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    posted a message on Journey into Wild 5: Grindhouse Priest
    Quote from Heeljin >>

    I won't try to convince anyone this is a tier 1 deck.

    I will say its VERY hard to lose if you play optimally vs ANY of the reno decks on Wild because your end game is better AND faster.

    Potion of Madness is AoE 2.0, its better than conventional AoEs because its not a dead card sometimes. Its 1-mana which lets you develop in the same turn and it combos with Cult Master. The deck is designed so Shadow Visions = 3 mana Potion 100% of the time. Thats 4 potions for those doing the math at home if you need them.

    I do like the Moat Lurker suggestion I might try it for sure!

    This deck is soft to aggro in generally. However, because the concentration of deathrattles is so high you hit taunts into Amara enough to win games. If you keep facing aggro then switch decks, if you want to beat up reno decks try this one.

     I mean, you say you're not trying to convince anyone it's a tier 1 deck, but then claim it's almost unbeatable versus Reno style decks or even other variations of Nzoth priest, and your posted evidence of the deck strength is a single rank 18 game.
    The thing is you may be beating Reno players at that rank, but this deck is not set up optimally to compete with better tuned decks of the same vein.  The most glaring omission is any form of board clear which is arguably Priest's biggest strength in both Wild with Lightbomb and Standard with Dragonfire Potion
    Eggnappers and Sated Threshadons seem like budgetary choices more than optimized selections, and if that's true that's completely fine, but just say that. Apart from Shellraiser  potentially being a lucky roll, Barnes being a 'lucky' roll, or Mirage Caller your Nerbubian Eggs are just dead until opponent AOEs. You don't have AOE yourself so it just feels like that's a wasted slot. It's a low-value combo with high variance to just whiff. You'd honestly probably just be better off with Harvest Golem as you're at least guaranteed attack power and you're talking about 4/4 in stats spread across 2 bodies compared to 4/6 across 2, but BOTH forms of golem can do something.
    Your deck effectively has 2.5 targets for Shadow Visions as presumably Awaken is in your opening hand. To say it's 4x copy of Entomb is a bit ludicrous as you have a fair chance to draw both Entombs before both Shadow Visions. Then you end up with maybe pseudo third copy of Potion of Madness or hope to draw Elise before it's literally just a dead draw. You really shouldn't run visions unless you have more spells. The point of the card is to help you find your silverbullets as needed. Need extra early removal? Go for the SW:P or Madness Pots, need AOE? Dragonfire/Lightbomb, grindy control matchup? Save it for the Un'Goro pack or get an Entomb.
    This just feels like a deck that's trying to be a little too cute in the early game or too indie or whatever but as a result just undercuts its own potential. 
    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar

    I voted this card as "Bad" as it just feels like a further evolution of Blizz's thus far failed attempts to make control hunter viable. The problem is the innate hero power pushes the class towards aggro/mid-range type decks and most of the *good* hunter cards also fit that theme. This card seems good at first glance, but really that hero power is oppressively slow for the hunter. It's basically asking you to stop caring about your actual deck and play the build-a-beast game where you aren't even really getting good value. You're always -2 mana efficiency on the stats/effects. It'd almost be better if it just said "2-mana: Discover 2 beasts and add them to your hand." 

    I don't think anyone claiming this card is "Jaraxxus for hunters" understands how this new hero power works. You don't put the newly stitched together minion directly into play, you get it to hand. Basically, the effect works like a mini Kazakus battlecry, you discover two beasts and then literally add their Attack, Health, and Mana cost to each other and then give it any rules text either/both of the underlying minions has.

    This would be insane if the meta ever slowed enough for grind-hunter to be a thing, but I can't imagine that'll ever happen; esp. for Hunter. Really what you're almost hoping for with the build-a-beast is like Rat Pack + Duskboar for a 5 mana 6/3 that deathrattles to make 6x 1/1s. Something you can actually play after spending the 2 mana initial cost and to have some level of threat. That's still not great. And to the people saying Savannah Highmane + Tundra Rhino that's literally an 11-mana minion that will be unplayable w/o coin or some sort of cheaty-effect. Again you'd be looking for like Highmane + Stonetusk Boar for a 7 mana 7/6 Charge with deathrattle make 2x 2/2 hyennas. That with the hero power is still 9 mana though. 


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is mage too strong?

    My reaction to all posts like this is try a different deck if you're getting stuffed by a specific deck in your local meta. Mage is very strong. You know who else is? Literally every class not named "Warlock" currently in the meta. Tempo Mage is maybe a tier 1 deck now, but there are plenty of hard counters to it. Try running Priest for example. A single Greater Healing Potion in the deck tends to wreck Mage as they can never burst you down assuming you hold it/a copy off Shadow Visions until they Alex you. Typical turn progression is Turn 9+ they Alex me and pass, I play Greater Heal my Face, SW:D Alex, and some middling threat and they scoop. 

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Mind Control Tech in Quest Rogue

    I believe the answer is yes, it becomes a 5/5. It seems no matter how a minion enters your side of the board it will immediately become a 5/5. I'm not sure why you'd ever take out the chargers though or why you'd run a Moroes over a second Igneous. I understand it's a different concept to run, but you're taking out a key Quest enabler and then arguably the most vital win-cons from the deck. 

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on I'd like to see a proper anti-secret tech

    Kezan Mystic was a fantastic tech card versus secrets; the problem was Mysterious Challenger  made her nearly useless and everyone complained there needed to be a neutral way to deal with multiple secrets. We ended up with Eater of Secrets. The problem is MC almost immediately became bad in Standard as both Avenge and Kezan Mystic rotated making Eater almost obsolete immediately.  Now with Hydrologist and Mage Secret meta back Mezan would be a perfect tech card but she's rotated. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on best C'thun class?

    And the gravedigger award goes to....

    Seriously, why revive a 1-year old thread about a card that's not really meta anymore. Every once in a while you'll see a random C'Thun Druid crop up but seriously.....what....?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Who else agrees with Kripp on the staleness of the game?

    I don't think it's stale, per se. I think there are a number of viable decks. The problem is they added decks like Quest Rogue that really limit the available space for slower decks. If you're running any form of control or deck that expects to live past turn 7 with board clears and efficient removal you just straight up lose to that deck. The result is a meta currently where control is almost non-existent.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Negativity in Hearthstone (Brian Kibler)
    Quote from FortyDust >>

    I used to play a lot of MtG, and I have to say ... I lost at least as many games to being mana-screwed as I've ever lost due to random effects in Hearthstone. Talk about your "bad RNG"!

    But no one ever really does talk about this because A) it's boring, and B) they can't exactly see what would have happened on a better draw. So they  shrug and say, "Well, that's just part of the game!"

    But it's a part of the game that happens all the time, and to me it's a million times more frustrating than any random effect in Hearthstone.

    (This is all compounded by the fact that a lot of Hearthstone players like to blame RNG when they won't admit or don't even realize that their losses had a lot more to do with their own incompetent plays leading up to the random event.)

     It's this coupled with the insane mulligan system in HS and hero ability being a thing. I find far more games of HS play linearly than MTG games because you can almost all but guarantee a decent curve (as long as you aren't running like Astral Druid or something) over your first 3 turns. Everyone saying HS has way more RNG, that's only sort of true. Sure, you'll get housed by the Lyra miracle turn or Hallucination ripping exactly the right card from your class, but you don't have to worry about mana production and you  almost always have a 2-mana play at the very worst. 

    The finals of the most recent Pro Tour included a Game 1 where a Hall of Fame player kept a 1-land hand looking to draw any land over his first two turns to just about ensure a win. He didn't draw it and basically just drew his card and said "go" until he was dead. If that isn't "bad RNG" I don't know what is. 
    EDIT: Also perhaps even more relevant - the moment Brian Kibler died a little inside: 
    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on Is Kel'Thuzad still in meta?
    Quote from skaven >>
    Quote from ScaryKoolaid >>

    Well, he's not Standard legal so I guess you're asking about Wild. I don't think Kel'Thuzad is necessarily a "win more" card as pjokie said, but he's close. He's more of one of those greedy control cards that ensures inevitability like Ysera

    I actually had a Wild N'Zoth shaman deck a few months ago that worked pretty well. He's pretty insane as a turn 10 play with Reincarnate as you kill him with it, then he revives a copy of himself at end of turn. He's also insane as a rip off Barnes or whatever. Yes, it's greedy and no I would not say it's a very strong meta play, but he's certainly viable at the very least.

     how surprising is that! its in the url, who would have thought that he is asking about wild?!
    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on The Rogue Quest, The Caverns Below, is OP. Nerf it already.

    The problem with the card/deck is twofold:

    1) It is unbeatable by anyone piloting with half a brain and anywhere near "Not the worst draw possible" versus any deck that isn't pure aggro. You can clear their board 3 times with Dragonfire Potion or whatever and they'll still kill you off all the cantrips and card generation abilities the deck has. It's just too easy to reload and then kill you from basically an empty board state.

    2) There is no interacting with this deck. You essentially have to go face and hope you kill them before they can quest then overwhelm you.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Kel'Thuzad still in meta?

    Well, he's not Standard legal so I guess you're asking about Wild. I don't think Kel'Thuzad is necessarily a "win more" card as pjokie said, but he's close. He's more of one of those greedy control cards that ensures inevitability like Ysera

    I actually had a Wild N'Zoth shaman deck a few months ago that worked pretty well. He's pretty insane as a turn 10 play with Reincarnate as you kill him with it, then he revives a copy of himself at end of turn. He's also insane as a rip off Barnes or whatever. Yes, it's greedy and no I would not say it's a very strong meta play, but he's certainly viable at the very least.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Negativity in Hearthstone (Brian Kibler)
    Quote from dgoodm03 >>

    I think a point Kibler made that is not being discussed (insofar as I can see at least), is this:

    In the competitive scene for Hearthstone, the majority of players who compete in tournaments at the championship level are pretty consistent.  

    You see newcomers - there should never be a competitive game where NOBODY can ever break into it - but by and large, you see similar faces in each major tournament.

    If RNG were as bad as people claim and believe it to be, would you not see random people in every tournament ?  It's not like there aren't a lot of people trying for it - qualifying tournaments and rounds filter out hundreds if not thousands of players.  

    Doesn't the fact that it's consistently the same people each time actually mean that randomness does NOT trump skill and practice in the game?    And if you don't believe that, could you explain why?   Could you explain why the tournament lineup is consistent?  

    Yes, Pavel won a game based on a lucky draw from babbling book - but that's only looking at a very small sample size of matches. Even if it's a championship - the overall trend is that RNG is not that impactful.

     Part of the reason these players are so consistent is simply because they have the hours to grind to legend every month. As long as you are above average, hitting legend isn't some ridiculous goal but for how long it may take you to get there. There are a lot of "pro" Hearthstone players who are only invited to tournaments because they have successful Twitch streams/community presence.

    The same is a bit true in a pro-scene like MTG, where once a player starts really earning pro-points and can start making the game a reliable source of income they can grind tournaments much more easily and cost effectively (some tiers of pro-point levels actually result in Hasbro paying the player's travel expenses and earning them several byes of early play for example). I would say though that MTG is general is a much more skill intensive game as it is miles and miles beyond HS in interactivity and decision making. I play both and have for years (many in the case of MTG) and would like to think of myself as at least "good" at both, watching a pro MTG player run through lines of play versus a HS player it's no comparison. You can even use Kibler himself as an example: his videos he discusses his lines of play and what he's playing around/setting up for, but then if you watch some of his MTG videos you're talking about multiple times more levels of contingencies. Part of that is just because of 'land' being a thing in HS and mana resources being less linear. "I can play this creature now, but if I don't hit my land drop next turn that's really bad. Alternatively, I can play this draw spell and try and make sure I hit my land drop next turn but then I'm tempoing myself out. What are the possible plays my opponent can have that either punish me for missing a land drop versus not having my creature in play?" Something simple like that really impacts a game in a way HS doesn't really have.
    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on Toast got suspended// free win exploit [Do not explain the exploit]

    Toast does do some really great work, but it's not exactly altruistic. He gets a ton of views on his Twitch and YouTube accounts for putting up content that shows bugs. That means he is gaining financially from making publicly available instructions on how to perform game breaking bugs. 

    Blizz won't discipline you if you stumble into a bug, especially if you report it to them directly. What it will do is is take action against you if you're clearly taking advantage of an exploit (i.e. keep doing it for free wins or gold or whatever) or you're putting out how to perform the exploit for many others to take advantage of. Toast saying "Oops, I concede though" doesn't stop the dozens (if not more) of people who see him perform an exploit who then boot up HS and go try and rank up with it, which in a lot of ways is more damaging than the isolated exploiter trying to take advantage solo. 

    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on Negativity in Hearthstone (Brian Kibler)
    Quote from Aether_lackey >>

    [snip]magic hasn't printed a card with "random" written on it, excluding cards that put revealed cards back to the bottom of your deck in random order and non-standard valid cards for probably more than a decade.

    Random effects are not part of magic at all, very rare exceptions, and all of them in formats that would equate to wild in HS. [snip]

    Hmmmm. Some selected examples (I'd note the word 'random' actually printed on a number of these)
    In standard:
    In Modern (some printed within last few years, not decades):
    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on Lyra or Pyros ?

    Lyra is arguably the better card in a vacuum and is almost certainly better in this meta. Pyros is a slow, grindy attrition card trying to be a 3-for-1 (or better) over the course of a very long game. The problem is versus aggressive decks its too slow and versus control decks like Priest decks the 2/2 is a liability versus cards like Potion of Madness (as a control priest player I'd say I've benefited from more Pyros' than their casters). You aren't going to out-attrition Taunt Warrior or Jade Druid and you likely aren't ever really looking to spend 6 mana to drop a bad Boulderfist Ogre or 10 mana for an elemental Faceless Behemoth versus aggressive or midrange decks. It's just very poorly situated as it's worse at grinding out an opponent in the match-ups you'd think you want a grindy card, and it's just too slow versus anything else. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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