Kresh, Lord of Turtling
Card Text
Frenzy: Gain 8 Armor. Deathrattle: Equip a 2/5 Turtle Spike.
Flavor Text
Never should have flushed him.
Frenzy: Gain 8 Armor. Deathrattle: Equip a 2/5 Turtle Spike.
Never should have flushed him.
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Play it, resummon it withN'Zoth, God of the Deep, get two back with Overlord Saurfang, live the turtle life.
(reality: play it, get hit with devolving missiles.)
The only reason why I'm going to spend my gold on this expansion.
Probably my favorite minion of the expansion, my double N'Zoth warrior will love this card, and synergies with Saurfang will be quite fun.
Lord of Turtling, love it ! Snooze your opponents warrior is back! And remember this is the first rotation, so more tools coming soon (tm)
if only this had taunt
That would be too strong. If something could be better would be the weapon but Kresh still provides good value.
That's a cool card. It affects the game in a whole range of ways, A real Swiss Army Knife-Turtle.
It's not that the card is bad. It's just a bit underwhelming for a legendary.
What a bad brain
It's got value I suppose.
Wish it was 4/2 weapon instead. I mean, this guy is already nice value but the weapon is kinda meh. A good addition to any control warrior that's for sure (specially with both N'Zoths). Gonna add it to my value control wild warrior that already has Armagedillo.
It's 10 free damage on top of a well stated minion that already gives you 8 armor besides. It also has incredible synergy with weapon buffs, of which Warrior has a ton, and when you consider that you get another free weapon if you play N'zoth, it's not hard to see that this card is just straight up amazing.
its a free weapon bundled on a well stated control card, imo its quite good for the *nonexistent* cost
To be fair, current warrior decks have quite a number of weapons already, and warriors usually still have Outrider equipped by turn 6 so you don't want to replace card draws with 2/5, especially if they have drawn current Outrider by Corsair cache or have another Outrider in hand ready to be equipped.
If this weapon has 3/3 or 4/2 it will be better. Now it's too much durability to gain full value and may impede with current better weapon. But still, new meta may change warrior's playstyle to be more aggressive with cards that boost weapons (Upgrade, etc) if they don't really need card draws.
ahem. doctor 6, going to see play in every control warrior deck, very good.
No taunt? The fact its a beast is big. I will try it out with some kind of Nzoth Saurfang control deck
what a bad weapon
I know the no cost weapon in the wall up control deck just trash rather not have a weapon at all,,,,,,,,, *sarcasm*
what a bad comment.