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great at arena.I never regret picking this.As HellOnslaught said before , if soulpriest lives the its free pyroblast and dangerious than pyro. One day this thing will be a meta deck in standart.
Someone called for the squashling?
this card can be used to either draw alot of cards with north shire. or deal a large amount of damage with Auchenai, best part is it can be used to clear a board if used to deal damage, kinda like a 10 mana volcano that summons 5 2/1's and only hits the enemies board.
10 mana Pyroblast if Auchenai Soulpriest lives
Will shadowpriest finally be a thing and not just a meme deck?
Prophet VelenJust realized it's not a spell... DAMN IT
Paladin are known to heal! Perfect!
This is a Priest card
I'd like to think that it was a joke about how paladins have had more healing based cards than priest.
Wink Wink!
He makes quite the racquet, of courts.
*heavy sigh* that one hurt me
2 mana voodoo doctor LUL
With Echo
Awesome card on turn 10. Flood-heal by itself and massive tempo swing with Auchenai Soulpriest
it's great if you compare it to forbidden healing.
As we could see on a stream, it might be a life saving heal for 10 or 10 face damage or 10 board damage. Nicely rounded pumpkin.
This could be a swing card later in the game. Restore up to 10 life on targets of your choice and put 10 damage on the board with a single card. Opponent will need efficient board clear to deal with it.
It's also versatile in that you can assign individual targets. Anything from Northshire Cleric to Auchenai Soulpriest could potentially utilize this effect.