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Golden art made me see the light
Handbuff anyone?
That golden animation though
Paenser, is it you?
Incredible card, sexy art, amazing stats, and OP in wild. Who cares if it isn't as good in standard? It'll see play anyways for anyone who plays wild!
Oh wow, this looks really cool! love the mechanic!
It makes new divine shield legendary a little more viable. Could be really useful.
Nice body for 3, even better with the buff. Seems pretty good. Sadly, most of the handbuff mechanics are rotating.
More little buff and hand buff deck treasures that fill in important gaps with healing and defense. Nice.
Does Corpsetakerworks with it?
Nope, it doesn't have them in deck, so it won't activate Corpsetaker
Prince Keleseth though?
Her effect doesn't take place until shes on the board
lol While it has 3 or more attack? well... they are removing Mean streets... so how many buffing cards do we have for hand decks? and how reliably can you buff it on the board. if ya can then yeah it's an Okay? card but the paladin 3 mana healing slot we already have and... that 3 mana 2/4 doesn't see play... idk if 1 hp will make a different and not only just 1 hp more but a requirement that needs to be met to even be healed, well i guess the taunt makes it alot better... the lifesteal is mehif you're playing this on 3 you don't really need health yet because it's to early... so i wont count it. but this does alot of healing but is it worth it?
This is going right into the Val'anyr deck. A Boulderfist Ogre with Taunt and Lifesteal for 3 seems pretty strong to me.
Nice card...
Low cost, balanced body, need support but is already a target for the opponent to deal as fast as possible...
Incredible art. I would say, artistically, it is the Obsidian Statue of this expansion.
From a different card game, it reminds me of Honest from Yu-Gi-Oh.
Probably going to craft this card based off the art alone, let alone how good it is as a card itself.
Usually you say that when the old card is going wild, Obsidian Statue is still standard. So guess you can call it a mini Obsidian Statue imao.