Blindeye Sharpshooter

Card Text
After you play a Naga,
deal 2 damage to a random
enemy and draw a spell.
(Then switch!)@After you cast a spell,
deal 2 damage to a random
enemy and draw a Naga.
(Then switch!)
Flavor Text
"Bullseye… I think."
After you play a Naga,
deal 2 damage to a random
enemy and draw a spell.
(Then switch!)@After you cast a spell,
deal 2 damage to a random
enemy and draw a Naga.
(Then switch!)
"Bullseye… I think."
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Losing to turn 4 or 5 from this card even if you manage to clear the board every turn. And if you survive they have a second copy for the next turn, because it let them draw 10+ cards. The match is decided by the draws of the demon hunter and you can not interact at all. Even mages with objection or counterspell can not do much to stop the combo at turn 4-5.
Hearthstone is unplayable right now thanks to this beauty.
How in the actual fuck is this card not nerfed into the absolute ground by now? This is FAR more OP than the Warlock snake that steals 10 health. Half the time they win on turn 3 or 4 now with this bullshit.
Looks like our prayers have been heard.