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[KFT] UkendtKunst's Control Freeze Shaman. [LET...

  • Last updated Aug 10, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 10720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/9/2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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Hello Everyone,

This is the first time I make a deck guide on Hearthpwn, so be gentle to me. ;)

I've been playing a lot of Shaman, since I started playing over 2 years ago. I've played a lot of Jade Control Shaman, and also made it to legend in December with that deck. I also made several times legend with Spirit Echo control shaman lists.

I think that the idea of making Freeze shaman a more board centric freeze deck is nice. So I tried to come up with a list, that I think might be viable. I will try it out, when the expansion hits EU. 

First I will do a bit of explaining about what I think about the deck. 

Aggro Matchups:
The general idea of the deck is to keep a stable board. Clean out the board, and protect yourself, with the strong taunts, that the deck provide. Try to totem when it's possible, so you can make a wall with the double Thing from Below powerplay. 

This is the tricky part. The idea is to out value them. The plan is to make Moorabi generate value through BrrrlocAvalanche and Voodoo Hexxer. There is also Spirit Echo, the jade package and Lich King to provide ekstra value. You can also use Stonehill Defender, to geenrate big cards as The Lich King, Soggoth the Slitherer and White Eyes. Don't be afraid to be the aggressor, as long as you remember to generate cards through your freeze effects and such. 

I got some more upvotes, so now I update it again.

Card choices: 

Maelstrom Portal, Lightning Storm, Volcano is your board wipe cards. You will try to use Maelstrom Portal in the early game to keep your opponents pressure down, and Lightning Storm if you're getting pressured hard. Try save Volcano to a situation, where you're very much behind, or to punish stupid plays as Bittertide Hydra on an empty board. 

Hex: This is kinda obvious, but just to explain. This is to neutralize your opponents big treats, but remember, that you should consider a few things. The frog is a beast, and therefore, you should be a bit more careful vs druid and hunter, due to all their beast synergy cards. 

Hallazeal the Ascended. This is your primary heal card. There is so many spells in this deck, and with spellpower totem up and Bloodmage Thalnos, you can easily heal 15 - 20 hp in a single turn. There is also Jinyu Waterspeaker to provide some early healing, but that is more to be safe. 

I would appreciate likes, shares and your inputs to the deck as well. The more up votes I get, the more detailed the guide gets. :) 
I will update the guide throughout the day.