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Aaaah. I guess i am the only one who gets the flavour text. It's from the song Tainted Love by Soft Cell. It's a classic. I am amazed no one has brought this up. You should look it up kids.
Tainted Zealot + Whirlwind + Sleep with the Fishes for a 5 mana, 6 damage AoE (that leaves TZ on board). Might compete with Bloodmage Thalnos in Fatigue Warrior?
They should be a Warlock card instead of Howlfiend.
She's not worse than Bloodmage Thalnos. For classes with AOE that hit your own minions, this is way better. Especially for Warlock's Defile.
this is imo the example of a perfectly designed and balanced card. and the art is amazing
I've been seeing this a lot when playing against control warlocks combined with Defile. Not bad, it guarantees a 5 damage clear.
This thing better say "How about YOUR life for aiur" when it attacks.
I wonder how many people know the song that this card's flavor text is a reference to.
At night i can't sleep, i toss and turn... Mind playing tricks on me
Anyone else think this card is cute? ^_^
still sick with spirit lash too
HAHA Spirit Lash.
??? You need to have another minion that has one or two health first and even then, it's 4 damage. 2 cards and does 1 more damage to each minion than hellfire.
This plus Spirit Lash for anti agro looks so good.
one of the best for me cuz i don't wanna pay 1600 dust for thalnos
It's also only marginally worse on the surface than Thalnos, whereas if you get down to real deckbuilding, it can actually end up being way better. Defile combo is a good example.
i need the full art asap
Hard to kill.
Great combo with Defile. If anything dies the first time, it'll hit for 2 again, and this will die, and it'll go again for a total of 5+ damage to the board. Pretty neat for 4 mana.