Insatiable Felhound

Card Text
Corrupt: Gain +1/+1 and Lifesteal.
Flavor Text
Back-to-back winner of the annual hot dog eating contest... and the judge-eating contest.
Corrupt: Gain +1/+1 and Lifesteal.
Back-to-back winner of the annual hot dog eating contest... and the judge-eating contest.
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This seems rather op.
On curve it's a 3-mana 2-5 taunt, which is already above average
On turn 5 or later it's a 3-6 taunt lifesteal, which is very strong.
At this point, Silverback Patriarch is beyond crying in the corner and has entered the catatonic state of depression. It's not terrible vanilla but is really good if corrupted. That said, I don't know if there is a DH deck that this fits in, as it isn't great in big demons and is too slow for aggro; also, I don't see it in a shards deck or a potential face damage deck with weapons and attack buffs.