Ended up with two legendaries Unite the Murlocs & Blood-Queen Lana'thel I'm not to disappointed though cause I already had the stuff I wanted for both those sets so I'll gladly take things for silly decks in the future. Ended up with about 1400 dust as well.
I got 2 Legendaries and a bunch of epics from my Mammoth Bundle. Lilian Voss and Kathrena Winterwisp. I'll probably dust Lilian (not a big Rogue player at all) but keep Kathrena. Highlights of my epics were that I got my second Meteor and a golden Voidlord which was nice as I pretty much only play Warlock right now :).
Only one legendary unfortunately, Uther of the Ebon Blade, but a golden Bonemare, 6 epics (one Corridor Creeper) and 3 golden rares plus an additional 1435 dust. Not the best, certainly not the worst given that the Creeper and the Bonemare was worth 800 dust on their own in addition to the 1435.
Master Oakheart in my first Kobolds pack. I was down to 5 on my pity timer, though. I'm at a fresh 40 on Un'Goro and KOTFT, so I'm not expecting much there. But hey, maybe I'll get lucky!
And ooh, a double epic pack! Two that I didn't have (To my Side and Level Up!), to boot. Things are going well so far. In all, I came away from Kobolds with a legendary, 4 epics, and 10 rares. Solid.
Welp, my Frozen Throne and Un'Goro luck balanced that out. 20 packs, 4 epics, one golden common. Might as well have just given me the dust and cut out the middle man.
Creating this thread to share Mammoth Bundle Pack openings. Good luck to anyone who buys the bundle - I know I am!
i got uther and twig of the world tree, im pretty happy with that outcome, im main druid rogue and priest
Kek, I'm jelly, I will show you my loot, when It comes live in 'Urope
it is live in europe
I got 4 Legendaries: The Runespear Spiritsinger Umbra Prince Keleseth The Marsh Queen
a couple of epics, rares and commons and 1400dust. I am quite happy with the result
Ended up with two legendaries Unite the Murlocs & Blood-Queen Lana'thel I'm not to disappointed though cause I already had the stuff I wanted for both those sets so I'll gladly take things for silly decks in the future. Ended up with about 1400 dust as well.
I’m on mobile so I’m waiting as well
I got 2 Legendaries and a bunch of epics from my Mammoth Bundle. Lilian Voss and Kathrena Winterwisp. I'll probably dust Lilian (not a big Rogue player at all) but keep Kathrena. Highlights of my epics were that I got my second Meteor and a golden Voidlord which was nice as I pretty much only play Warlock right now :).
3x Legendary
5x Epic
5x Golden Rare
6 Legendaries
1 Golden Legendary
Wow that Mammoth Bundle was worth.
I got Deathstalker Rexxar and The Darkness
2 Legendaries in 30 packs is pretty bad, but I also got 3-4 golden Epics so that was kinda satisfying :D
Actually pretty lucrative honestly... I mean there was 1195 dust in total, but I got 3 legendaries...
Lilian Voss, Scourgelord Garrosh, and Spiritsinger Umbra
Say what you will, nobody ever expects Quest Shaman. xD
Pyros on my last ungoro pack
And a little more then 2k dust
Only one legendary unfortunately, Uther of the Ebon Blade, but a golden Bonemare, 6 epics (one Corridor Creeper) and 3 golden rares plus an additional 1435 dust. Not the best, certainly not the worst given that the Creeper and the Bonemare was worth 800 dust on their own in addition to the 1435.
Nothing special...
A few Creepers and other epics so now I'm sitting on 3995 dust
Personal Update: Meh - not as good of luck as others here but still a good deal.
6 Epics
3 Golden Rares
1425 Dust.
Master Oakheart in my first Kobolds pack. I was down to 5 on my pity timer, though. I'm at a fresh 40 on Un'Goro and KOTFT, so I'm not expecting much there. But hey, maybe I'll get lucky!
And ooh, a double epic pack! Two that I didn't have (To my Side and Level Up!), to boot. Things are going well so far. In all, I came away from Kobolds with a legendary, 4 epics, and 10 rares. Solid.
Welp, my Frozen Throne and Un'Goro luck balanced that out. 20 packs, 4 epics, one golden common. Might as well have just given me the dust and cut out the middle man.
2 legendaries and 2 golden epics and i dont know maybe 3 epics or 4
1 legendary; that's it really. The rest was just duplicates. On the bright side I did get 1.7k worth of dust.