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Uses the same art as Trogg Hate Minions!
i sacrificed my Devilsaur Egg that i discovered from Journey Below against opponent's Ragnaros. I wonder if somebody else got a bigger value out of this card yet.
some egg zoolock coming next expansion?
This is a deadly shot with upside for zoolock...zoo is going to be insane in the new expansion
Worse Deadly Shot .
This card is basically a Deadly Shot, but with a bit of Warlock flavor to it, so you have to sacrifice for it. If you build a RP deck or you just want to feel like a true Warlock, this card is good for flavor, but will be a bit clunky
it's absolutely irritating that the class that needs the most help because the last good card it received was literally on the first expansion ever, keeps getting absolute garbage worse than neutral. I wish Blizzard would just fire whoever is on that disgusting balance team
I wish they would forget about discard, but I like a few of the most recent cards including Treachery, Defile, and Gnomish Vampire. Even Bloodbloom from Un'Goro is a lot of fun. I do wish Warlock had a decent healing immune card or two . . .
edit: even the new 3/6 discard demon could see play in zoo decks along with Sanguine Reveler (probably not used together though)
You're breathing too loud
Better version of this
Worthless trash when Warlock is at its worst. Blizzard really is letting Warlock down so far.
Oh hey, I just realized I can use this as better removal in my Hemet Combo deck :D
This is a bad Deadly Shot and Deadly Shot is only fringe playable. Sure, you put it in a deck with egg type effects, but you only have so many of those effects. The Pterodox is in Zoo, but Zoo is in a bad spot now and i'm not sure anything is really looking to change that with the reveals thus far. Bad/Fringe Playable.
Ravenous Pterrordax made it into Zoolock, no reason this won't. Blastcrystal Potion is still better in control versions of Warlock but this is a nice removal in aggro.
What an amazing brawl card!
So.... it's a worse Deadly Shot. You warlocks enjoy that.
not when you have a Nerubian Egg
Consider hunter and warlocks are different classes who have different ways of play and warlock can easliy benefit from dying minion, yes, yes they would.
Heck, hunter deathrattle decks would probably love this card even more than Deadly shot.
But why not just play Blastcrystal Potion? It only costs 1 more, lets you target the minion you want to kill and you don't have to sacrifice one of your own guys.