Skull of Gul'dan

Card Text
Draw 3 cards.
Outcast: Reduce their Cost by (3).
Flavor Text
A fellow of evil possessed, of most devious shadow. He hath turned on his kin a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in all imagination he is!
Draw 3 cards.
Outcast: Reduce their Cost by (3).
A fellow of evil possessed, of most devious shadow. He hath turned on his kin a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in all imagination he is!
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Revert this and Warglaives of Azzinoth to make DH good in wild
this should be at 7 mana at least tbh. even at 6 it's still ridiculously good, single-handedly turns a lost game into an easily won one.
Nerfed to 6 cost, same as Hand of Gul'dan
Called it, there're gonna be Body of Gul'dan, Crotch of Gul'dan, Foot of Gul'dan, and Gul'dan OBLITERATE in the future
was this card nerfed ?
because it costs 6 mana now ?!
This needs more visibility, wtf is going on. Ninja nerf?
It's called balance.
This card supposed to be a legendary you know. With unique naming and OP effect totally a class legendary.
One question...
What the fuck were they smoking?
One of the three cards that make Midrange and Highlander Deamon Hunter bonkers good.
Even when you top-deck it, it can pay off because Deamon Hunter has that many good cards that cost 3 or less.
So yeah, you might not want to play it for a while and need to wait to get the Outcast value but if you feel you can take the risk I would go for the high-roll every time. Drawing cards and reduction in cost at once is too good to pass up on.
Perfectly balanced ... There is no need for nerf .
This card is literally ridiculous. If you draw this anytime after turn 4, play it from top deck, you get the Outcast, and it's almost an auto win. Seeing the current DH carpool (and, I'm assuming some of the best are yet to come). A card that reduces 9 mana, let alone draw 3 cards. Crazy. Especially since you can draw your second copy which will cost 2. Even if you draw this 1st of 3, the other 2 are reduced, so you'll likely be able to play all 3 cards in that turn to draw 3 more reduced cards... That combo costs 7, to draw 5 cards, and reduce 15 mana... Nuts. Just nuts.
I have a feeling DH will come out of the gates like Galakrond Shaman, be uncontested, and need an early nerf. I have a feeling the first nerf will make DH unplayable, and need a fast tweak buff.
hmm aside from the OP cost reduction, I also can't help but wonder how thematically they made Guldan's skull a rare...
I mean yes there were 2 Guldan's on Azeroth thanks to Garrosh, but still, only 1 of his heads was linked to Illidan...
This should totally be a legendary card... Thematically and effect wise.
This would be busted if outcast reduced their cost by (1). Come on Blizzard, what is this even...
Wondrous Wand
Well, heavily nerfed
Smells like nerf spirit.
Insane. Even if it reduced only 1 or 2 mana cost it'd still be pretty good. I mean, Nourish for 5 mana was bananas.
Better Nerf Nourish
Imagine showing this to Gul'dan in a Demon Hunter vs. Warlock match.
Great without outcast, bonkers with it.