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Does anyone else think that she looks like Daenerys from the GoT TV show?
In Wild i use this + Corrupting Mist. I love that shit. Cracks me up every, single, goddamn time.
This is only a "win more" card.
Maybe it sees play in Treachery warlock as a Frost Nova
''Deep Breath"
I like golden animation...
Card is very good, may not find a place in cubelock, maybe in controllock will be a useful stalling tool/heal. Can be used with corrupting mist/doomsayer to get a easier board clear. However, very versatile card, may see play if wide aggressive/mid-range decks show up again. Overall not a bad card, may be hard to slot into most slower decks. Zoo could use this as a mini pint-sized potion for trading, but we'll have to see. As a controllock player, I can see this being used in my deck against aggro. However, I think warlock has too many tools against aggro and control and combo, so hopefully the cube/turn 6 voidlord will be at least toned down a bit. This card is very good, but warlock already has too many tools at his disposal.
P.S. I'm a bit disappointed, didn't get a single warlock rare out of 30 packs.
i love this card so much, it might be one of the best cards in the entire set and one of my favorites
goddamn, freakin' amazing!!
Crazy flexible card, good in combination with other cards, pseudo heal when low on health or as Jaraxxus, good for value trade. The power level is fairly low, especially in a class that does not need multiple cards shenanigans to boardclear whenever he wants, but the flexibility and the echo tag in a class that can potentially get away with just hero power in a turn definitely make the card interesting.
Boy, you really gotta hand it to those Blizzard card designers. They saw that Mistress of Mixtures and N'Zoth were leaving standard, and they said, "What can we do to help Warlock get some parity in this challenging new meta?" Yup, they don't miss a trick, that's for sure.
I mean... it's a busted card, but Warlock is so ungodly OP right now I'm not sure it'll win a slot in the netdecks. I mean, it nearly auto-wins against aggro, but so does Defile and turn 6 Voidlord...
Warlock definitely needed this hey ? Fuck that seriously
Now i see why they made Void Ripper with demon tag. This combo cant be played it lackey decks. Mossy Horror is not that good, its just less reliable twisted.
Oh shit man, that combo is awesome indeed !
LOL warlock stole Pint sized potion from priest.. and this can technically kill any card with void ripper, use this twice or 3 times then drop void ripper and it'lls nuke everything. or you could put in that mossy thing... that kills anything 2 or weaker in attack but that's not realistic because it's a 7 cost.
I wonder if this means all enemy minions on board? Only thing you wouldn't be cleared from is charge minions... unless it truly means all minions (including those not on the board yet...
This card says the same, and you don't see your minion's attacks getting reduced in your hand when you're on the receiving end.
This sh*t is overpowered. Too cheap, too strong effect. Has a freaking echo(!). You can't even play around it, basically skipping your turn like an idiot (if any minion survived after that). What the hell blizzard.
You skip your entire turn as well if you play this multiple time using echo. So it's like blizzard but blizzard free all (nothing will attack) and this works with only smaller creatures. Well, you can play it 5 times on 10 but on 10 you should probably play guldan or twisting nether if you're having problems.
But I agree with you this card seems very good.
Did you read my first comment?