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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro - Hearthstone's Fifth Expansion

    Current tavern brawl awards a pack for the journey to Un'Goro expansion right now. If my suspicions are correct, we'll likely get more over the next few brawls. The pack also says mid-april as well.

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on First Time Greetings and Showcase

    Yes, but at the same time, if you run out of minions, The Mistcaller is no longer permanent and Shadowform can be replaced with a discover from Sir Finley Mrrgglton.

    There is the potential that these "Permanent" cards won't actually be permanent. Just as it's likely you won't put Sir Finley Mrrgglton into a Shadowform deck, you probably always play Tick Tock Croc into its combo, which means it realistically is permanent, meaning it fits the theme.

    Also, pirates aren't really run all that much, but the point is this card would encourage you to play pirates which might be enough to make pirates an actual archetype. Therefore, pirates would be played.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on First Time Greetings and Showcase
    Quote from LarryMoments >>

    Thunder Drake seems very balanced, no thoughts, its perfect.

    Tick Tock Croc, well, a bad notice for u, it doesnt fits the theme competitions, even if its combo, it doesn´t fits onto the actual theme, seems balanced, but it wont be used too much (As very few persons use pirates decks)

     How does Tick Tock Croc not fit the theme? Does it need to not say "Combo:" so that you always get it back?
    It really does fit the theme. They gave shadowform as an example and that improves your hero power. In a way, this is like getting another hero power since you can use it forever. If it's something which permanently affects the game (which this does), I think it perfectly matches the theme.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on First Time Greetings and Showcase

    Thunder Drake is, again, from the "Make the Card" thread.

    Tick Tock Croc is my submission to this current week's competition, "Perpetual Commotion".

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on First Time Greetings and Showcase

    A few days ago, I made my first card forge which you can see here...


    The Converted Disciple is an idea for a priest 2 drop, which could be good.

    Stormwind Gate is from the "Make the Card" thread. Complex, but interesting.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.09 [SUBMISSION]


    Flavor Text: "Just make sure not to equip the rusty hook around this River Croc."

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Dragon Curator Hunter (Feedback?)

    Hmm...maybe. I haven't got to play Brann much yet (I don't play a lot), so I don't know if he's the weak link or not yet. I just recently swapped him in for Eaglehorn Bow (which is arguably better than Cloaked Huntress?) as Eaglehorn bow seemed to be the weak link before and I wanted to try out Brann with the card draw battlecries of Netherspite Historian, The Curator, and Azure Drake, mostly for the Netherspite.

    I might try your suggestion though and see if it's better.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Dragon Curator Hunter (Feedback?)

    Looking for feedback on this deck. I originally expected to lose all the games I played, but I was very surprised to, instead, reach rank 12 with it (I average around rank 17) and it doesn't seem to be stopping yet. I'll eventually know when it starts going 50% winrate, but right now, it's still on a winstreak. So far, it seems to be solving the hunter card draw problem and also gives them an insane lategame with Brann + Historian and Medivh + Call of the Wild while also maintaining some of the best midrange hunter cards available. I don't have Twilight Guardian in my collection, so let me know if those are stronger than the Book Wyrms or not.

    Try the deck out for yourself and let me know what you think. I think this is a real thing, I've only ever reached rank 12 once before and now I've met my record with something other than zoo and it's only been a week since the new season. Most of the decks I've played against have been some serious decks (no science, rip), but I've beat them all so far, including aggro shaman. Very excited for this deck, seems good.

    Again, leave feedback, I'm interested in seeing how this works for other people out there.

    Hunter Draw Fixed?? ft. Curator
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (20) Ability (10)
    Loading Collection

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 [FINAL POLL]

    A permanent spell damage +1 Swipe, Wrath, Living Roots, Moonfire, etc etc is plenty to come back from a tempo loss like that.

    Sorry, card's busted.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 [FINAL POLL]
    Quote from Sneaky_Raptor >>

    Nice to see everyone I voted for doing well today. Congrats to the winner, besides the missing punctuation at the end it is overall a good design worthy of the winner gallery.

    I'm also proud to get the bronze after being 1st and 2nd previously.

    Quote from yukaboy >>

    I just don't like Moonkin form for how uncounterable it is. Since it's a passive effect, you can't do anything about it, whatsoever, and that's why I didn't vote for it.

    If it was just a 0 mana hero power that gave you spell damage this turn, that'd be much better.

    Making it a 0 mana hero power would actually make it stronger since you could activate it at the start of every turn regardless, but also trigger every inspire effect in the process. Also that one time you get your hands on a Coldarra Drake for the OTK...
     Even if it's a slightly stronger card, at least it's counterable. I'd honestly be happy to see Shifter Zerus or Inspire druid become a thing, so by all means, go with 0 mana, non-passive. At least it'd be counterable.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 [FINAL POLL]

    I just don't like Moonkin form for how uncounterable it is. Since it's a passive effect, you can't do anything about it, whatsoever, and that's why I didn't vote for it.

    If it was just a 0 mana hero power that gave you spell damage this turn, that'd be much better.

    Edit: Saboteur was the card I was thinking of.

    Edit2: This is why I'd like to have a different poll system, more like blizzard has handled competitions, where they judge the cards first and cut out the ones with problems, like this card. Counterability is a part of game design. It's not very fun to have something in a PvP game that you cannot counter in any way at all. Even Reno Jackson can be played around. You start to notice the strange cards that aren't normally run and you see a lot of one-of cards played and you know when they start to get low that they'll want to play their Reno, so you apply just enough pressure to force out their Reno before they really want to. This card, however, has absolutely zero counter, there is actually nothing in the game to stop it if it were to be printed in Hearthstone and were to become popular, not even Saboteur. Blizzard, in the past, has also mentioned several times about Spell Damage that they're being very careful and have often overpriced it. When Spell Damage is really strong (Cult Sorcerer and Malygos), archetypes like Otk and Tempo (even without the C'thun bonus) start to gain some intense power.

    I'm sorry, but Blizzard would never print Moonkin Form without some major changes.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Make the Card
    Quote from shmeur >>

    How is Lefuet playable with no attack what lol.  Does Warrior even have any decent buff cards

     Double inner rage, double rampage. Otk deck.
    Boring card...
    Next: Card like Beneath the Grounds or Burrowing mine
    Whew, that was a complicated one, but I really like the concept.
    Next: 2 Legendaries that work together like Feugen and Stalagg or Dreadscale and Acidmaw.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on The priest 2-drop that we deserve

    Converted Priest

    This is a little more balanced.

    t2, drop this, t3, trade into their 1 drop and play a 3 drop, t4, heal it and trade into their 2 or 3 drop

    (In hindsight, it'd probably be better as a 2/3)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Make the Card

    A Card to make Dragon Druid Viable or at least tier 2.

    Thunder Drake

    I don't think this is enough on its own to make dragon druid tier 2...but I think it fills an early removal spot that they need.

    Next: Another dragon druid card, something that requires you have a dragon in your hand.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on RedRook's Card Forge #1 : Pirates

    You mention a lot of great points and based on those, I'd like to take note here of what I might change based on your feedback.

    So for the pirate's chest, I was originally just going to make it a straight up minion, but it felt weird to make a chest as a minion...but maybe it's correct. Otherwise, I think I'll keep it the same, even though there may be some kind of thematic possibility, I can't think of a nice way to make it work, so I think it'll still have the same deathrattle effect.

    The cursed coin might be a broken concept? I think it'd need to be tested before I could make any changes to it.

    I forgot about Xaril. xD ...I still like the concept though.

    I think the only fair solution for the Piranha Pirate is to make it only target minions. I think that's enough of a nerf and it still does what I want it to.

    Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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