• 9

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.11 - Submission Topic

    "You could say, he was killed because a science experiment gone WILD."

    So Deathrattle Rouge is losing Unearthed Raptor, a card despite being good, didn't see the play it truly deserved. So this is what I came up with.

    A 3/4 that shuffles another 3/4 in your deck is overpowered at glance, but the problem is that you're adding another card in your deck, which in turn makes it harder for you to draw needed answers like Backstab or N'Zoth, the Corruptor, despite making you stay ahead of fatigue by one card. But the card you get is of course a perfect Deathrattle synergy for use on other Deathrattle cards such as Jade Swarmer, Xaril, Poisoned Mind, Bomb Squad etc.

    A question I was given in the discussion post was if adding a wild card in standard could be a problem, because of the fact that Unearthed Raptor is a part of LOE and Rabid Raptor is a part of Un'Goro. My answer for that is no, it's not a problem, because of the fact that Ball of Spiders was a TGT card, but it could summon Webspinner, despite it being a Naxxramas card. But that did not mean that you couldn't get the tokens when you played the spell in a Standard match.

    TL;DR Pros/Cons in Spoiler!

    Pros: A card perfect for Deathrattle Rouge, balanced, one step from fatigue after Deathrattle has triggered.

    Cons: Drawing for answers is harder than usual because of the Deathrattle, Unearthed Raptor is only useful if Battlecry is triggered.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.11 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from LookingForOwls >>
    Quote from HitSlender >>
    @LookingForOwls The closest thing you can compare the card to is Call in the Finishers. Since this is going to be a Beast-filled expansion, Beast Shaman could be a complete new deck archetype that might be coming. 
     True, and I have no problem with the card itself, but Call in the Finishers always calls in 4, and costs less. Plus you are probbaly playing a deck that can buff your murloc's health. While beast cards don't have as much global buff synergy
    Again, who knows. Maybe Team 5 decided to make a Everyfin is Awesome for beasts. (Like if that will ever happen.)  
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.11 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from LookingForOwls >>
    Quote from XBAT_EU >>

    Secont take in form of Shaman Spell and Token:

     You might want to tweak the mana cost a bit. Why would I pay 5 mana when I have a 33% chance to just get 2 2/1s? Even on the high end, 5 mana for 4 2/1s isnt any thing special really, especially with that one health being a whirlwind away from being useless 
     Now when I think about it, the card has 2 problems, RNG/Cost and Cosmetic. The RNG should first be removed to only summon 4 always (or reduce the spell cost by 1), and the spell must have the Un'Goro watermark. Otherwise, it would be a good card to submit.
    @LookingForOwls The closest thing you can compare the card to is Call in the Finishers. Since this is going to be a Beast-filled expansion, Beast Shaman could be a complete new deck archetype that might be coming. 
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.11 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from XBAT_EU >>

    Secont take in form of Shaman Spell and Token:

    Now this is more like it. Well done! 
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.11 - Discussion Topic

    Bumping this.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.10 - Submission Topic

    "Such balanced. Much wow. Pretty good. Woof."

    A card that focuses on buffing minions next to it, similar to its cousin Dire Wolf Alpha , but gives a permanent effect after it's petted inspired! It's a good choice for decks that use their hero power a lot, while playing a lot of minions at the same time, like Paladin.

    Pros/Cons in spoiler!

    Pros: Great for control or aggro, permanent buffs once petted inspired, Immunity against Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death .

    Cons: Small tempo loss, requires a board with minions for effect.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.09 - FINAL POLL!

    There were tons of cards that didn't make it, despite being pretty good. So I made a list for some honorable mentions:

    Wyrmrest Knight: The most voted card in this competition gets a lower placement than my card? WTF? The effect itself is just like Dragon Consort , but unlike the said card, it has a chance to not only backfire, but it also gives you a weak body for a 5-drop. As well as that the cost reduction is given to your Dragon who has been revealed during the Joust (and has also won it). Despite that, it has lots of flavor.

    Holy Serpent: Also a very good contender. Gives you a 1-drop that come back again and again and again.... But still, it would be placed in your hand, meaning that you would be able to activate the Dragon Synergies very easy, without playing greedy.

    Menagerie Cook: Very good flavor, giving a beast in your hand so that you could restore the cost to a friendly Dragon. Also had decent stats to repay it's good Battlecry.

    Nozdurmo's Hour: A secret that makes your friendly Dragon attacked into Nozdurmo? That also later destroys itself? Good, and lots of flavor!

    Dragon Knight: Also a very nice card that would promote Control play. Love it!

    Snappy: Currently my second card created. Surprised it actually did well! (Top 20!)

    That's it I guess. Maybe missed some cards. Might come back and add some other mentions.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on test

    It's official. It's the second most upvoted deck of all time on this site.

    Congrats! I wish I could create a cool combo deck like that!

    Posted in: test
  • 21

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.09 - Submission Topic

    “Rumor says that this whelp got his name after successfully eating an eye of Patches the Pirate. Gross.”

    One problem that Dragon Paladin can face (or every dragon deck in general) is that moment where you have dragon synergy cards (If you’re holding a Dragon, do X), but with no Dragon in hand, or making greedy moves by not playing good cards such as Azure Drake, so they can use it for the dragon synergy. So this is what I came up with.

    Despite being similar to Argent Squire, the main power is in it’s effect and being a Dragon, meaning that once you play a Twilight Drake for example, you draw this out of your deck and can choose to either play it this/next turn (depending on your mana), or keep it and gain value for dragon synergy cards such as Blackwing Technician. However, the bad part is that you have to give up a card slot in your deck and your hand to get this value.

    That being said, it’s not just for Dragon Paladin, because Handbuff Paladins that run Faerie Dragon can use this as a third Argent Squire (they usually have 2 copies of them in each deck).

    TL;DR Pros/cons in the spoiler.

    Pros: Great for Dragon Paladin, extremely useful for Dragon synergies. Also good with Handbuff Paladin as a third Argent Squire.

    Cons: Weak stats in general, -1 card slot in deck and after the effect triggers, -1 card in hand if using it to activate  Dragon synergies.


    Edit: Changed wording.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.08 - Submission Topic

    Last Stand

    "Buckle up boys, winter is coming."

    A card for warriors to use to get back on track. Gives a good chunk of armor, but twice as much if its requirements are met. Pros/Cons in the spoiler.

    Pros: Greater Healing Potion for your hero, but still gives synergy to Mortal Strike or Revenge. Great for control, especially with Shield Slam.

    Cons: Only useful if you are actually at 12 or less health.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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