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[F2P] Gunnolf's Wild Minion Mech Mage

  • Last updated Apr 21, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mech Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 1880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/21/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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Come in and Warm your Frozen Boots by the Fire!


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gunnolf, and I am originally from the Land Down Under a.k.a. Australia. I am an avid gamer that has acquired a real passion for card games, which originated from my humble beginnings as a Yu-Gi-Oh collector and eventually grew from my dabbling in Cardfight Vanguard and Buddyfight, until we reached the game we know as Hearthstone.

I've played Hearthstone since the days of classic, with multiple accounts on both EU and NA servers. Despite having reached the Rank of Legend and my own personal mentality of equating 'having fun' with 'winning', I am not really a fan of meta power-grinding & net-decking, not that there is anything wrong with that. Therefore, I enjoy thinking about new, cool and fun deck ideas that push boundaries while also allowing you to win and those are what I want to share with you guys every-time I post a decklist.

I have presently become a contributing writer to WILDHS and will be posting articles there on a semi-regular basis, regarding deck-archetypes the status of the meta as well as how to get the most fun out of this game even if you aren't a big spender. If any of this sounds interesting, then I highly recommend that you check out of the website, as the writers and the owner himself are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet with great in-game knowledge (link to be website can be found HERE). You can also follow me on Twitter for latest updates.

If you genuinely like my content and would like to see me produce more of it, then please consider supporting me on Patreon. This is by no means necessary but it will definitely help me out in the long run. Thanks for Reading ^^

Deck Introduction

Hey guys, rest assured that I am still working on other competitive decks. However, with this list I wanted to give a nod to my Free-to-Play Audience and potential New Players to the Wild format. These players are often overlooked during the deckbuilding process and as such I wanted to create a deck that was cheap efficient and allows for a fast climb. Fair warning that I run one Legendary in my personal list, i.e. Zilliax but he's not core to the list and you can more than play the deck without him. Enjoy! ^^

Card Choices and Deck-building Explained

In this section, I will explain some of the card choices I opted for and the reasoning as to why they were included over potential counter-parts.

1) Galvanizer & Mechwarper: The life and blood of most mech decks and certainly a crucial enabler for the current list as well.

2) Flying Machine: A very potent threat that often demands removal from your opponent due to the ability to magnetise minions on top for excessive windfury damage.

3) Jeeves: The primary draw engine for the deck. Given how cheap most cards are, you'll find yourself dumping your hand in the early game. As a result, he provides a great amount of sustain

(At the present time, only a few cards have been listed but I will include more if questions pop-up within the comments section regarding substitutions and why other cards were included).

Deck Strategy

Similar to Burn Mage, the current deck at hand aims to do as much chip damage as possible through minion attacks. However, unlike burn-mage the amount of actual direct damage in the deck is severely limited. As such controlling in the board is crucial since it will allow for the attacks to stack up to the point when if taunst come up you'll have burn damage to finish the job.

The strategy is very simplistic but thanks to the swarm capaibilties of the deck, it can easily be realised consistently.

Alternate Card Inclusions

As mentioned on twitter, I actually personally run the deck using Zilliax instead of Fel Reaver. Essentially, it's an indication that the deck can function really well even without luxury legendaries.

Other subsitutions you can make to the deck, are potentially subbing out Jeeves for Aluneth, Stargazer Luna or even just Pyromaniac.

Furthermore, feel free to experiment with the kind of mechs you wish to include. While I personally believe that the ones I've included are more or less ideal considering their manacost and abilities, the list is always open to additional experimentation.

Othe Gunnolf Decks

If you liked this deck and you have a bit more to spare, below you can find a couple more of decks that are inexpensive or Free-to-play, popular and pack quite a punch on a budget. Make sure you check out those guydes as well for additional F2P deckbuilding options.

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Author's Notes

This deck was a ot of fun to make and it really proved what someone can achieve on a limited amount of dust. Sure it doesn't contain any flashy legendaries and you can technically upgrade the list with such cards. Yet, at its very core it functions extremely well without all the luxuries.

I enjoy deck-building a multitude of interesting decks that are both entertaining and Legend viable (with some odd Free-to-Play lists mixed in). So if you like this deck (or anyone of my other ones) consider leaving a thumbs up, as it really helps in the long run! :)

Thank you guys for all your support and if you have any suggestions, let me know. 


Check out my other decks!

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