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OK guys, first card comment by new-ish player here - hi all, btw - bear with me if it's not the best thing since sliced bread ;)
besides the stats, could this be useful in a menagerie deck where you have fewer dragons than beasts/murlocs, for maximising chances of Zoobot & Menagerie Magician buffing a minion of every tribe?
or is it too gimmicky a scenario?
I remember before this was released. You said it was not good. Now when it's out, you say it's awesome. Oh, Hearthpwn. How i love you.
Blizzard really messed up Karazhan with weak cards-- this is probably one of them. I'm not sure if Blizzard is scared of making another Naxx, but cards like Avian Watcher and this one certainly showcase that mindset. Both cards have the ability to create new archetypes, but they were created too modestly. Isolated, this card is a conditional 2/3 with two summoned 1/1 tokens. Seems to be decent value; however, that's a poor conditional. Playing this as just a 2/3 for 3 mana is outright bad. Compare this to Alexstrasza's Champion. Playing a 2/3 for 2 mana is slightly below value. However, playing a 3/3 with charge for 2 mana is amazing. Both are class cards, so there shouldn't be such a disparity. Cards like Ravaging Ghoul, and Imp Gang Boss out perform this card. Maybe someone creates a new archetype that relies on combo pieces like Zoobot to make this card viable. I can see Nightbane Templar being decent against hunter early game, but similar to Doomsayer, it'll become terrible late game. Tunnel Trogg can even trade with the main body favorably after it's been buffed by something like Feral Spirit. A balanced fix would to make it a 3/3 that summons two 1/1 tokens.
very playable nbut slow ravaging ghoul just wrecks it .I see this as just another reason to play ravaging ghoul
Don't judge me, but...
To me, her death sound is rather similar to a monkey's.
hint: Fierce Monkey
I hate you.
I cannot un-hear this.
That death sound, lol. She,s kinda sexy, gonna try her in dragon pal somedays.
Ghoul's bonus doesn't stick around....bad against warrier if you go first, but if you go second you can bait it out/mitigate damage with dragon egg.
Whelp Token:
such a sadness, its not like a boombot(
Nice, wasn't sure if it was a dragon or not.
Jesus that death sound, WOW
That is true what you are saying but it is also true that this works really well in a control deck because its a lot easier to kill minions from decks like zoo so it may be bad in some respects but good in others.
Definite sleeper card. As a 4/5 for 3 mana this card has better stat value than Blackwing Technician. Turn 4 Blessing of Kings on whelps or templar
but it doesn't trade with blackwing technican also aoe kills the whelps...
you can't add stats like that, it's a 2/3 and 2 tokens, slightly better than razorfen hunter
If this card single handedly lures AOE it's doing a pretty good job
Well what else could nicely eat an aoe if not this card in a dragon deck? using aoe on any big dragon wont help3
I don't like this card!