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It's actually the first neutral 4 mana 3/6 minion, so there's benefits in that aspect.
Does not apply to hunter hero power. Found this out the hard way.
The flavor text reminds me of The Matrix movie and quote from it "there is no spoon"
well you if play vs aggro/tempo this card is useless
Not true. This makes you immune to spells to face once you have board control in a slower deck. No more worrying about kill commands face, soulfires face, eviscerates face, lava bursts face, etc. Aggro is weak compared to tempo right now, but in an aggro meta, this could definitely be an interesting tech.
You can put in into infinite stealth with Master of Disguise + Youthful Brewmaster + Valeera the Hollow. Each turn this cobold will be in stealth thus you'll be forever untargetable. It can be pretty good against infinite mage.
It eats 3 hits of Razakus dmg. Always something. Interesting idea for future sets though.
Sooooo..... what happens with hunter then? His hero power does no damage?
i miss permastealth
This card shits all over mage xD, especially in arena.
I instantly thought of this guy when I saw this XD
Remember Bolf Ramshield? Me neither.
I love tech cards like this that actually have reasonable stats. Reminds me of Mindbreaker.
Interesting but probably not useful enough for vanilla stats in constructed.
its gonna eat 1 fireball, so its already good
Awesome artwork
Spell taunt is finally upon us! Huzzah!
Since l mainly play mage, l am gonna hate this card. When you top deck lethal, but you opponent have Kobold Monk on board.
"Since I mainly play [insert class], I am gonna hate this [insert card]. When you top deck lethal, but *your* (mind your spelling!) opponent has (and grammar!) taunt on board.