Barbed Nets
Card Text
Deal 2 damage to an
enemy. If you played a
Naga while holding this,
choose a second target.
Flavor Text
I caught'ya a dollar.
Deal 2 damage to an
enemy. If you played a
Naga while holding this,
choose a second target.
I caught'ya a dollar.
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Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
This is 1 mana deal 4/deal 2 twice, with basically the condition that this can't be played on turn 1. Thing is, you never wanted to play Arcane Shot on turn 1, anyway, even if it was the only thing you could do, and even in face hunter. Thus, it's really not even a condition, as all the nagas in the set are above-average creatures, making this a great card in both quest and face hunter.
Fun Fact..... This card will progress the Hunter Questline twice if it targets two separate enemies.
This will be a great addition to Quest/Face hunter.
So is this just a power creep on Arcane Shot?