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Barney's Big Bois

  • Last updated Mar 13, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 3 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Barnabus Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 17580
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/12/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*  Heeeerrreee comes Barney!  Welcome to Barney's Big Bois where we utilize the quest, Jungle Giants, and Spiteful Summoner as our build-around cards.  Lately the meta has shifted to a slower style of play and this is where the Quest can REALLY shine!  Once we complete it, there's not much stopping us from taking complete control of the game with all of our huge minions (that are free!).  This deck has brought me from rank 5 to rank 2 with a 65% win rate so I hope you all can have the same success with it as I did. Full write-up is listed below. Enjoy :)



The goal of this deck is to stall the game until turns 7-10 and that's when we will usually complete our Quest.  After that, the onslaught of 0 mana cost big bois will overwhelm our opponent.  Obviously, to best utilize Spiteful Summoner we only have 1 spell (2 copies) in our deck so we have to keep control of the board with our minions very efficiently.  The early game is our weakest point since we only haveJungle Giants and Prince Keleseth for 1-2 drops but fortunately in this slower meta, most decks don't start doing anything until turns 4/5 anyway.  So, to help mitigate our early game we have very strong 3-5 cost minions like Lone Champion, Tar Creeper, Steel Rager, Zilliax to help us regain control.  Once we have an open board, or a non threatening board, we can drop our Cursed Disciple, Steel Rager, Harrison Jones, Verdant Longneck.  It is ok to not have any of our quest completed by turn 5 or 6, as long as it means we are stalling fine because turn 7 is usually when we can REALLY get the fun going!  Amani War Bear, Spiteful Summoner, The Lich King, Oondasta are all great tempo plays and help tip the board in our favor.  Once we summon Barney, the game is usually GG at that point.  We will usually have an Ultimate Infestation by that point that we can use afterwards to just puke 5 free minions onto the board.

*Also worth noting: If you happen to play Prince Keleseth early on, he can make it easier to complete the Quest making your 4 attack minions (Spellbreaker, Spiteful Summoner, Gloop Sprayer) into 5 attack minions*

Fun combos: 

Nerubian Unraveler + Faceless Manipulator/ Gloop Sprayer = GG against any control deck

Oondasta + Tyrantus/ Amani War Bear in hand]

Flobbidinous Floop after you use Nerubian Unraveler/ The Lich King / Faceless Manipulator/ Zilliax/ Gloop Sprayer/ Spiteful Summoner



If there is any chance that your opponent might play an aggro/midrange deck you want to look for your Lone Champion, Tar Creeper, Steel Rager, ZilliaxFlobbidinous Floop is also a good grab if you have a Lone Champion or Tar Creeper so it can essentially be another copy of those 2 cards. Never keep a card 6 mana or above. 

Against classes like Priest, Warrior and Warlock they primarily only play control style decks so we can be a little bit greedier and mulligan for our minions to complete the quest.  Cursed Disciple, Steel Rager, Verdant Longneck, and to some degree Harrison Jones (against Warrior or Warlock) and Nerubian Unraveler (against Priest).



Unfortunately, this list is very tight as every card has a very niche purpose and I do not believe there is much room for any replacements.  However, feel free to leave a comment/question below and I'll do my best to help you out! 


I hope you like this deck! As always feel free to ask any questions or leave a suggestion!

Watch me stream live - https://www.twitch.tv/funkimonki

Subscribe to my Youtube-  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5JSDPfmvo1bfpG6438Qg8w

*A couple cards have been changed since this video was released*

And here is a showcase of the deck from Kiwiinbacon: