• 5

    posted a message on New Demon Hunter Rare Card Revealed - Relic Vault

    Bonus points to MTG because they then *also* locked Contraptions in Silver-bordered land, which are not legal in any non-silver-border events, despite having that card that synnergizes with Contraptions be a black-bordered card.

    The comparison would be like if HS only published Relics as a Duels-only mechanic, but still had this card printed to standard.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Bargain Orc - New custom card

    As stated above: max of 4 lines of text.


    Condense the text into 4 lines, or the idea isn't going to fly as a card.

    Quote from Krishno_NL >>
    Quote from zmauls >>

    Way too wordy.

     i think its ok to have some more complex cards in hearthstone...

    Complex cards and complex mechanics is fine.

    Complex card text is not.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Oracle of Elune should not work with cost reduced minions
    Quote from RendInFriend >>
    Quote from SoundwaveVR >>
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    I swear, nobody plays removal anymore.

     So we should be able to summon 50/50 minion for 2 mana, just because you can counter it with a Shadow Word: Death.

     There’s no card that does that and if there was… yes, death is a great card to play in that scenario

     Sure there is. In fact, you can do 2 mana 60/60 with 0 cost reductions with just one card. Its even immune to silence!

    Trick is, it's just not in standard. (Spoilers: it's Jade Idol)

    Incidentally, Shadow Word Death is *awful* in the matchup against effects that generate 2-3 huge minions, like with Oracle + Giants.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Patch 23.0.1 Patch Notes - Balance Changes BG & Duels - Pandaren Importer Change & Bug Fixes

    Funny. That's very much the same argument all those people made about Preparation before it went from discount 3 to discount 2.

    Shadowstep has been a design space problem since the games creation - it keeps cropping up in degenerate combos, in OTKs, infinite hand loops, etc etc etc. And a bunch of cards in Rogue are absolutely hamstrung during the design because Shadowstep *exists*.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on When was the turning point?

    Honestly? Probably some time between Karazhan and Knights of the Frozen Throne.

    Karazhan denotes a wild step up in RNG and a lack of willingness by the devs to implement promised game modes (remember tournament mode being promised? Well the closest we got was Heroic Tavern Brawl... which was terrible for the normal Brawl playerbase)

    Meanwhile, Knights denotes a wild step up in class power disparity, one which we still kind of haven't recovered from (see also the "A History of Official Meta Snapshots" for more clarity)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Kazakusan should read "If all minions in your STARTING deck are dragons"
    Quote from grokl77 >>
    Quote from RendInFriend >>
    Quote from grokl77 >>

    We disagree..

    Quote from RendInFriend >>
    Spells that cost 8-10 mana are supposed to end games...

     I strongly disagree with that statement.

     You can disagree, but that is sentiment from game designers at blizz. High cost spells need to be impactful and be a way to end games. This has been their design philosophy since the beginning, what is pyroblast for if not to end the game? This is on top of a restrictive, highly telegraphed and counterable deck at 8-10 mana.

    Plenty of 8-10 mana spells, that does not end games, but merely resets the board/game DOOM! Shield Shatter Plague of Death Tree of Life and Twisting Nether.

    Void Contract Tidal Wave Power Word: Fortitude Glacial Mysteries Demonbolt are pretty far from being game ending.

    And the impact of Mind Control Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Rune of the Archmage Zerek's Cloning Gallery Cenarion Ward Deep Freeze Free From Amber Guardian Animals is debatable and random.

    Spells that has a good potential to win you the game when cast within that mana range is limited to Nagrand Slam Pyroblast Survival of the Fittest and Gift of the Wild (if you have a board) Dinosize (if you have a minion) Inner Demon Power of Creation and to be nice we can include Call of the Wild

    So I don't give much for your claim that its the developers philosophy, that 8-10 mana cost spells should end games. Be impactful of course, but not gaming winning more or less on their own.

     I'm not going to go line by line, but I assure you, you've collected a list that is half "actually are game ending cards, even if you aren't aware of it" and the other half is "this isn't actually 8-10 mana, so they're disqualified".

    The ultimate trouble is that you're misunderstanding "game ending" - using the devs own comments in interviews and AMAs, the Quests are game ending cards - not because they kill the opponent (only really one does that actively), but because you're supposed to gain such a vast advantage moving forward from that point that losing becomes less likely. (Another example of a "game ending" card that isn't obvious is Preparation back when it reduced the next spell by 3. It was something like an 80% played winrate card in a 55% winrate deck)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Kazakusan dust refund?
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from BlueStripe >>

    I just wonder...

    Kazakusan's effect is based on Duels treasures, right? What if they nerf any treasure that could be discovered by Kazakusan? Will we get the possibility to get full dust refund for him? I mean, if you nerf the treasures, you are actually nerfing the dragon too!

     They are based on Duels Treasures, but they are not the same cards. They are completely separate entities. So no, if a nerf happens to the Duels cards, it does not affect the Kazakusan Treasures and would not trigger the full dust refund.


    There are a few notable differences between the two, but the big one immediately coming to mind is that Pocket Knife gives Charge in Duels but Rush in Constructed.

    They are simply different cards, and any theoretical nerfs to one will likely have no impact on the other, unless some underlying mechanic gets changed (like if the RNG mechanism gets changed, or stealth and taunt interaction gets changed)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Demon Seed is banned?
    Quote from Nefiret>>


    Let's see, the Wild mode was created so that we could play with ALL the cards that we had in our collection as they were originally created, not to try to be competitive...[...]

     Well, there's your problem. That is decidedly *not* why Wild was created - it may be what you believe to be the optimal design space for Wild, but it was not made for this.

    Iksar has discussed this at length in some of his AMAs, but the intention for Wild is that you are able to play your old decks with each cards *core functionality* remaining the same, but with no guarantee that the numbers/specific keywords attached to those cards would stay the same.

    This is why Patches hasn't been given Charge back, or why they haven't unnerfed Sylvanas back to 5 mana, or why Force of Nature no longer gives charge treants. They're willing to undo some nerfs because those nerfs were overboard and unnerfing them wouldn't be unbalanced while others were warranted, and need to be in place for the health of Wild as a whole.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Rotation nerfs
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    Guff is the only 8/8, the rest are 7/7. They also aren’t that relevant right now. Warlock sees play of course, shaman is decent, DH is okay for combo enabling, Rogue is meh, but Warrior, Priest, Paladin, Hunter, Mage, and Druid are bad. Did you lose to the only quest Druid on ladder and get salty?

     This is... not strictly true.

    It's accurate for Standard, but standard isn't the only metric at play here.

    In Wild, the only two* Questlines that see any play are Hunter and Warrior, and even then, post nerf they're not the dominant meta defining powerhouses, anymore, they're just... "kinda alright". I think the most recent stats I saw said they were at like... 50.1% winrate? Which is good enough to climb with, but not really anything outlandish.

    Arguably, Warrior Questline is a problem in that it still has a massive representation, but it doesn't seem like a balance issue and more a "stale metagame" issue.

    That basically points to the Questlines being... fine for the most part? Not really in dire need of nerfs, since their impact is felt, but is relatively minimal in both formats.


    *There would be a third playable questline, if it weren't banned, and the fact that Warlock questline is banned is arguably grounds for some hardcore nerfs, but Blizzard seems reluctant to admit that questline in general was a mistake.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Demon Seed is banned?
    Quote from kwikill >>

    Banning cards in wild is the lazy, kicking the can down the road band-aid for addressing real problems with cards, because you're gonna have to face the music when the card rotates out anyway.

    What they need to do are backend/UI changes that allow for mutual exclusivity. For example, if you made The Demon Seed and Crystallizer mutually exclusive, you'd solve pretty much the main issue with that card in Wild. Mutual exclusivity would also go a long way to fixing other Wild issues as well as preventing more in the future.

     Mostly this.

    Not 100% sure about the specific implementation suggested, but any time a card gets banned from Wild is just going to cause infinitely more issues down the road.

    As we can see with Nefiret, there definitely is a contingient who want to play their cards as-is in the Wild format, but when the mechanics of the card are so toxic as to render Wild unplayable (as Demon Seed and Soul Stealer did for the relatively brief time they were around) there almost is no way to reintroduce them without some massive fix to the underlying mechanics.

    What I've always advocated for on the questline was that fatigue was just flat out removed from the equation, and that reflected damage had to come from cards or H.P. under either players control, rather than neutral game mechanics.

    And for Stealer, really, what you need to do is just make it so that things costing health instead of mana aren't treated as damage that can be blocked with immune (or seed). As the mechanic works now, it just leaves the mechanic of "costs health instead of mana" at odds with the wording of other mechanics that do similar effects, but don't work that way. Reckless Flurry says you spend Armor, but it doesn't let you *not* lose armor if you're immune, so "spending health" should similarly be unreducible by immune.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 4

    posted a message on A History of Official Meta Snapshots - Every Expansion Since Old Gods - With Pie Charts!

    Fascinating. Though, it definitely does sort of support my feeling that we haven't really had a "balanced" meta in a while.

    There's always been a problem of "haha, [9th/10th class] in [year]", but its surprising to see just how lopsided some of these really are.

    My 2 general rules of thumb for class balance are that 1) if 50% of meta is 3 classes (out of 9 or 10) or 2) if the gap between the second most played and the second least played is over 10%: something is wrong.

    And the last time *both* were satisfied was Ungoro, which definitely lines up with my general opinion of the overall balance.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Which nerf is more likely for pirate warrior quest? vote.
    Quote from Bengalaas >>
    Quote from XanKortal >>

     Tier... 2?

    *checks HSREPLAY*

    You sure? They're showing it as the #2 deck, right behind Libram Paladin.

     Did you pay for the "premium" version, or are you looking at the unfiltered rankings that include bronze and silver winrates?

    If it's the latter, then stop using HSreplay.

     Ah yes. Because "grinding from bronze up to legend" isn't a thing that happens, which matters for determining how good a deck is or isn't for climbing.


    Also, if you want to only use top level as a metric? Worlds is going on right now, and Nalguidan is one of the players who brought Quest Warrior, and has yet to lose with said deck.

    The other player to bring the deck, Frenetic, only sported one win one loss with the deck, before he was elimimated (and most of his losses were with alignment druid). Meaning at 2021 worlds, Quest Warrior has a 4 win, 1 loss record to date, which seems to be a pretty flipping good ratio for the top players to sport.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Which nerf is more likely for pirate warrior quest? vote.
    Quote from Bengalaas >>

    Why would they nerf a tier2 deck?

     Tier... 2?

    *checks HSREPLAY*

    You sure? They're showing it as the #2 deck, right behind Libram Paladin.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Wild is in a Healthy State

    I think that having a banlist at all is a supremely unhealthy state to be in for the format.

    The problem, to me, is that the devs have already gone on record that the intention for wild is that you can play your old decks and that the cards in those decks won't wildly change from what they were, even if the numbers themselves change.

    Put another way, the devs don't promise your individual cards and decks will retain their power level, but they will retain their effects.



    Having a banlist sort of communicates that when those cards rotate, they will need to break that promise - since the effects *themselves* are the problem for wild. It doesn't matter how much Stealer of Souls costs for mana, Voidcaller plus Violet Illusionist, plus Plot Twist equals infinite mana and infinite card draw. The effect itself is the problem, and will need to be changed when it inevitably rotates out of standard. Same story with The Demon Seed - it's just way too easy to burn through all the stages with no real cost, and the ability to burn to fatigue reliably is way too strong to allow that effect to exist in the format at all.


    Other than that one outlier (which is a *big* issue, IMHO), I do think Wild is in a relatively healthy state. There's definitely more deck variety than Standard, that's for sure.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How to nerf quests
    Quote from Andrei2007 >>

    What quest is the problem exactly? Mage, Warlock are no longer playing the quests. You're about 2 months behind my dear.

     Let's take a merry little jaunt over to HSReplay, shall we?


    Nope. Seems like at this exact moment, two of the top four winrate decks in standard are quest decks (Warrior and Warlock), and a third (Quest Rogue) is also slotting into tier 2 status and tearing things up.

    Seems like no. It's not these people, but you who is several months behind the meta.


    Furthermore, your argument about wild not mattering is all kinds of dumb - the fact that at least one questline needed to be banned from the format for balance reasons should definitely cue you in that their fundamental designs might be a problem for the game, long term. Quest Warlock has been nerfed at least 7 times, and still is one of the top 4 decks in standard, and is outright banned from wild for being too strong. That should immediately throw some red flags about how healthy such a card even is for the game, at all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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