Brave Archer

Card Text
Inspire: If your hand is empty, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero.
Flavor Text
This is a "bearly" concealed reference.
Card Sounds
Inspire: If your hand is empty, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero.
This is a "bearly" concealed reference.
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only golden card i have crafted, Merida is my wifu
you do 4/6 damage for 3 mana in one turn( IF you have your hand empty) because then the cards will probably be killed... I'll just dust this one
I argue it's a GREAT end game card for its cost. +2 hero damage cannot be ignored.
one of two things will happen:
It will draw a precious removal card late in game which has HUGE value,
It will be ignored, which gives the hunter +2 face damage every round per archer. Bypassing taunt.
It comes at the cost of NOT using it early and perhaps losing some tempo if it's in your hand hanging out.
I believe she has a good ability...
You just have to be Brave enough to see it...
I'm thinking of trying this card in a face hunter deck. It seems to me that it could help in situations where you have an empty hand which happens pretty fast and it gets around taunt. Maybe it won't work out but I'm interested to try it. I also really like the illustration. I'll have to look up more of Eva Wildermann's work.
i like golden animation
if you right click the card it says 'this is a bearly concealed reference'. I think what they mean is the idea is to protect her with bear trap. Didn't anyone notice this? in other words, taunters + hidden taunters and she can stay out for a bit.
It also a pun. Bearly = barely.
How to improve this card:
*Increase cost to 2 mana
*Remove "if your hand is empty"
I will not disenchant this card because its only worth 5 dust
Anyone who thinks this card is bad in a facehunter deck is really missing the point. This card easily replaces every Worgen Infiltrator in every Facehunter/hybrid deck that runs it. The stealth component of Worgen is only really worthwhile versus mage/druid and even then often only when you have like a turn 2 Glaivezooka. A vanilla 2/1 on turn 1 is therefore only slightly worse than Worgen on turn 1. Worgen, however, is unquestionably the absolute worst top deck in the facehunter deck when it's trying to close the game out. This card on the other hand is a pretty strong top deck as it basically says "Double the damage dealt by your hero ability" in those situations.
This card is basically good in the early game good in the late game compared to other cards that fill a similar role (i.e. Worgen Infiltrator, Abusive Sergeant). I mean seriously, is Abusive Sergeant bad in hunter too because it's just a vanilla 2/1 on turn 1 that might read "2/1 Battlecry: deal 2 damage" when you have a minion to target effectively with it? Because if that card is good (and I'd say it is) in facehunter, I don't see how card that is often going to do exactly what Abusive does in many situations and threaten to do even more every turn could be "worthless".
I don't think this card is going to be used in facehunter. But it could be interesting in midrange or control hunter, because TGT has a card that makes your hero power cost 1 mana, and also a card that allows you to use your hero power unlimited times per turn. This card could make midrange and control hunter stronger with the face pressure.
If this card doesn't replace Worgen Infiltrator in Facehunter I will be very surprised. The only time this card is worse than Infiltrator is when it's played on turn 1 and opponent has either gone first and has a 1-drop or is a Mage, Druid, Rogue, or if your opponent goes second and has something to kill it turn 1 with coin; other than those instances it's pure upside. It's a vanilla 1-drop 2/1 on turn 1, or later in the game it's a 1 mana 2/1 with battlecry: deal 2 to opponent with further upside if it survives.
Worst case, it's as bad as a turn 1 Abusive Sergeant. Best case it's a 2/1 that'll give you a free 4+ damage to face off inspire as a top deck. On average you play it on turn 1 if it's your only turn 1 player, otherwise you'd hold it until it fits your curve and eeks out extra damage the way you would Abusive. Worgen Infiltrator is pretty bad in facehunter anytime after turn 1 in my opinion; it's easily the worst top deck in the whole deck.
a card draw would be nice, considering the required empty hand. everyone would love her. she could also cost 2 mana...
Or not? As a class card she has every right to be better than the worgen or the gnome. I sense discrimination.
Princess Merida from disney's brave! DISNEY HAS INVADED HEARTHSTONE!
Just when we relized that activision DIDN'T invade heroes. so sad...
This card is no replacement for Leper Gnome. So the question is can u run both? Maybe she will replace Worgen Infiltrator.
typcial huntards to not have vision..
agreed. It still woulnt even be that good though lol. You can only hero power 1x per turn, so it's a worse leper gnome. With the garrison commander, you can do it 2x, but hunter has the worst card draw in the game so hunter combos are usually unreliable. Not to mention that it's a 7 mana combo. Poor girl has 1 hp lol, shes going to need to be a brave hunter because she's guaranteed to die the next turn every time you play her FeelsBadMan
But believe me, if this was the cardtext, I would stop Hearthstone, as this seems fking OP as hell.
Combo with cards that supports Inspire (the card that allows you to use Hero Power 2 times), you might just end the game (or even your life).
Blizzard has thought this through and that's why the conditions to pull is quite hard.
And this card will see its demise as Core Rager, as it is too slow, compared to Quick Shot, in which you can cycle cards to look for potential lethal (Wolfrider / Arcane Golem).