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Reminder: Warsong Commander Nerf This Week
The end of Grim Patron Warrior as we currently know it will be arriving sometime this week. It was announced last week that our favourite commander would be receiving the following card text change.
Quote from ZeriyahWarsong Commander now reads: Your Charge minions have +1 Attack.
Popular Constructed Decks of the Week
Not a whole lot of changes this week to which decks ranked among the favourites of HearthPwners.
Deck | Author | Cost |
Weird Mage (Control) | minntzu | 5280 |
Surprise Warrior | zGGLeoz | 5840 |
Midrange | Veeena | 7880 |
Fast Druid | Bloor | 4500 |
OTK Dragon Priest | Dwayna22 | 6960 |
Bloodlust Shaman | Comeback_khv | 2820 |
Tempo Mage | tDsYONKOU | 4020 |
Midrange Hunter | TalionHS | 3240 |
Cutpurse Rogue | Mazbaz | 1500 |
ASUS ROG Play It Cool Marathon Decks
This weekend, Forsen, Savjz, Firebat, and Reynad all participated in a 24 hour live ladder marathon at the DreamHack studio. The winner, Forsen, reached the highest rank on the ladder, and took home $5,000. You can find their final decks below.
The basic rules of the competition were (Full rules here):
- There was two banning phases, one for the first 12 hours and another for the other 12.
- Everyone started with an account which has unlocked all basic class cards.
- Each account had Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain unlocked.
- Each player starts with 10 card packs, and gains 3 packs of their choice every hour.
- Every 6 hours, a mini tournament between the contestants takes place, with the winner getting 5 packs.
Minion (18)
Ability (10)
Weapon (2)
Loading Collection |
Is this the first time since 2 weeks past BRM there has been no Patron here?
Goodbye Patron Warrior! Now all of the pros will have to relearn how to play other decks (or just pile onto the next FotM, probably secret paladin).
Nice noob hunter deck... skill level 0,025
Warsong has officially been nerfed on the server, at least on my Amazon downloaded app. I queued up ranked against an oil rogue and my warsong just sat there trying to give charge minions +1.
Anyways, hope no one else makes the same mistake!
Happy post nerf era... Yayyyyy...
yep that damn turn-10 (with Emperor Thaurissan and a full enemy board) combo that you ran up against unless you were playing any of the crazy popular aggro decks....that combo! Never mind all the 12k dust decks that take you to legend on auto-pilot....
Does anyone know what happen to Kungen?
Actually they can nerf warsong commander to "give a minion charge", then maybe warsong still can be a useful card.
Forsen was running Snake and Explosive trap.... not freezing.
Think we all can agree that Savjz deserved the win.
"The winner, Forsen, reached the highest rank on the ladder, and took home $5,000"
This description is wrong.
Forsen reached a lower rank (lower Elo) than Savjz and everyone could see it after they had to relogg (the relogg was unnecessary in the end)
After this, Savjz had to play a best of 3 with a bad mu against him and lost
Worst ending for a tournament ever
I missed the last bit of it, what ranks did they all get to?
Forsen 116 Savjz 112 Firebat stopped at a bad Legend rank because he couldn't race Hunter, Zoo and Reynad was Rank 2
How did they get so many legendaries and epics with such few packs????!!!!
Blizzard hates me XD
on average by the end of this tournament a player has gotten 90 packs so the chances of getting 4 legendaries is really good and on top of that they had BRM and NAXX unlocked.
Will there be a VOD of the Marathon Stream? I want to watch the beginning and the finish.
Four decks displayed in this tournament. Dragon priest, zoo, face hunter, ramp druid.
And they say creativity in this game is dead.
If money was on the line, would you play Beast Shaman over a competitive deck because "you're creative"?
This format is actually pretty cool :D
I loved watching this format and hope it will happen on a regular basis in the future!
Especially when 3 of my favorite streamers participate (and Reynad..).
The end of the race was as amazing as it could be as Forsen and Savjz tied. I am kind of sad of how it ended though. Hope they split the money or something as Savjz played an amazing tournament and deserved the win.
Looking forward to see them on stream again this week :)
Forsen should have won the first one instead of Savjz instead of going into a finale. So it balances out this time around.