Perdition's Blade
Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. Combo: Deal 2 instead.
Flavor Text
Perdition's Blade is Ragnaros's back-up weapon while Sulfuras is in the shop.
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Very underrated rogue weapon, the tempo gain it can give you is amazing.
Is this card really underrated, or just bad? It's like a weapon SI-7.
It's a little better now that Tomb Pillager makes it easier to Combo. However, it really needs to be a 2/3, (with the same effect), to be worth using. Until then, Assassin's Blade is better, which is a real shame, considering that's a Basic card. Death's Bite is a lot better than Fiery War Axe and Arcanite Reaper. :/
The card has the advantage of bypassing taunt minons something Assassin's Blade can't do and Death's Bite (like all expansion cards) eventually rotated out of standard.
Both of which either have or will rotate out of standard. As an Expert card this will never rotate out of standard and anything that effects battlecries (that is not exclusive to minons) also effects this card.
Little hard to use since most rogues run 2 copies of Si;7 could be better as 2 mana 2/2 and only combo text but 1 damage (i guess 2 damage is little too high for 2 mana cost)
Is the damage random on this card when played? Player I was against used it with 2 health left and killed themselves.
Nah it isn't, some players just use effs like that as a glorified concede
I've done basically that in arena. The way you play it is by dragging it to whatever you want to do damage to. So if you don't think about it and naturally drag weapons on top of your hero to play them, the game assumes you want to deal 2 damage to yourself.
i gues turn five get a 4/4 and a 2/2 weapon...
do you like golden animation?
Keeps shooting my own character....grrr.