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Such a balanced card in arena.
Democracy in action!
Hard countered by Magma Rager.
"This card will be bad" they said. "Standard will be less cancerous with Naxx and GVG gone" they said.
And then were there so stupid people like me who said that standard will be more cancerous than LoE ever was, since it removes all tools against aggro; man was i wrong... it's actually even worse than my prediction.
As strong as zoo and shaman are now they pale in comparison to secret paladin and combo druid.I would rather play against face shaman all day than a single game with secret paladin.(I play mainly rogue btw XD )
I guess it's not a coincidence that the very first politician card in Hearthstone is released in a expansion focused around corruption.
It would not break my heart if this card was nerfed to oblivion.
3 mana 1/3 whenever you play a minion give it +1 attack
First, this guy looks like Trump. Second, the Flavor Text says DEMOCRACY IN ACTION.
I dunno. This guy might be a little cuter than Trump.
Why shouldn't they? Trump is a great Hearthstone player :V
Is this supposed to be sarcastic?
Yap. I put the emoji to make it clear.
Incidentally, though, there happens to be an actual professional hearthstone player whose username is Trump lol.
Zoo needed a Dr 3 to be viable Kappa
It even BM's your opponent when you slam it on board (see Play sound). In few months people will have PTSD because of this guy :^)
Fucking insanely overpowered. Five health at 3 mana and buffs itself with EVERY summon.
Let me just leave this thing here.
(53 community points too) which is a reddit rank or something.. people don't know how to judge cards lol.
also currently 2.8% dust it, and 12.2% bad and some people changed their votes it was 20% bad before.
The community points is actually based on Hearthpwn's vote results. So everyone who voted here contributed to the 53 CP value it got.