Lightning Breath
Card Text
Deal 4 damage to a
minion. If you're holding
a Dragon, also damage
its neighbors.
Flavor Text
Recipe: One dragon, four wool socks, thick shag carpet.
Deal 4 damage to a
minion. If you're holding
a Dragon, also damage
its neighbors.
Recipe: One dragon, four wool socks, thick shag carpet.
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If Zentimo is on the board that's 8 damage on each, right?
So... This is shadow bolt mixed with shooting star... For SHAMAN!??
wow im impressed, if this card was printed in the last expansions it wouldve been 4 mana for the same effect. For 3 mana its a good card even if u dont have a dragon
shaman now has had zero shaman only dragons until this expansion so basically you are playing a deck with these including wild cards
highly depends on what they print
I imagine it would be 12 to the centre most guy, 8 to the two directly left and right of the centre, and 4 to the outside edges. So essentially Meteor on crack in that case.
This card is amazing. The only thing holding it back is dragon shaman not being a thing, but I mean, highlander occasionally runs the 3/4 every-tribe minion whose name is escaping me atm (I believe as redundancy for Sandbinder), so between that and the Galakrond theme it's not impossible that this would see play. And hell, 3 mana for 4 damage is basically Shadow Bolt level, and Shadow Bolt isn't bad.
this actually makes shaman busted to a whole nother level, would be cool to see the zentimo interaction with this tho
just play this with lackeys and it is fine. no dragons needed with dragon lackey's existence.
ROFL!!! A potential 3 mana 12 damage split between 3 minions. If dragon Shammy becomes a thing this is an autoinclude