Jade Golems
- Each Golem will be +1/+1 bigger than the last.
- Jade Golems can reach a maximum of 30/30.
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This card will be played in wild aggro shaman decks forever. You get face damage and board presence, leaving control opponents to decide between healing or clearing.
this shouldnt be able to go face. we dont need another crackle.
with this card shamans got so much burst, almost as mages
lightning bolt * 2 =6
lava burst * 2 = 10
jade lightning * 2 =8
24 burst and that not include spell damage, weapons and 4 mana 7/7 that shamans usully have.
A shaman removal spell that doesn' t involve rng, that is a step in the right direction.
maelstrom was a shaman aoe that ALMOST didn't have rng
Yeah but that RNG merely decides if the card is decent (Elven Archer) or Godly (Flame Imp)), it's decent and reliable at worst, unlike almost all other Shaman removal.
Lightning bolt, lava shock, lava burst, hex, earth shock sometimes.
edit: forgot stormcrack.
As of right now, there are no other jade golem cards you play before turn 4 in shaman. Therefore, this is a 4 mana 1/1 deal 4 damage.
The jade golem reminds me so much of the grimy goons because you're sacrificing tempo the first jade golem card you play. Then the more jade golem cards you play, the stronger each card gets because of it.
Jade claws are actually an incredible jade golem card, even as a 1/1 golem you can kill just about any 2 drop and have half a weapon to spare. Not hard to imagine it being a turn 4 deal 4 and summon a 2-2, which is insane considering it sets up for your other jade cards to be bonkers. Of course this is an ideal world, but just drawing jade claws makes all your other jade cards really good immediately.
(Except for jade spirit, that card is ass)
"can go face so it's broken because Shaman is a class with a lot of burst" what.
Aggro Shaman kinda died with the nerfs, and Midrange Shaman got the lead and doesn't play all those bursts. It wins by playing on curve cards and by overwhelming the opponent with a costant stream of threats (like every Mid deck).
That's exactly what I said. Aggro Shaman is (was) strong because of the great amount of ("cheap") burst damage he has (Lightning Bolt, Rockbiter, Doomhammer, Flametongue Totem, Al'Akir, Lava Burst, Crackle, there are a lot of them, even Windfury can do the trick). Before WoG those kind of cards were the only thing that kept Shaman "alive".
Aggro Shaman still used those cards until the nerfs (and gained some board presence with FWF). The problem with this card is not the fact that "it can go face", it's that it has 2 purposes that both fit the 2 main things that make Mid Shaman strong.
I wasn't saying that it's a bad card or that it's broken, but that people are judging this card in the wrong way only because of the current Shaman hate. I think that it's a great card that can do a great impact in the game if the Jade Golem thing becomes viable.
Mh Aggro Shaman was born with Tunnel Trogg.
The fact is that in Hearthstone you have to play in curve. Tunnel Trogg is a really powerful play on turn 1 and will snowball quickly. That's the reason why Aggro Shaman was born and why Midrange Shaman can have all those powerful starts. Tunnel Trogg made Totem Golem "broken" because it's a great follow-up, in other cases Totem Golem is a good T2 drop, nothing else.
Kharazan also gave Shamans great tools in the form of Spirit Claws and Maelstrom Portal, as they increase the power plays in the first turns and fix tempo (Spirit Claws), and a REALLY good aoe that also makes board (Maelstrom).
Screw Aggro and Midrange Shaman another card for my Control Shaman
I always forget what Shaman cars look like the new sets get leaked..
Well, it looks like Blizzard isn't planning on giving Shaman all the weak cards. Dealing 4 damage plus summoning a 3/3 for 4 mana isn't that bad at all. A 4 damage spell is enough to kill a lot of 4 drops in the game, and the ones it can't kill it can weaken enough for follow up from minions or other spells. The lack of Overload on the spell also makes it even more cost-effective, and anyone who doesn't get rid of the Jade Golem early enough is gonna pay in the end. Overall, I rate somewhere between Very Good and Playable.
Can go face so it can't be useless.
Don't hate me, but I would love if it would also give 1 overload. Would balance it out a little bit imo
If you can get this to be even a 3/3, you've already gotten good value. With the right synergy I can easily see this being a 6/6 or 7/7 in the late game.
Wait a minute... a 7/7 for 4 in Shaman? Now where have I heard that before?
But now no overload and deal 4 damage!