Archmage Antonidas
Card Text
Whenever you cast a spell, add a 'Fireball' spell to your hand.
Flavor Text
Antonidas was the Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor, and Jaina's mentor. This was a big step up from being Grand Magus of Jelly Donuts.
Card Sounds
I wish he would be my grandfather
Just dropped him from pack
" Do you require my assistance ?" "Desideratus Fatum!" :)
I have crafted today this card and have to say Archmage Antonidas is very good .
As an active Mage player i love this card , cause i was missing it in my Classic Mage deck. :)
I get that it has a low win rate and pulling off the combo is difficult, but to be fair, this card does have one problem that needs to be adjusted (I'm not digging through comments to see if this was said). Trade Prince Gallywix token Gallywix's Coin doesn't trigger itself, preventing an infinite loop of coins keeping space in the opponents hand.
Further, this card isn't leaving the meta, ever. Even when mage quest and Molten Reflection goes out, this will still be played and a new way to spam will be developed. Would the above scenario make the card trash? Maybe, but with Sorcerer's Apprentice it's possible to get a good chain anyway. For me, this isn't fun to play against, and personally I don't play OTK decks.
This card ruins the game. Here's how to win no matter what your opponent has in his deck: you play freeze cards until you get to 10 mana. Then you play sorcerers apprentice and molten reflection until you're spells cost 0. Then you use the time warp and Archmage Antonidas and you can use infinite fireballs for free to do infinite damage. HOW IS THAT NOT OP???
Okay, instead of spamming down votes, can someone actually answer how that is not OP?
Because the combo deck is slow AF, and if you apply continuous aggression they run out of answers and die before they can draw most of their cards. Especially in this meta, where things like Baku the Mooneater Rogue and Pally are gonna eat you for breakfast. Dunno whether you play Standard or Wild but the quest deck is almost never seen in standard anymore because things like Ice Block and Cabalist's Tome rotated out (there is a questless version but it's not as consistent and dies to aggro anyway). Also in Wild, Dirty Rat says hi.
He can hardly ruin the game if we currently see no play of him. It's that easy.
Anyway, the card generally is well balanced. If you were loosing so often to the deck with Antonidas, it could be becuase of your deck, not his.
My first legendary from the classic set the second being edwin the third being cenarius and fourth being tirion
Nice man :)
Don't nerf his mechanic, but nerf his body. I mean, make it 5/6 or 5/5? Or increase attack and decrease health?
lol cringe babymagemains downrating my comment
tsch i accidentally crafted this card when i were listening the intro sounds i should have crafted the black knight
The only legendary ive crafted in golden version.
I think it's about time this card got a nerf. He has been problematic for so long. So many OTK combos caused by this card.
Archmage Antonidas
Some day i will be just like you!!! x4