You don't care about burning 5 cards in your deck against aggro or midrange. You care about that only against combo and control. So this is a 6 mana 8/8 against aggro and midrange. So yeah many will play uncorrupted version.
Combo priest got to be the strongest deck in the game atm, so idk what you talking about. Multiple top 5 legends with it already. One of the best winrates according to HSReplay and you need to consider that the deck is very skill intensive, so that automatically lowers the winrate of the deck by people who are bad at playing it.
I don't even know why is it called combo priest in the first place. Combos usually kills you the turn they are performed. And I don't see really anything special with that, I faced two at rank 5 (first and only priests met) and they both conceded due the impossibility of gaining the board back. Happy it's a thing then, easy wins.
IDK about easy wins, i guess it depends on your opponent. This is on rank 1/legend. Deck is definitely a thing.
Combo priest got to be the strongest deck in the game atm, so idk what you talking about. Multiple top 5 legends with it already. One of the best winrates according to HSReplay and you need to consider that the deck is very skill intensive, so that automatically lowers the winrate of the deck by people who are bad at playing it.
Don't want to sound like a snob, but it is garbage tbh, I expected more, Un'Goro and Witchwood was much better, this one already feels boring. Meeting same kind of 4-5 decks and thats all. Not much experimentation going on and there is not much room for it anyway.
You've been here since 2015. 4 years you've been doing this and you have nothing better to do than to comment on how you don't like playing or you're bored.
So tell us what deck you're playing. Bomb Warrior?
You're signature hasn't been updated since January, are you just showing off your originality in deck building skills?
You dumb or what? I came here to answer the thread question. Are you coming to the forums to provoke people and leave your stupid chit here?
Did not play a game of bomb warrior, experimenting with secret paladin, aggro overload shaman and combo dragon priest. Happy?
I'll update my signature when I reach high legend with original deck I created. Until then I'll keep this one, cause I am proud of it.
Don't want to sound like a snob, but it is garbage tbh, I expected more, Un'Goro and Witchwood was much better, this one already feels boring. Meeting same kind of 4-5 decks and thats all. Not much experimentation going on and there is not much room for it anyway.
Meta has to one of the most boring ones since any year rotation before. You meet like 4-5 same decks already, almost no experimentation and no room for it. Most decks feel like garbage, like there is something missing in all of them. It was just a couple of days and I am already getting bored.
Do people think Hench-Clan Hogsteed is bad? I have put that card in about 50% of all my theorycrafts at least.
Most people think it is just "Playable" here and on Hearthstone Top Decks it has only 3.0 out of 5.0 rating. Card is very underrated, reminds me of Argent Horserider.
Secret Paladin perfectly existed in the form of midrange deck before, without Divine Favor. All you do is make the curve more late game oriented and use less cheaper cards so you don't run out of steam fast. Besides that the meta will be quite aggressive and you don't really need Divine Favor or card draw in general when fighting aggressive decks.
Aggro Overload Shaman (not murloc, murloc will be garbage)
Myracle Rogue
Midrange Hunter
Token/Treant druid
Silence Inner Fire Priest
Demon Zoolock
So yeah expect a pretty aggressive meta. Secret paladin and Rush Warrior should be the best decks in such meta because of very strong early tempo, will destroy all other aggressive decks.
Murloc shaman will probably be close to the power of even shaman in wild with all the new murlocs shaman got. But if people start teching hungry crab, guess it's back to even shaman ;)
Nah, don't even think about murloc shaman, gonna be garbage. All those murlocs are some kind of stupid control murlocs. there is not enough support.
The only decent shaman decks I see is aggro overload shaman, big shaman and maybe Malygos Shaman with Spirit of the Frog engine, since all the armor gain will be pretty much gone now, 30 damage otk will be viable enough.
You don't care about burning 5 cards in your deck against aggro or midrange. You care about that only against combo and control. So this is a 6 mana 8/8 against aggro and midrange. So yeah many will play uncorrupted version.
Lorekeeper Polkelt + The Dark Portal = 4 mana Malygos or Alexstrasza
IDK about easy wins, i guess it depends on your opponent. This is on rank 1/legend. Deck is definitely a thing.
Combo priest got to be the strongest deck in the game atm, so idk what you talking about. Multiple top 5 legends with it already. One of the best winrates according to HSReplay and you need to consider that the deck is very skill intensive, so that automatically lowers the winrate of the deck by people who are bad at playing it.
You dumb or what? I came here to answer the thread question. Are you coming to the forums to provoke people and leave your stupid chit here?
Did not play a game of bomb warrior, experimenting with secret paladin, aggro overload shaman and combo dragon priest. Happy?
I'll update my signature when I reach high legend with original deck I created. Until then I'll keep this one, cause I am proud of it.
Don't want to sound like a snob, but it is garbage tbh, I expected more, Un'Goro and Witchwood was much better, this one already feels boring. Meeting same kind of 4-5 decks and thats all. Not much experimentation going on and there is not much room for it anyway.
Meta has to one of the most boring ones since any year rotation before. You meet like 4-5 same decks already, almost no experimentation and no room for it. Most decks feel like garbage, like there is something missing in all of them. It was just a couple of days and I am already getting bored.
Most people think it is just "Playable" here and on Hearthstone Top Decks it has only 3.0 out of 5.0 rating. Card is very underrated, reminds me of Argent Horserider.
Just gonna name underrated cards, because apart from Hecklebot I can't find any other card that is overrated.
So underrated:
Hench-Clan Hogsteed
Hench-Clan Hag
Hench-Clan Shadequill
Vereesa Windrunner
Unleash the Beast
Secret Paladin perfectly existed in the form of midrange deck before, without Divine Favor. All you do is make the curve more late game oriented and use less cheaper cards so you don't run out of steam fast. Besides that the meta will be quite aggressive and you don't really need Divine Favor or card draw in general when fighting aggressive decks.
However I personally will use Countess Ashmore package for refilling in the late game. The package will probably consist of Tirion Fordring, Cairne Bloodhoof, Zilliax and for rush probably Hench-Clan Hogsteed, which I believe is a very underrated card, it is quite similar to Argent Horserider.
Secret Paladin
Rush Warrior
Aggro Overload Shaman (not murloc, murloc will be garbage)
Myracle Rogue
Midrange Hunter
Token/Treant druid
Silence Inner Fire Priest
Demon Zoolock
So yeah expect a pretty aggressive meta. Secret paladin and Rush Warrior should be the best decks in such meta because of very strong early tempo, will destroy all other aggressive decks.
Nah, don't even think about murloc shaman, gonna be garbage. All those murlocs are some kind of stupid control murlocs. there is not enough support.
The only decent shaman decks I see is aggro overload shaman, big shaman and maybe Malygos Shaman with Spirit of the Frog engine, since all the armor gain will be pretty much gone now, 30 damage otk will be viable enough.
The only question I have: Where the hell are the dragons? More like year of the murloc.
More like Abomination of the set, pun intended.
This is a very strong card in silence priest and handlock.