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this card BLOWS!
Blowing or sucking? :)
Only the golden animation can tell
I just considered: Take the humble Bluegill warrior, which I personally run in my murloc decks, and not just for OTK purposes. This card, on an empty board, lets you hit for half of the power you had on the bluegill, but at the bonus that it doesn't die. That's valuable in the early game, as you can deal with, let's say, a paladin HP on their turn 2, or a fair number of one drops. Then, either the opponent pings it down, losing valuable mana, or they play into it, giving you time to buff it up with a either your health buff or attack buff, and gain further advantage.
The loss of charge is a serious downside in the lategame, especially with anyfin can happen, but for the early game, I'm happy to see this guy.
I think you forget the Murloc tag. You know the most powerful tag in the game?
The one that has the 3 mana 3/3 that gives all others +2/+1?
And the 1 mana 1/2 that gets +1 attack for every murloc played afterwards?
And the 1 mana 1/1 raid leader?
And the 3 mana 2/3 that gives all other murlocs +2 health?
1 damage not random and murloc tribal to compromise to 2 healths off ( 2/1 instead of 2/3) and random ability of Flame Juggler sounds somewhat balanced.
Honestly it would be fine as a 2/2, like balanced balanced. Won't see constructed play as a 2/2. Maybe as 2/3 but 2/2 is good.
Comparing this to undercity valiant, 2 mana 3/2 combo: deal 1 damage for rogue its pretty shit. Although its not a class card and not a combo and has murloc synergy it should be at least a 2/2.
i love this art
A Murloc Raider and a Moonfire wrapped into a neat 2-mana package. Should be a strong Arena pick in the same vein as Flame Juggler, and a solid alternate choice in decks with The Curator, if Corrupted Seer and Sir Finley Mrrgglton aren't working out for you. 7/10, solid-as-hell common.
Side note: I'm gonna half-jokingly call this guy North Sea Murloc.
Curator decks, murloc decks, ig it's playable
Any deck that uses The Curator will probably want one of these.
Each new Murloc is a new Murloc!
(it's a fun type) does anyone know if there are any more Murlocs in this Set? After Blowgill Sniper and Finja, the Flying Star?
I'd like your opinion, Anyone have an idea if there ever a new minion type comes out? instead of type's Mech, Beasts, Murlocs, Pirates, Totems, and Dragons?
Honestly both murlocs are really bad by themself, but the legendary one could be really good if you get it with Murloc Knight, the other isnt good but isnt horrible either
The only Murlocs that are played by themselves are Murloc Knight who is simply very good, Bluegill Warrior for charge, Coldlight Oracle in Mill decks, Sir Finley Mrrgglton when appropriate, and Bilefin Tidehunter in zoo (and very rarely Corrupted Seer for AoE). With the other 80%, the synergy is the mos important.
So, fits between Elven Archer and Ironforge Rifleman, with the extra bonus of it being a Murloc. It's not bad, but if I really wanted to play a minion with a battlecry like that, I'd just play Elven Archer. Or Disciple of C'Thun.
Not that bad, Murloc decks need more consistent murlocs and this is another murloc that adds consistence.
Ironforge Rifleman?
well ironforge rifleman really sucks if its arena or constructed ,so why not make it a 2/2 ? flame juggler is 2/3 deal 1 random damage , so making it a 2/2 and making the damage target-able seems fair, we already saw cards gets another buffed version ( Booty Bay Bodyguard ---> Evil Heckler that card is atleast playable in constructed and good in arena ) , ( Frostwolf Grunt----> Pompous Thespian which still sucks for the current meta atleast) , ( Magma Rager ----> Ice Rager both sucks even after the buff ) so why not decrease its mana cost by 1 ? like evil heckler
Bear in mind that Blowgill Sniper is a Murloc card, whereas Ironforge Rifleman is not associated to any tribe. This subtle, yet prominant, difference may be why they have opted to drop the health to 1.
Technically speaking, if you follow the pre-exhisting guidelines of cards that Blizzard have already created and compare Blowgill Sniper card to Ironforge Rifleman, it should be a 1/1 for the cost of 2 mana.
All in all, I think this is just the beginning for this card, nevermind the Murloc tribe as a whole.