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Why is his Attack sound "Bulbasaur"?
It seems more "PRAISE THE SUN!"
Murloc Raider
ok its official i'm already sick of these buff hand cards.
Huh, apparently adding a mustache to a murloc is a bad idea.
Now if only this card gave a random murloc in your hand a mustache, I think the card would single-handedly make murloc decks top tier.
Now that would be just amazing!!
Buff isn't bad, and not bad stats for 1 drop. Do you really wanna ruin Anyfin Can Happen combo for just +1/+1 only playing from hand?
Noooo stop nerfing Murloc Knight
Finja is a crazy buff though.
I miss old murk eye in standart even more now.
Play wild...
weak! should summon a 1/1 Murloc Tinyfin
Grimefin Tidehunter
the +1+1 means you feed a Tinyfin to another murloc, that's why it doesn't summon it :D
Oh god, Murlocs eating their babies? WTF?
Blizzard has finally listened to us that Murlocs need more body THANK YOU! (It took a while..)
We have seen that there is still no a Warlock or Shaman Cards are revealed so I think Shaman Cards will be Murlocs or Totem Cards and Warlock Discard and some Demons Cards.
Finja, the Flying Star, Blowgill Sniper, Grimscale Chum (Murlocs are until now, but believe me there will be more coming soon...)
This should buff all Murlocs in hand. I don't think it's any better than that other 2 mana 1/1 that buffs all in hand for 1/1 .-.
So many murlocs, only 30 card slots in a deck. Difficult descisions.