunter spell is just better).
Aggro hunter, Oh boy! that is some good shit.
For me 7/10 stable.
omg quest hunter is back baby
this? :D just run multicaster imo
I dont run that many different spell types. Anyway i like the card and the art on it so
Dat Even Hunter card draw
This person gets it. Even Hunter is salivating, :D