• 3

    posted a message on Icehowl

    But it's not even 9 mana 2x BGH - The value in BGH isn't that it's just a kill spell, it's that it's a kill spell that also presents a threatening body. If you played 2x BGH to kill say a Ragnaros and an Alexstraza versus running Icehowl into them both you just clear the board; for -3 mana but +1 card you'd leave the board with 2x 4/2 on your side.

    I don't think this card is viable outside of arena and even then as a very mediocre pick. This dude is over-costed in my opinion by at least 1 if not 2 mana OR doesn't have high enough stats. You can certainly try to break him with Silence, but again, at 9 mana you're just getting a 10/10 vanilla or smash a minion with charge into a 10/[X] vanilla for 9. At 9 mana you're looking at Ysera, Nefarian, Alex - all huge bodies that also almost always guarantee value and present a huge threat to opponent's face if left unchecked - this dude just threatens to trade with 2-3 of your minions.

    I think the concept of this card is good but I think this is an example of Blizzard (probably wisely) showing restraint/apprehension of making OP cards and thus their experimental cards are a little UP. Something is just not right about this card and I really think it's the cost.

    Posted in: Icehowl
  • 3

    posted a message on Varian Wrynn

    This card, albeit 10 mana, seems absolutely busted...  Control Warrior is going to be so swole up with Justicar giving him +4 life every turn into being able to play this; perhaps the most value laden card ever made for HS.

    Yes he's 10 mana but let's consider this card versus what I would consider the more apt comparator: Lay on Hands. LoH draws you the same amount of cards and in decks that run LoH there's often very little else you'll be doing that turn other than maybe making a recruit. You get 8 life so it helps you stabilize versus more aggressive decks, but it doesn't really help if your life total is high and is often just "Draw 3" if your in one of those situations/ahead. For +3 mana you get a War Golem AND a very high % that you just instantly play the 1-3 of the cards you draw for free. Consider the cards that already go into control warrior- cards like Ysera, Ragnaros, and Gromm don't care about the no-battlecry "drawback" and even Alex and/or Dr. Boom don't care that much? If the card read: 10 mana- Put a 7/7 and an 8/8 dragon into play, draw 2 cards I'd be pretty damn happy even if I don't get an Alex trigger... I mean....geez...

    Posted in: Varian Wrynn
  • 2

    posted a message on Rhonin

    Combo with Mana Wyrm /troll

    Posted in: Rhonin
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    posted a message on Dreadsteed

    Wombo Combos.

    Posted in: Dreadsteed
  • 17

    posted a message on Dreadsteed

    At first I thought, "Why doesn't a dreadsteed have 'charge' ?" and then I thought "Oh wait....nevermind...."

    Posted in: Dreadsteed
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    posted a message on Sea Reaver

    I read the part that you said "in the arena" which I'm taking to be what you're referring to as to reading your whole comment. You then went on to provide the independent thought, "Looks like they really hate warriors..." If you meant "Looks like they really hate warriors as a viable class for the arena..." then I apologize for misinterpreting your statement, but it wasn't conveyed that way.

    I would note that even at common I don't think this card helps Warrior in Arena as it's more often than not going to be a worse Boulderfirst Ogre in arena as you are unlikely to have the typical synergies that you would in a constructed deck. Honestly, I think it'd make Warrior even worse as you'd get a more picks where your third option is "Worse Boulderfist Ogre" - at least at Epic you won't get as many choices blanked.

    Posted in: Sea Reaver
  • 3

    posted a message on Brave Archer

    If this card doesn't replace Worgen Infiltrator in Facehunter I will be very surprised. The only time this card is worse than Infiltrator is when it's played on turn 1 and opponent has either gone first and has a 1-drop or is a Mage, Druid, Rogue, or if your opponent goes second and has something to kill it turn 1 with coin; other than those instances it's pure upside.  It's a vanilla 1-drop 2/1 on turn 1, or later in the game it's a 1 mana 2/1 with battlecry: deal 2 to opponent with further upside if it survives.

    Worst case, it's as bad as a turn 1 Abusive Sergeant. Best case it's a 2/1 that'll give you a free 4+ damage to face off inspire as a top deck. On average you play it on turn 1 if it's your only turn 1 player, otherwise you'd hold it until it fits your curve and eeks out extra damage the way you would Abusive. Worgen Infiltrator is pretty bad in facehunter anytime after turn 1 in my opinion; it's easily the worst top deck in the whole deck.

    Posted in: Brave Archer
  • 0

    posted a message on Control^2 Priest

    It's for both Shadow Word: Pain as well as Shadow Madness. I've used Shadow Madness on Sylvannas before, it feels good man. There's a lot of 5 attack minions against other control decks that for 6 mana the combo can sometimes really wreck. It's often just a raptor versus aggressive decks and a combo piece I hold versus decks like control warrior, control paladin, druid, the mirror, and oil rogue.

    With that being said I need to update this list. The meta has shifted a bit and I've made modifications since.

    Thanks for the comments guys!

    Posted in: Control^2 Priest
  • 4

    posted a message on Justicar Trueheart

     This is going to be quite nuts in Control Warrior, maybe control Priest, and likely just about any Mage variant. It might do well in Druid decks too

    When I first read this card I thought the Justicar had to be in play for the buff to apply. It's a battlecry, so even it someone kills it the next turn you still have just insane value going forward.  A 6/3 for 6 is pretty bad, but at least it still trades with just about anything that's in play at that point and needs to be answered and then you get all that value going forward.

    Posted in: Justicar Trueheart
  • 0

    posted a message on Sea Reaver

    Right, they "hate warriors" with Grim Patron and Control Warrior being two of the stronger decks in ladder.

    Admittedly, I am confused as to why this is an epic, but yeah I don't think I'd say Blizzard "hates warriors"....

    Posted in: Sea Reaver
  • 13

    posted a message on Brave Archer

    Anyone who thinks this card is bad in a facehunter deck is really missing the point. This card easily replaces every Worgen Infiltrator in every Facehunter/hybrid deck that runs it. The stealth component of Worgen is only really worthwhile versus mage/druid and even then often only when you have like a turn 2 Glaivezooka. A vanilla 2/1 on turn 1 is therefore only slightly worse than Worgen on turn 1. Worgen, however, is unquestionably the absolute worst top deck in the facehunter deck when it's trying to close the game out.  This card on the other hand is a pretty strong top deck as it basically says "Double the damage dealt by your hero ability" in those situations.

    This card is basically good in the early game good in the late game compared to other cards that fill a similar role (i.e. Worgen Infiltrator, Abusive Sergeant). I mean seriously, is Abusive Sergeant bad in hunter too because it's just a vanilla 2/1 on turn 1 that might read "2/1 Battlecry: deal 2 damage" when you have a minion to target effectively with it? Because if that card is good (and I'd say it is) in facehunter, I don't see how card that is often going to do exactly what Abusive does in many situations and threaten to do even more every turn could be "worthless".

    Posted in: Brave Archer
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    posted a message on Tempo Mage

    I should note I had taken out Flamestrike for a while, but Patron Warrior is still a big enough threat that the deck needs it as a trump card that can usually end the game if you aren't already dead when cast.


    Posted in: Tempo Mage
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