It's slightly worse than vanila stats and has a conditional effect that requires you to run mostly disadvantaged minions. I don't see why people call it "very good", it's playable, even though it's a beast too.
Statline is good. This is 2 cards that seem to want to push Deathrattle Hunter. There's not many great ones in Standard, barring those yet to be revealed. Highmane and Sylvannas are the 2 big ones. Maybe the return of Cairne?
It's slightly worse than vanila stats and has a conditional effect that requieres you to run mostly disadvantaged minions. I don't see why people call it "very good", it's playable.
This card will be a staple in Wild, frankly, due to all the powerful Deathrattles that will exist there. As for Standard, I don't know, but you can curve this out after a Shredder, or use it later on something like a Belcher or something like an Egg/Creeper.
This is precisely the card Feign Death should have been. It's too much of a tempo loss if the deathrattle isn't affecting board presence, but this is actually a good body with a great ability. SeemsGood
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Turns out its, Preeety good
Cool effect thats for sure!
Put your faith in the Whale.
Those stats are incredible.
N'Zoth synergy?
Very strong
Card seems very good, but it depends on the deathrattle minions to be great. Midrangy card
The card is indeed powerful, but the art though ....
I hunt a stone > Paladinstone > Deathrattlestone??? Facepalm. I think it is slightly OP with a boring card text.
highmane is 6drop
this card 5drop
need new 1~5 good deathrattle!
Why does it say immediately? Seems like a new wording to me.
It's slightly worse than vanila stats and has a conditional effect that requires you to run mostly disadvantaged minions. I don't see why people call it "very good", it's playable, even though it's a beast too.
"The light shall burn you!" - heals face.
Reno Control Hunter hype PogChamp
I really like the effect and it's very good card but the art really sucks...
Statline is good. This is 2 cards that seem to want to push Deathrattle Hunter. There's not many great ones in Standard, barring those yet to be revealed. Highmane and Sylvannas are the 2 big ones. Maybe the return of Cairne?
Here's a link of the filtered list.
Very good like it alot, sylvanas friend as well as highmane ;)
This is precisely the card Feign Death should have been. It's too much of a tempo loss if the deathrattle isn't affecting board presence, but this is actually a good body with a great ability. SeemsGood
Building Quirky Decks Every Week, Loving Life at Rank 15!