Priest has 5 playable archetypes to climb to Legend with right now: Control (featuring Yogg-Saron), Dragon, Purify/Silence, Spell (also called 'Combo') and N'zoth Priest.
I think Purify Priest is the best of the bunch right now, it takes people by surprise, but that may change soon when they wise up and take steps to stop that turn 5 32/32 Humongous Razorleaf.
Dragon seems popular but I have not had good results with it myself.
So try something like this:
Minion (19) |
Ability (11)
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This is probably the most meta-defining card for Shaman. It might enable Elemental Shaman to become a thing and it certainly has a spot in Evolve shaman as it seems like it will make Thrall, Deathseer essentially Evolve your board 4x. I'm still not clear (I know I can probably just look it up) as to whether WotOG rotates out with K&C, but if I understand correctly the answer is "not yet" which means you can have a turn with Doppelgangster and Evolve getting a random 3 drop and 5x random 6 drops. That's nuts!
The value potential here is insane. Presumably you only play her to trigger her at least once with your own attack phase but things can get kind of nuts kind of fast. I'm voting her "Very Good" but she has potential to be Meta Defining as further cards are revealed and/or future expansions release.
This card is hilariously strong for so many reasons. Not only is it a board clear, but you can manipulate the board in ways in which you're shuffling your own trash minions into their deck and essentially causing them to skip some number of their subsequent draw steps.
Does Ultimate Infestation really need any more synergies?
This may not be meta defining at K&C release, but I feel like there will be some very legitimate combo deck to develop as a result of this card. The effect is just insane and on top of it it's an elemental that is a 7/7 for 6.
Inc. turn 2 Prince Keleseth turn 3 Zola the Gorgon meta.
This is the card that will revive Dragon Priest. Meta-defining. It's just crazy value and the board clear Priest needed to bridge the gap to Dragonfire Potion.
This card is very good. I'm not sure it'll be "meta-defining" by itself, but worst case scenario this card is like a better version of Greater Healing Potion as you're paying 4 to get 12 armor instead of restoring health. In token decks it's just going to be massive anthem effect, which i'm sure will be a popular option. I'm sure there'll be a lot of decks where it'll be either a more expensive Arcane Intellect or Shield Block (I'd argue that the +1 armor isn't reallllly worth mentioning compared to the +1 mana but I will just for completeness.
In any event I suspect we'll see 1-2 of these in essentially every flavor of Druid in the foreseeable future, which I suppose might make it meta-defining? I just don't think this is the card that breaks druid any further.
Most obvious synergies are with Priest. You can Shadow Word: Pain the chest same turn or you can go for wombo-combo with Marin + Radiant Elemental into Potion of Madness and cards like Power Word: Shield and Inner Fire to smash face for 8+ as an alt win-con.
Playable but I think Razamakus Reaver priest will have a hard time finding space for this and I think that deck is still going to be the best Priest shell.