Can't underrate 0 mana card. Tempo wise it is very strong on some weak body/high mana minion like Corridor Creeper or Fungalmancer or the like. Question is - is it slot worthy?
This makes some of the more situational high cost drops a little better for Shaman. For example, Giggling Inventor turns into a real 7 drop after you evolve her and it happens on the turn that is played. I don't think this will be underestimated but the question is... will this be good enough in a deck?
The fact you can create the 7-drop “on curve” because this is zero mana is what gives this potential; your opponent won’t have a chance to respond and kill the understated minion.
0 cost spell, migth not be as good stand alone, but again, 0 mana spell, game breaking potential. If there is any good combo for shaman this is a way to draw it.
The differenece between 1 mana and 0 mana is huge actually this can be freely played it's less good than evolve, sure... but this makes so many cards much more playable, it's a big tempo card... for exmaple this + electra= a 5 drop (mostly a 5/5) which is a good tempo play don't underestimate this card.
LMAO at the people that voted meta-defining or very good. Very weak card that is not worth a deck spot. Master of evolution was way better than this and never saw much play.
The differenece between 1 mana and 0 mana is huge actually this can be freely played it's less good than evolve, sure... but this makes so many cards much more playable, it's a big tempo card... for exmaple this + electra= a 5 drop (mostly a 5/5) which is a good tempo play don't underestimate this card.
Yeah use this on Electra and get a 1/1 former champ, so powerful
Too much RNG and you can use it only once. I doubt it will see play. And it will be bad to get from other sources as well. Dilutes the card pool :(
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“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
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Doesn't really do much for me.
Miracle Shaman? Can't see any other place for it.
My fanmade expansion! (Click on pack to open packs with my cards)
0 cost spells tend to be good, but I think shaman cannot pull it off.
Can't underrate 0 mana card. Tempo wise it is very strong on some weak body/high mana minion like Corridor Creeper or Fungalmancer or the like. Question is - is it slot worthy?
Oh boy, Hagatha the Witch approves.
This makes some of the more situational high cost drops a little better for Shaman. For example, Giggling Inventor turns into a real 7 drop after you evolve her and it happens on the turn that is played. I don't think this will be underestimated but the question is... will this be good enough in a deck?
Not to include in a deck. Only good value from Hagatha.
The fact you can create the 7-drop “on curve” because this is zero mana is what gives this potential; your opponent won’t have a chance to respond and kill the understated minion.
no worth the card in the class with the worst card draw.
0 cost spell, migth not be as good stand alone, but again, 0 mana spell, game breaking potential. If there is any good combo for shaman this is a way to draw it.
Zilliax aproves it.
The differenece between 1 mana and 0 mana is huge actually this can be freely played it's less good than evolve, sure... but this makes so many cards much more playable, it's a big tempo card... for exmaple this + electra= a 5 drop (mostly a 5/5) which is a good tempo play don't underestimate this card.
Zentimo approves
why cant this effect die already.
Not realy worth running, great from Hagatha Hero Card
Definitely flexible but way better when generated by other cards rather than putting it in a deck.
LMAO at the people that voted meta-defining or very good. Very weak card that is not worth a deck spot. Master of evolution was way better than this and never saw much play.
"Hey Pal, Trade Prince Gallywix here!"
All Classes Golden - 11/5/2016
Yeah use this on Electra and get a 1/1 former champ, so powerful
"Hey Pal, Trade Prince Gallywix here!"
All Classes Golden - 11/5/2016
Oh yeah you're right! He makes this card good!
Too much RNG and you can use it only once. I doubt it will see play. And it will be bad to get from other sources as well. Dilutes the card pool :(
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);