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Imagine thinking this card is good xD
Imagine not playing Silence Priest
Why is the clone more buff in the artwork? It also has more hair.
No, if you cast this on Leeroy Jenkins, you get a 6/2 without Charge because it's silenced.
just play faceless for one more mana..
plus what u said wont work...
do people really don't understand that you can FIRST attack whit leroy and THEN make a new copy
And what are you going to do with the new copy before it dies?
I do like that this wasn't specifically designed for OTK decks.
*cough cough Vivid Nightmare cough cough*
So sad that we don't have Humongous Razorleaf anymore
It is metadefining for priest. If you get to play Arcane Watcher on 3 and Unsleeping Soul on 4 you are on big shape
Molten Reflection, but worse?
or better in the right deck.
maybe something for giants?
More likely the "typical" silence Priest minions, such as Ancient Watcher
Or Arcane Watcher for example.