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[Rank 5] F2P Extreme Budget Zoo Warlock

  • Last updated Nov 7, 2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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  • 28 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Zoolock
  • Crafting Cost: 1640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/6/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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Please post any questions and suggestions in the comments.   Don't forget to upvote if you like it! Enjoy the deck   : )

I posted this deck because Zoo is growing in popularity and are seeing play at even higher levels of play.

Many of the cards in this deck are replaceable, don't worry if you are new to the game and do not have all the cards.

Possible improvements to the deck(if you happen to have these,PLEASE make sure you include them, they SIGNIFICANTLY improve the deck): Patches the PiratePrince KelesethBloodreaver Gul'dan, 2x Southsea Captain

30+ upvotes for short guide 

50+ upvotes for extensive guide

Update: 25/10/2017:

Thank you guys for the huge support!!! We have made it to the hearthpwn warlock frontpage!

Changes made to the deck: 

- 2x Bloodsail Corsair ( if you have patches and the Southsea Captain, do NOT remove them, this deck is for F2P players!),

-2xSaronite Chain Gang

+2x Golakka Crawler, +2x Defender of Argus

Reasons for these changes: the bloodsail corsairs have been taken out because if you do not have the entire pirate package, i.e. patches, Southsea Captains etc. , it does not have much synergies with the deck, weapon decks are not very popular right now so they are quite useless. Golakka Crawler can counter the pirates (especially Southsea Captain in rogue deck), even if you are not playing against a pirate deck, it is still a solid 2 mana 2/3 that could be played straight away.

Saronite Chain Gang has been taken out as it doesnt synergise much with the deck, Defender of Argus could potentially give you value trades and offer you life saving taunts that could help you against other aggro decks.

Update: 16/10/2017:

Hi guys, first of all, I would like to thank everyone for the upvotes and support to this deck, I hugely appreciate it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

As promised, here's the short guide that I promised at 30 upvotes.

Matchup tips and tricks:

Druid: Even matchup - Currently in the meta, there are two main types of druids: jade and aggro-token druid. For jade druid you want to dominate the board early and constantly pressure your opponent, you can mulligan for 1 drops and dump your hand straight away. For token druid you want to value trade into their minions and keep yours alive, make sure they do not buff a lot of minions, to end the game you can overwhelm them with your minion or trade your small minions into their Bittertide Hydra(which I enjoy a lot).

Hunter: Favoured- Keep on the early board pressure, make sure you kill their beasts so that they cant buff them! You will have enough control to gain an advantage and end the game. 

Mage: Favoured- There's not a lot of mages in this meta, but most of them, e.g. secret mage can be beaten easily as they do not have much AOE spells. If you are playing against a control mage, make sure you play around Flamestrike(i.e., don't keep too many minions with 4 or less health by turn 6) 

Paladin: Favoured- Again, there's not a lot of paladins in this meta, this should be easy as long as you watch out for Consecration which could potentially clear your board. The rest should be easy as they do not have a lot of board-clearing capabilities. Also, watch out for their Spikeridged Steed as this could make you trade in all your minions, make sure you keep your Spellbreaker to counter this.

Priest : Less favoured- The majority of the priests in the meta are those Razakus priests, they can be quite annoying to deal with as they vary in many different ways, to win these matches, you need to make sure you seize early game control and minimising their card draw from theirNorthshire Cleric, this may starve them out of resources. Also, play around Dragonfire Potion and Holy Nova if you can, they can be devastating to your board. Occasionally there will be a few annoying Big priests around, they will be extremely difficult to beat, but you can always pressure them early on and end the game before they pile on the big drops.

Rogue- Less favoured- Tempo rogues (Prince Keleseth rogues) can be a big problem with this deck. To win against them, you must fight for early game control. ALWAYS clear their board to prevent them buffing their minions with Bonemare and Cold Blood etc. If they double Prince Keleseth on turn 1 or 2, it's pretty much an impossible matchup for you. Despite this, other types of rogues such as miracle rogues are very easy to beat.

Shaman: Favoured- Token shaman is the biggest shaman archetype right now, beating them can be quite easy as most of them only run Maelstrom Portal as their only AOE spell, this means you can safely build a big board and pressure them from early on.

Warrior: Favoured- this deck can outpace even pirate warrior since the nerf of Firey War Axe, this makes them an easy matchup. For control warriors, you can try to deal a lot of damage before turn 5 (when they use Brawl) and then depend on topdecks such as Doomguard and Soulfire to finish the game.