Warlock Deckbuilder
Arena Deck
My Collection
Deck Stats (Click below to filter your deck list.)
- Minion: 0
- Spells: 0
- Weapons: 0
- Locations: 0
- Battlecry 0
- Stealth 0
- Charge 0
- Combo 0
- Deathrattle 0
- Divine Shield 0
- Enrage 0
- Freeze 0
- Overload 0
- Secret 0
- Silence 0
- Spell Damage 0
- Summon 0
- Windfury 0
- Taunt 0
- Immune 0
- Inspire 0
- Joust 0
- Discover 0
- Adapt 0
- Lifesteal 0
- Recruit 0
- Echo 0
- Rush 0
- Poisonous 0
- Magnetic 0
- Overkill 0
- Lackey 0
- Twinspell 0
- Reborn 0
- Invoke 0
- Sidequest 0
- Outcast 0
- Dormant 0
- Spellburst 0
- Studies 0
- Corrupt 0
- Frenzy 0
- Questline 0
- Tradeable 0
- HonorableKill 0
- Dredge 0
- Colossal 0
- Infuse 0
- Manathirst 0
- Corpses 0
- Finale 0
- Overheal 0
- Forge 0
- Titan 0
- Quickdraw 0
- Excavate 0
- Elusive 0
- Miniaturize 0
- Gigantify 0
- Tourist 0
- Temporary 0
- Starship 0
Warlock Deck
0/30 Cards
Sideboard Toggle:
Name | Cost |
Ancient Totem |
0 |
Healthstone |
0 |
Snowflipper Penguin |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 |
0 |
Abusive Sergeant |
1 |
Acupuncture |
1 |
Adaptive Amalgam |
1 |
Air Guitarist |
1 |
Annoying Fan |
1 |
Armor Vendor |
1 |
Astral Vigilant |
1 |
Beaming Sidekick |
1 |
Brain Masseuse |
1 |
Catch of the Day |
1 |
Chaotic Consumption |
1 |
Chaotic Tendril |
1 |
Corridor Sleeper |
1 |
Crowd Surfer |
1 |
Cup o' Muscle |
1 |
Curse of Flesh |
1 |
Demonic Studies |
1 |
Divine Brew |
1 |
Drone Deconstructor |
1 |
Elven Archer |
1 |
Felstring Harp |
1 |
Fire Fly |
1 |
Flame Imp |
1 |
Fracking |
1 |
Frequency Oscillator |
1 |
Giftwrapped Whelp |
1 |
Glacial Shard |
1 |
Go with the Flow |
1 |
Gul'dan's Gift |
1 |
Lifesaving Aura |
1 |
Mass Production |
1 |
Miracle Salesman |
1 |
Monstrous Form |
1 |
Mortal Coil |
1 |
Murloc Tidecaller |
1 |
Murmy |
1 |
Nightshade Tea |
1 |
Patches the Pilot |
1 |
Recursive Module |
1 |
Scarab Keychain |
1 |
Seabreeze Chalice |
1 |
Smokestack |
1 |
Soulfreeze |
1 |
Southsea Deckhand |
1 |
Space Pirate |
1 |
Spirit Bomb |
1 |
Starlight Wanderer |
1 |
Tar Slime |
1 |
Tram Mechanic |
1 |
Treasure Distributor |
1 |
Vicious Slitherspear |
1 |
Victorious Vrykul |
1 |
Void Virtuoso |
1 |
Voidwalker |
1 |
Voodoo Doctor |
1 |
Worgen Infiltrator |
1 |
Abduction Ray |
2 |
Adrenaline Fiend |
2 |
Announce Darkness |
2 |
Annoy-o-Tron |
2 |
Astrobiologist |
2 |
Audio Amplifier |
2 |
Audio Medic |
2 |
Baritone Imp |
2 |
Birdwatching |
2 |
Bloodbound Imp |
2 |
Bloodmage Thalnos |
2 |
Bloodsail Raider |
2 |
Bloodsail Recruiter |
2 |
Braingill |
2 |
Brittlebone Buccaneer |
2 |
Bunny Stomper |
2 |
Busy Peon |
2 |
Busy-Bot |
2 |
Cactus Rager |
2 |
Coconut Cannoneer |
2 |
Corpsicle |
2 |
Crazed Alchemist |
2 |
Crystal Welder |
2 |
Cult Neophyte |
2 |
Cursed Souvenir |
2 |
Deadline |
2 |
Defile |
2 |
Demonic Deal |
2 |
Demonic Dynamics |
2 |
Dimensional Core |
2 |
Dire Wolf Alpha |
2 |
Dirty Rat |
2 |
Disposal Assistant |
2 |
Doomsayer |
2 |
Drain Soul |
2 |
Dreadhound Handler |
2 |
Drink Server |
2 |
Dryscale Deputy |
2 |
Eat! The! Imp! |
2 |
Elementium Geode |
2 |
Endgame |
2 |
Envoy of Prosperity |
2 |
Faerie Dragon |
2 |
Fearless Flamejuggler |
2 |
Flame Revenant |
2 |
Flint Firearm |
2 |
Fogsail Freebooter |
2 |
Foreboding Flame |
2 |
Gold Panner |
2 |
Greedy Partner |
2 |
Handle with Bear |
2 |
Haywire Module |
2 |
Heart of the Legion |
2 |
Hipster |
2 |
Hologram Operator |
2 |
Horseshoe Slinger |
2 |
Howdyfin |
2 |
Hydration Totem |
2 |
Icecrown Brochure |
2 |
Imployee of the Month |
2 |
Injured Tol'vir |
2 |
Instrument Tech |
2 |
Invent-o-matic |
2 |
Kobold Geomancer |
2 |
Kobold Miner |
2 |
Loot Hoarder |
2 |
Mad Bomber |
2 |
Malted Magma |
2 |
Moonstone Mauler |
2 |
Murloc Tidehunter |
2 |
Nerubian Egg |
2 |
Oh, Manager! |
2 |
Parrot Sanctuary |
2 |
Party Animal |
2 |
Party Fiend |
2 |
Pet Parrot |
2 |
Petty Theft |
2 |
Plated Beetle |
2 |
Power Module |
2 |
Pro Gamer |
2 |
Redgill Razorjaw |
2 |
Rolling Stone |
2 |
Saloon Brewmaster |
2 |
Service Ace |
2 |
Shale Spider |
2 |
Sigil of Skydiving |
2 |
Silvermoon Brochure |
2 |
Sing-Along Buddy |
2 |
Siren Song |
2 |
Slippery Slope |
2 |
Soul Searching |
2 |
Stereo Totem |
2 |
Stranded Spaceman |
2 |
Thornveil Tentacle |
2 |
Tidepool Pupil |
2 |
Trail Mix |
2 |
Trapdoor Spider |
2 |
Travel Agent |
2 |
Troubled Mechanic |
2 |
Wandmaker |
2 |
Watcher of the Sun |
2 |
Whelp Wrangler |
2 |
Wild Pyromancer |
2 |
XB-931 Housekeeper |
2 |
Youthful Brewmaster |
2 |
"Health" Drink |
3 |
Acolyte of Pain |
3 |
All You Can Eat |
3 |
Bounty Board |
3 |
Bronze Gatekeeper |
3 |
Bucket of Soldiers |
3 |
Bumbling Bellhop |
3 |
Burndown |
3 |
Card Grader |
3 |
Carefree Cookie |
3 |
Careless Mechanist |
3 |
Celestial Projectionist |
3 |
Chatty Macaw |
3 |
Chillin' Vol'jin |
3 |
Clearance Promoter |
3 |
Clumsy Steward |
3 |
Coldlight Seer |
3 |
Cosplay Contestant |
3 |
Cowbell Soloist |
3 |
Crescendo |
3 |
Crimson Commander |
3 |
Cryopractor |
3 |
Cursed Campaign |
3 |
Customs Enforcer |
3 |
Cyclopian Crusher |
3 |
Deep Space Curator |
3 |
Demolition Renovator |
3 |
Domino Effect |
3 |
Dreamplanner Zephrys |
3 |
Encroaching Insanity |
3 |
Eroded Sediment |
3 |
Escape Pod |
3 |
Ethereal Oracle |
3 |
Explodineer |
3 |
Fate Splitter |
3 |
Felfire Thrusters |
3 |
Festival Security |
3 |
Fiddlefire Imp |
3 |
Floppy Hydra |
3 |
Food Fight |
3 |
Frostbitten Freebooter |
3 |
Furnace Fuel |
3 |
Gattlesnake |
3 |
Gorgonzormu |
3 |
Gorillabot A-3 |
3 |
Hellfire |
3 |
Hench-Clan Thug |
3 |
High Noon Duelist |
3 |
Hiking Trail |
3 |
Hot Coals |
3 |
Hozen Roughhouser |
3 |
Infernal Stapler |
3 |
Infernal Stratagem |
3 |
Iridescent Gyreworm |
3 |
Job Shadower |
3 |
K'ara, the Dark Star |
3 |
Knickknack Shack |
3 |
Line Cook |
3 |
Linedance Partner |
3 |
Malefic Rook |
3 |
Marooned Archmage |
3 |
Mecha-Leaper |
3 |
Melted Maker |
3 |
Meltemental |
3 |
Messmaker |
3 |
Metal Detector |
3 |
Metrognome |
3 |
Mixologist |
3 |
Mortal Eradication |
3 |
Murloc Warleader |
3 |
Natural Talent |
3 |
New Heights |
3 |
Nexus-Prince Shaffar |
3 |
Nostalgic Initiate |
3 |
Observer of Mysteries |
3 |
Ogre-Gang Outlaw |
3 |
Outfit Tailor |
3 |
Overplanner |
3 |
Paparazzi |
3 |
Paraglide |
3 |
Perplexing Anomaly |
3 |
Photographer Fizzle |
3 |
Plucky Paintfin |
3 |
Punch Card |
3 |
Pylon Module |
3 |
Raid Leader |
3 |
Ravenous Kraken |
3 |
Razorscale |
3 |
Relentless Worg |
3 |
Relentless Wrathguard |
3 |
Remixed Musician |
3 |
Reserved Spot |
3 |
Rest in Peace |
3 |
Reverberations |
3 |
Rising Waves |
3 |
Robocaller |
3 |
Rowdy Fan |
3 |
Rumble Enthusiast |
3 |
Rustrot Viper |
3 |
Sacrificial Imp |
3 |
Sailboat Captain |
3 |
Sea Shill |
3 |
Sharp-Eyed Seeker |
3 |
Sketch Artist |
3 |
Skirting Death |
3 |
Sludge on Wheels |
3 |
Southsea Captain |
3 |
Starlight Whelp |
3 |
Static Waveform |
3 |
Stonehill Defender |
3 |
Swarthy Swordshiner |
3 |
Sweetened Snowflurry |
3 |
Tar Creeper |
3 |
Tentacle Tender |
3 |
Terrible Chef |
3 |
Tide Pools |
3 |
Tortollan Traveler |
3 |
Trogg Exile |
3 |
Trogg Gemtosser |
3 |
Trolley Problem |
3 |
Trusty Fishing Rod |
3 |
Turbulus |
3 |
Ur'zul Rager |
3 |
Volley Maul |
3 |
Vulpera Scoundrel |
3 |
Worgen Roadie |
3 |
Workhorse |
3 |
Zola the Gorgon |
3 |
Ace Wayfinder |
4 |
Agency Espionage |
4 |
Algalon the Observer |
4 |
Alloy Advisor |
4 |
Angry Helhound |
4 |
Arkonite Defense Crystal |
4 |
Azerite Chain Gang |
4 |
Big Game Hunter |
4 |
Buttons |
4 |
Cabaret Headliner |
4 |
Candleraiser |
4 |
Caricature Artist |
4 |
Carry-On Grub |
4 |
Champions of Azeroth |
4 |
Char |
4 |
Concierge |
4 |
Conniving Conman |
4 |
Cover Artist |
4 |
Crazed Conductor |
4 |
Dang-Blasted Elemental |
4 |
Dangerous Cliffside |
4 |
Dark Alley Pact |
4 |
Defender of Argus |
4 |
Disciple of Sargeras |
4 |
Doommaiden |
4 |
Dread Corsair |
4 |
E.T.C., Band Manager |
4 |
Eliza Goreblade |
4 |
Eternal Layover |
4 |
Felfire Bonfire |
4 |
Fine Print |
4 |
Footman |
4 |
Forge of Wills |
4 |
Freebird |
4 |
Gaslight Gatekeeper |
4 |
Ghouls' Night |
4 |
Giggling Toymaker |
4 |
Gloomstone Guardian |
4 |
Griftah, Trusted Vendor |
4 |
Grillmaster |
4 |
Grimtotem Buzzkill |
4 |
Horizon's Edge |
4 |
Ignis, the Eternal Flame |
4 |
Imposing Anubisath |
4 |
4 |
King Tide |
4 |
Lamplighter |
4 |
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone |
4 |
Lifedrinker |
4 |
Lifeguard |
4 |
Matching Outfits |
4 |
Mechagnome Guide |
4 |
Merch Seller |
4 |
Mo'arg Drillfist |
4 |
Monkey Business |
4 |
Narain Soothfancy |
4 |
Nesting Golem |
4 |
Nostalgic Gnome |
4 |
Number Cruncher |
4 |
Obsessive Fan |
4 |
Octo-masseuse |
4 |
Ogre-Gang Rider |
4 |
Origami Crane |
4 |
Pop'gar the Putrid |
4 |
Pozzik, Audio Engineer |
4 |
Prison Breaker |
4 |
Pyrotechnician |
4 |
Raylla, Sand Sculptor |
4 |
Replicating Menace |
4 |
Resort Valet |
4 |
Rowdy Partner |
4 |
Royal Librarian |
4 |
Runefueled Golem |
4 |
Saronite Tol'vir |
4 |
Sen'jin Shieldmasta |
4 |
Sharp Shipment |
4 |
Sheriff Barrelbrim |
4 |
Siphon Soul |
4 |
Sleepy Resident |
4 |
Snake Oil Seller |
4 |
Snow Shredder |
4 |
Speaker Stomper |
4 |
Splendiferous Whizbang |
4 |
Summoner Darkmarrow |
4 |
Tabletop Roleplayer |
4 |
Ticking Module |
4 |
Time-Lost Protodrake |
4 |
Trust Fall |
4 |
Twilight Drake |
4 |
Twin Module |
4 |
Undercooked Calamari |
4 |
Un'Goro Brochure |
4 |
Vacation Planning |
4 |
Virus Module |
4 |
Waste Remover |
4 |
Wave Pool Thrasher |
4 |
Wing Welding |
4 |
A. F. Kay |
5 |
Aranna, Thrill Seeker |
5 |
Bayfin Bodybuilder |
5 |
Blood Treant |
5 |
Building-Block Golem |
5 |
Burrow Buster |
5 |
Carnivorous Cubicle |
5 |
Carress, Cabaret Star |
5 |
Cash Cow |
5 |
Cattle Rustler |
5 |
Death Roll |
5 |
Disguised K'thir |
5 |
Doomguard |
5 |
Dozing Dragon |
5 |
Elite Tauren Champion |
5 |
Eye of Chaos |
5 |
Forgotten Animatronic |
5 |
Frosty Décor |
5 |
Game Master Nemsy |
5 |
Ghost Writer |
5 |
Justicar Trueheart |
5 |
Leeroy Jenkins |
5 |
Lunar Trailblazer |
5 |
Maestra, Mask Merchant |
5 |
Magatha, Bane of Music |
5 |
Mind Control Tech |
5 |
Mistah Vistah |
5 |
Mutating Lifeform |
5 |
Night Elf Huntress |
5 |
Nostalgic Clown |
5 |
Ogre-Gang Ace |
5 |
Opera Soloist |
5 |
Origami Frog |
5 |
Overlord Runthak |
5 |
Perfect Module |
5 |
Puppetmaster Dorian |
5 |
Ranger Gilly |
5 |
Rin, Orchestrator of Doom |
5 |
Sanc'Azel |
5 |
Sauna Regular |
5 |
Scrapbooking Student |
5 |
Star Vulpera |
5 |
Starscale Constellar |
5 |
Stranglethorn Tiger |
5 |
Sunsapper Lynessa |
5 |
Surfalopod |
5 |
Symphony of Sins |
5 |
Taelan Fordring |
5 |
The Replicator-inator |
5 |
The Ryecleaver |
5 |
Tram Operator |
5 |
Treasure Hunter Eudora |
5 |
Twilight Medium |
5 |
Wargear |
5 |
Warsong Grunt |
5 |
Workshop Janitor |
5 |
XB-488 Disposalbot |
5 |
Bad Omen |
6 |
Bob the Bartender |
6 |
Boulderfist Ogre |
6 |
Chaos Creation |
6 |
Cho'gall, Twilight Chieftain |
6 |
Cliff Dive |
6 |
Climbing Hook |
6 |
Cruise Captain Lora |
6 |
Dirge of Despair |
6 |
Dread Deserter |
6 |
Evasive Wyrm |
6 |
Flame Behemoth |
6 |
Furious Fowls |
6 |
Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot |
6 |
Hamm, the Hungry |
6 |
Harth Stonebrew |
6 |
Incindius |
6 |
Kingpin Pud |
6 |
Lightfused Manasaber |
6 |
Li'Na, Shop Manager |
6 |
Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron |
6 |
Origami Dragon |
6 |
Package Dealer |
6 |
Party Planner Vona |
6 |
Portalmancer Skyla |
6 |
Power Spike |
6 |
Sensory Deprivation |
6 |
Spirit Peddler |
6 |
Stone Drake |
6 |
Sunspot Dragon |
6 |
Sylvanas Windrunner |
6 |
Travel Security |
6 |
Under the Sea |
6 |
Unpopular Has-Been |
6 |
Weapons Attendant |
6 |
Wind-Up Musician |
6 |
All Terrain Voidhound |
7 |
Archimonde |
7 |
Arch-Villain Rafaam |
7 |
Baron Geddon |
7 |
Beached Whale |
7 |
Bouldering Buddy |
7 |
Containment Unit |
7 |
Doomkin |
7 |
Eredar Brute |
7 |
Galactic Crusader |
7 |
Huddle Up |
7 |
Kil'jaeden |
7 |
Marin the Manager |
7 |
Maruut Stonebinder |
7 |
Nozdormu the Eternal |
7 |
Prison of Yogg-Saron |
7 |
Razzle-Dazzler |
7 |
Sasquawk |
7 |
Siamat |
7 |
Snoozin' Zookeeper |
7 |
Stormwind Champion |
7 |
The Exodar |
7 |
The One-Amalgam Band |
7 |
Therazane |
7 |
Tony, King of Piracy |
7 |
Tram Conductor Gerry |
7 |
Velen, Leader of the Exiled |
7 |
Azerite Giant |
8 |
Black Hole |
8 |
Colifero the Artist |
8 |
Concert Promo-Drake |
8 |
Crane Game |
8 |
Draconic Delicacy |
8 |
Enhanced Dreadlord |
8 |
Hydration Station |
8 |
Joymancer Jepetto |
8 |
Kologarn |
8 |
Lord Jaraxxus |
8 |
Mish-Mash Mosher |
8 |
Primordial Drake |
8 |
Ragnaros the Firelord |
8 |
Red Giant |
8 |
Sleep Under the Stars |
8 |
Snatch and Grab |
8 |
Son of Hodir |
8 |
Splitting Spacerock |
8 |
Storm Giant |
8 |
Thunderbringer |
8 |
Tsunami |
8 |
Twisting Nether |
8 |
Wheel of DEATH!!! |
8 |
Wretched Queen |
8 |
Alexstrasza |
9 |
Avatar of Hearthstone |
9 |
Imprisoned Horror |
9 |
Malygos the Spellweaver |
9 |
Muensterosity |
9 |
Onyxia the Broodmother |
9 |
Sargeras, the Destroyer |
9 |
Sleepy Dragon |
9 |
Travelmaster Dungar |
9 |
Ysera |
9 |
Amplified Elekk |
10 |
Deathwing the Destroyer |
10 |
Factory Assemblybot |
10 |
Reno, Lone Ranger |
10 |
Sea Giant |
10 |
Sea Shanty |
10 |
Seaside Giant |
10 |
Table Flip |
10 |
Yogg-Saron, Unleashed |
10 |
Mountain Giant |
12 |
Playhouse Giant |
20 |
Molten Giant |
22 |
Fanottem, Lord of the Opera |
30 |
The Ceaseless Expanse |
100 |