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Fuck all those cheap early game aggressive minions. But hey Blizz, keep spamming us with the "fun and interactive" or "fresh and exiting" meme, its not getting old at all. Promise.
You know what this flavor text reminds me of? https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/4772213+_28b56a6e79cdf1bb41157faad148cc2f.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.funnyjunk.com/channel/animemanga/Where+can+i+get+one/tlauGgy/3&docid=3PkoyOMLMa0nlM&tbnid=aNvl9lDCJGb4iM:&vet=10ahUKEwiPiKaonMjVAhXL44MKHTRQDSUQMwglKAAwAA..i&w=800&h=450&bih=784&biw=1600&q=this is my loli&ved=0ahUKEwiPiKaonMjVAhXL44MKHTRQDSUQMwglKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8
It's actually based on the Rifleman's Creed.
But I thought it was based on Nixxiom Acherus Veteran character. Isn't that right?
abusive is probably better it hardly sees any play.
In before this gets nerfed to 1/1 because of people crying about it lol.
Smile cuz you know you are a bad card.
What's good about this card is the 2/1 body. You can play this turn 2 with another 1 drop in Zoo and that 2/1 has the chance to trade into something else. Combined with cards like argent squire, possessed villager, firefly, voidwalker and patches this card can very easily 2-for-1. The disadvantage is this can't kill a 1/3 with its battlecry unless it's on a 2 attack minion and there are not very many of those being played. Fortunately the meta is really focused around killing 1/2s with bloodsail corsair and firefly running rampant in the early game. Seriously a fantastic card.
It's weird that people say Wretched Tiller is the most aggro card in the set when this is clearly better and more aggressive. Still not gonna break the meta (thank Yogg), but still.
This seems like a worse Abusive Sergeant, kind of. Obviously better when you cant use the battlecry (turn 1)
I feel like sometimes perma +1 atk can be better than temporary 2, perma buff eggs for example. And Abusive is just a 1/1. But yeah abusive doesn't see play..
GET IN THERE AND FIGHT but only if u want to its ok like whatever you want idk MAGGOT
Might have place in Steward of Darkshire Aggro Divine-Shield Paladin
I just made the deck. This is actually so gross. RIP meta
I still prefer the good old sergeant.
I think you're wrong for the reason I stated in my post above. This card can 2-for 1 (or even 3-for-1 early) while abusive sergeant cannot. The difference between a 1/1 body and a 2/1 body is absolutely huge. This meta is dominated by early 1/2s (crab, firefly, bloodsail corsair). Going first you can play bloodsail corsair and attack with patches. If they go double firefly with coin on their turn you can drop this card and another 1-drop, buff your corsair and kill a firefly. Now you have two 2/1s and a 1/1 to their 1/2. You can even send patches face and then use a sanguine reveler and you now have two 2/1s and a 3/3. Not bad for turn 2. The difference between this play and using sergeant is huge. They can value trade into the sergeant. It's almost impossible to value trade early into this. The only situation this is worse in is against a 1/3 BUT if you buff a 1/2 you still get an even trade into it.
while playing zoo, +2 attack is a better choice to trade small minions for bigger ones.