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So... does this see any play in Standard? In Wild, to my experience, it doesn't beat Mistress of Mixtures in Highlander decks.
I play it in a Wild tempo Warrior deck. It's a better tempo/aggro card than Zombie Chow and it also gives a good chance alongside Cornered Sentries that an enemy Big Priest will resurrect nothing but weenies, basically letting you go face for free until they die.
This'll see way more play in Standard, however, once all these busted legendaries rotate out/get HoF'd.
this card as an opener is really good, especially when you can drop a taunt minion like Stonehill Defender in turn 3. and then continue it with Ornery Tortoise is really rock
In arena its better, it basically gives you board control right from the start so u can dictate the trades for whole game if opponent dont have cheap solid answer.
Yeah just played against paladin and hunter with that opener and got crushed and i were playing controlly rogue with a lot of answers. It was pretty bad idea to print this which bunch of 2 mana 2/2's imo
This card is way too damn insane in arena. Good grief....
Edit: Just lost 2 matches in Arena with a 5-0 OP druid deck because both Hunters started off with this little sh*t. Just insane.
Saronite mistress...😍
cant wait tell will get one of the brawls where you can have multiples of cards, and try to lock out my opponents by filling there board with 0/3 taunts
The only benefit this has over Zombie Chow or Mistress of Mixtures is to give you a target to overkill. Aside from that, strictly worse in every commonly seen scenario.
For people who dont see it, this is a better zombie chow, any class that benefit and/or can replicate its effect will be able to quickly create a board pressure for the opponent. In a way its more situational cause more classes benefit from having board compared to having health (hence chow reference) but for any deck that cant buff their board this is pretty scary.
Not quite as good as Zombie Chow or Mistress of Mixtures because it gets in the way of your trading. We'll see how this one pans out.
I'm really scared about this one guys, i hope im wrong tho.
I really like those weird 1-drops, It is amazing to play against "resurrect" decks. I think that this card will work well in wild control decks.
Also it will work with Sea Giants, so maybe we will see return of old style minion flood decks.
ok, one card for oponent.. maybe.
too OP for agro deks
It’s not for aggro, it’s for control decks.
This is a good tech card to play against resurrect priest if that ever becomes a thing again. Other than that, I don't see this as a playable card.
Hm at least 0/3 taunt is not as bad as a random 1 drop, as it was 1 year ago with Gravelsnout Knight, but still hard to say who would want to run this as 0/3 taunt is still not same as healing opponent for 5... decent in Arena though... Zombie Chow was run in deck that didn't expect to SMOrc early... But this guys prevents not only SMOrc but also proper trading...
I'd really hate to leave a 0/3 Taunt up for a Shaman though... Flametongue Totem synergy.
First, there was Zombie Chow. Then, Mistress of Mixtures took our undead friend's place. Now, eight months after we lost our apothecary savior, a new one-drop comes to save the day.