Card Text
Battlecry: Give a minion -3 Attack this turn.
Flavor Text
After the debacle of the Gnomish World Enlarger, gnomes are wary of size-changing inventions.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Give a minion -3 Attack this turn.
After the debacle of the Gnomish World Enlarger, gnomes are wary of size-changing inventions.
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The most fun way to watch your opponent forfeit out of rage is Shrinkmeister + Cabal Shadow Priest their Ysera. I wouldn't advise accepting their friend request after the match though.
My first golden card. X)
AKA the card most comparable to a friends gf, because it's short and makes things shrink.
My Ysera was stolen with this and Cabal Shadow Priest on turn 9. It made me die a little inside.
This is a 100% perfect card for Priest and not at all overpowered imo. It'll be fairly expensive to combo with, but just think of all the fun stuff you can do.
Off the top of my head:
1. Shrinkmeister -> Shadow Madness -> Recombobulator
2. Shrinkmeister -> Shadow Madness
3. Shrinkmeister -> Cabal Shadow Priest
4. Shrinkmeister -> Shadow Word: Pain
5. Shrinkmeister -> Crazed Alchemist (insta-kill on anything with 2 or less attack)
6. Shrinkmeister -> Reversing Switch (insta-kill on anything with 2 or less attack)
"Let`s get physical!"
His accent ..oh god...favorite card without a doubt,not just because of the insane game-changing potential. That accent is too damn good !
I can see a lot of rage quitting from shadow madness sylvanas combo lolz xD
This card makes A TON of other cards simply unplayable. Any legendary that's 4 attack( like Tauren Chieftain , Ysera ) - is now steal-able by Shadow priest in a combo.
The value of this is :
a) playing 3 minions :
- the 3/2 shrinkmeister
- the 4/5 cabal shadow priest
- the stolen unit ( Ysera, Cairne Bloodhoof, Hogger, etc. )
+ b) the enemy player loses the stolen unit ( - 4/5 with deathrattle of 4/5 ).
All for 8 mana.
No balance...
Combine it with the 4 mana one turn stealing card, also insane value.
Going to shout this : priest imba - even more than he already was with thoughtsteal and mind control.
People don't realize this is a turn 8 possibly turn 7 card. Cabal costs 6 , Shadow Madness costs 4, and that beast that destroys costs 5. so if you draw this guy early.. you will be forced to hold him for a combo. Or use him to save a minion from being destroyed when trading
cabal spectral, yusera, yeti, druid of the claw, cairne or shadow word pain. sounds good
I can't wait to shadow madness a silvanas :3
Or cabal ysera or a 4/10 azure drake.
The table turns with priest are going to be insane !
cant use spells on spectral knight, so it seems it still hard for priest to remove him
That's the point, The Shrinkmeister+Cabal Shadow Priest combo can target a spectral knight.
Ok I thought you would like to kill it somehow, and then the (- 2) damage wouldn't help that much.
um...... shrink master cabal ysera? priest is going to be scary
Mis-read -2 not +2. Definitly has some appeal, none the less.
Read the card again, dude
I think this card might make me quit the game. Priests will be even more annoying.
Yes annoying, that's how they win. They annoy you to f*ing death.
I really like his stats, and his hability will secure some decent trades and the use of Shadow Madness, Cabal Shadow Priest and Shadow Word: Pain