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    posted a message on New Card - Spiked Hogrider

    This card can be compared to an Argent Commander. If you think about it, most times Spiked Hogrider trades it will end up as something similar to a 4/2, it will be a 5/2, 5/3, 5/1, etc. So having 1 more reach is big, and costing 1 less mana is also big. Argent Commander isn't a bad card either, it used to be a staple when only classic cards were competing for deck space, and also because it countered the even more ever-present Azure Drake's that were in the classic meta even more than now.


    So this card seems playable. It's comparable to an Argent Commander, and that card was playable in constructed, but with Thing from Below it's really not any good now. Although this is a 5 mana removal for Thing From Below, which is pretty crappy. And there are so many 6 HP+ Taunt minions that this card seems really lackluster. I would say this card fits squarely in bad, but maybe when Thing from Below rotates out and this remains in, then it would be good, but so many 6 HP+ taunt minions exist... So i'd say ths card will always be bad. The Black Knight is the proper tech choice for taunt as it doesn't lose HP and it kills all the taunt minions with more than 5 HP. I have a feeling that this card was printed to counter all the Sledge Belchers in Wild. So oddly enough, it may actually be meta defining for Wild!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Spirit Claws

    This card seems to be doing very good in mid-range shaman. Their mid-range archetype is much less clunky and slow by replacing Argent Squire with spirit claws. Also worth noting, is that these work very well with Azure Drake. You'll easily still have a charge left by turn 5. Simply play Azure Drake and now he's a 4/4 Fire Elemental that draws you a card and only costs 1 less mana. Enjoy your turn 5 tempo swing and likely win against other mid-range/tempo decks (which is most of ladder).

    Posted in: Spirit Claws
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    posted a message on Silvermoon Portal

    1 year. This card is garbage compared to Keeper of Uldaman.

    Posted in: Silvermoon Portal
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    posted a message on Babbling Book

    Novice Engineer exists to cycle. Not gain cards to your hand.

    Posted in: Babbling Book
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    posted a message on Babbling Book

    Try pointing this out and get down votes. The Hype is real. I tried to point out that Cabalist's Tome would be too crappy in control mage pre WoTG, and people thought I was crazy. Where's control mage in the meta?? I like Cabalist's Tome  personally though, I just dared to go against the hype (and was right) and I see this same thing happening with this adventure. Most all of these cards are bad, but that's a good thing (less power creep).

    Posted in: Babbling Book
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    posted a message on Greed / Value [S26 Legend]

    I recently took this list to legend with a very high winrate as well. Thanks for posting. I had to make 2 changes at rank 2 to adapt to the faster meta at that rank:


    -1x Master of Evolution

    -1x Azure Drake

    +1x Argent Squire

    +1x Flame Juggler


    No other changes made.

    Posted in: Greed / Value [S26 Legend]
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    posted a message on Infest

    Well I like this card. I play it with On the Hunt and Unleash the Hounds. It's really good value when it gets 3+ minions. It tends to refill my hand around turn 6-7, right before I play Call of the Wild

    Posted in: Infest
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    posted a message on Twilight Flamecaller


    Posted in: Twilight Flamecaller
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    posted a message on Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

    I crafted the gold version, just for fun to put it into a control shaman deck. Since they are the heaviest spell based control class (Mage has more expensive spells so its harder to stablize without some taunts/minions/tempo). Deck ended up being great on ladder! Then I also started to see Yogg come up in a lot of other controling decks such as Ramp druid, Maly-rouge, stall priest. Turned out to be an excellent craft.

    Posted in: Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
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    posted a message on Hallazeal the Ascended

    So I crafted this card and included it in my control shaman. I originally thought it was lackluster. But the Elemental Destruction combo is just so game winning versus zoo and aggro paladin. Those 2 classes are pretty much the meta right now, so when Hallazeal the Ascended comes out, it just devstates them. They usually are trying to do their big 20+ damage combo around turn 7. I remove enough or heal enough to prevent lethal. This causes them to just go all in anyway bringing me to about 5 HP. I then smack down the above mentioned card combo and heal all the way back to 30. And I have a 4/3 or 4//2 body that they then have to spend what little resources they have to remove. It's suddenly a downhill game for zoo/aggro pally once this happens. If I pull of the combo, I just don't think they can win. I think this card is meta defining since it counters aggro/zoo much in teh same way that reno counters face decks. But reno has a major drawback ((decks with 1 ofs are really ineffecient), however, hallazeal-the-ascended card has no such strong drawback and can heal you to full.

    Posted in: Hallazeal the Ascended
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