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    posted a message on Mechanical Whelp

    Star Aligner

    Posted in: Mechanical Whelp
  • -1

    posted a message on Lab Recruiter

    Maybe good for quest rogue? You can use Lab Recruiter on your second Lab Recruiter and then shadowstep and do it again.

    Posted in: Lab Recruiter
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    posted a message on Omega Agent

    It's a rogue that works for Gul'dan, how hard is that to believe? Maybe she's getting a good pay check.

    Posted in: Omega Agent
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    posted a message on Cloning Device

    I think it should be usable in arena, but really should have been 1 mana.

    Posted in: Cloning Device
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    posted a message on Is Shudderwock dead?
    I love how many people complain about Shudderwock and then queue up with their cancer odd paladin/rogue decks. I used to play hunter, but after trying Shudderwock I'm now in love with control decks.
    If you've never tried it then it's hard to appreciate how difficult it is to pilot. I often have to let the rope burn just because I still need more time to think of the most optimal play. A single mistake such as saving your Volcano for one turn too many, or not saving it and wasting it before your opponent plays something like Level Up! will basically guarantee that you lose the match. With aggro decks, I find I can make a lot of misplays but still win simply by brute force and not because I really deserved to win. 
    It's kind of sad that the meta always favours aggro. I think it would be cool if they added more incentive to play slower decks. For example, maybe have the amount of gold you earn by playing scaled by the amount of time your games last so that you can get gold at the same rate as aggro players. I think it's a little unfair that they are not only the easiest decks to play, but the fastest for gold and ranking up.


    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Shudderwock bad?

    Thanks for the input guys.

    It seems that I had an extreme case of bad luck when I posted this, as well as the fact that I wasn't very experienced with the deck yet. I still lose a lot of match ups, but the deck is much stronger than I gave it credit for. I've been winning at least 70% of my games but I'm still only rank 15 currently as I haven't been playing too much and the matches are quite long.

    Here are some things I've learned that have helped me win a lot more often:

    Don't worry about Grumble, Worldshaker value. You can get a huge amount of value from this card if played at the right time, however you have to weigh the amount of potential value against its intrinsic value. Its body alone gives the opponent a large threat to deal with, especially if they don't have many minions out. While playing as many Saronite Chain Gang as possible is essential, the swing in tempo by slamming a 7/7 on the board (or 8/8 if buffed by Prince Keleseth) after a Volcano can help you stay alive a few more turns and that's exactly what you need for your win condition. Also, don't be afraid to send back Glacial Shard or Lifedrinker for survivability, or even something like Mind Control Tech if your opponent has a lot of threats out.

    Similarly, you will sometimes have to play Shudderwock early. I've won many games without getting my combo off simply by playing it at the right time. It's something you should avoid at all costs but if you try and be too greedy it will sometimes cost you a game that you might have won. The risk is rarely worth it but if you're keeping track of all the battlecries you're playing (which you really should), sometimes knowing exactly what it will trigger can save you or even set up lethal in certain cases.

    There are a lot more things to keep in mind as well. For example, sometimes the only way to win is by letting your opponent develop their board and saving a Volcano and Acolyte of Pain until turn 8. If you're lucky, you might have a buffed Acolyte of Pain for an extra card draw, or a reduced cost on one of the cards from Far Sight which lets you get the combo out much earlier or play an extra card such as Mana Tide Totem after clearing the board. You'll sometimes have to take a lot of damage to pull this off, but if you're not careful with playing Acolyte of Pain it can be easily removed and cost you the game. 

    Hagatha the Witch is also a huge life-saver and can sometimes give you direct answers just by playing mediocre minions such as Mind Control Tech without their effects. This late in the game you have to really prioritize staying alive over getting value out of your minions, especially if you had to play Hagatha the Witch in the first place. Save the board clear for when your opponent is not expecting it, but make sure you keep in mind exactly how easy it is for your opponent to burst you down from cards in their hand. Just a single point of damage can make the difference between life and death.

     Edit: I just managed to beat a face hunter with a deadly board by using Shudderwock early. My only choices were double Far Sight hoping one of the next two cards is a Volcano, or breaking my combo and putting Shudderwock down. I managed to freeze his biggest threats which meant he couldn't kill off all the Shudderwock, so then I used Zola the Gorgon on it next turn and Far Sight into Healing Rain. After the second Shudderwock he was really low on HP, so I managed to just finish him off with minions. It can be a really risky play sometimes, but it really pays off when it works.



    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Shudderwock bad?

    I came back to this game a couple days ago and got a Shudderwock in one of my free packs so I decided to craft the rest of the deck and I must say that I am getting absolutely stomped almost every single game.

    I would consider myself a pretty decent player, I've hit rank 1 more than once but have never grinded all the way to legend. I don't concede until I know for sure that I am beat (obviously), but it feels like any time I see a hunter, druid, rogue or paladin (which is at least 90% of my games) I might as well just auto concede because I have absolutely no chance.

    To make it even more frustrating, these are people that don't know how to play the game a lot of the time. For example, buffing the board before playing new minions, playing savage roar after attacking, trading with my minions even when I'm obviously trying to kill them off on purpose? I can't catch a break, though. The only class I can consistently beat is Shaman (if they are playing the same deck) because I am usually a lot more efficient than they are.

    So I was just wondering if this is normal and other people are experiencing this on ladder. Is this deck even still legend viable? I'm having a hard time even staying in rank 18 and it's just a little depressing. I was really looking forward to playing this deck and now I feel like I wasted a bunch of dust and my time.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Spell Hunter

    This is pretty good but I think it's a mistake to not include Infest, especially since you have Unleash the Hounds in the deck. Personally I would probably take out the Candleshot and either a Cat Trick, Wandering Monster or the Explosive Trap so that you can put in double Infest. It's hard to say which secret to take out since they are all pretty good. In my opinion the Unleash the Hounds + Infest combo is good enough by itself to make it an auto include since you're basically filling your hand with minions that you sorely need.

    Posted in: Spell Hunter
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    posted a message on Rhok'delar

    No offense, but CrysisLink's deck is built much better. Professor Putricide is not in any way worth the deck slot when your main win condition relies heavily on utilizing Rhok'delar and To My Side!. For some reason you didn't even include the latter in the deck.. which I have no idea why. You also need Tracking in the deck. It's essential for this kind of a deck because you don't have any minions which means you absolutely need to search for specific answers.

    I agree as well that Flanking Strike is an absolute must because it does exactly what the deck is supposed to try to do: control the board without any minions in the deck. Not only are you summoning a 3/3, which isn't even that bad, but you're also potentially killing off one of your opponent's minions. You also missed Call of the Wild which is very valuable, I mean it doesn't only summon three minions but you know exactly which ones you're getting and they synergize extremely well with hunter spells (which is what this deck is filled of) because they are all beasts.

    I don't think this kind of archetype is viable but I did forget about Deathstalker Rexxar. I can definitely see this working, but it just doesn't have all the tools it needs yet. In wild, on the other hand, you have Lock and Load, so who knows what kind of magic could happen there.

    Posted in: Rhok'delar
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    posted a message on Gemstudded Golem

    Great card. Even great in arena since you don't even really need to attack with it.

    Posted in: Gemstudded Golem
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    posted a message on Temporus

    I think this card would be a lot cooler if it read: 

    Battlecry: Your opponent takes two turns. Deathrattle: You take two turns.

    Especially considering the new recruit mechanic and Dragonhatcher it just makes more sense. I think it would need to have more of a downside though if you consider cards like Carnivorous Cube and N'Zoth, the Corruptor that effect would probably be too strong. But if they sorted out the balance issues at least it would be something you could build a deck around instead of being a pure meme card.

    Posted in: Temporus
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    posted a message on Psionic Probe

    More insane priest cards!

    Posted in: Psionic Probe
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    posted a message on Rhok'delar

    How are you gonna win as a hunter with no minions?

    Posted in: Rhok'delar
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    posted a message on Dragonhatcher

    "Surprise dragon" could be a pretty cool meme strat. You put Nozdormu in your deck and a few other value dragons (like Deathwing) and burn rope every single turn, only ending your turn at the last possible second. Then, when it's your turn 9 and your opponent has left to make a cup of tea, drop either this or Nozdormu as soon as the rope starts and end your turn immediately. Chances are you will get at least one free turn out of that, if not two. 

    Posted in: Dragonhatcher
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    posted a message on Dragonhatcher

    You spelled "meme" wrong.

    Posted in: Dragonhatcher
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