Like I said, far from an optimized list, I'm trying him out for fun. There are circumstances where he's decent though.
Alexstrasza has no place in the deck either IMO, but is a very fun card and probably the only clown fiesta card in the deck. From time to time it can save you with some crazy RNG, and against control it's pretty good if you already have tempo, forces the opponent to play defensively.
If someone adds me after crappy highroll game to pour salt on the wound, I accept, write "fuck off" and delete them, simple as that. Not that I can't take trash talk, it's just way more fun to deny them an opportunity to reply.
If someone adds me to insult me because they lost against me (mind you I play tier 3/4 decks 95% of the time) I just spam something stupid like "lul", "gg" or "saltyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" till they get bored of flaming me with broken English. One time a dude was spamming for like 7 hours though (not even kidding), I even posted the screenshots in one of the threads on this site. I went outside with friends, came back like 5 hours later and my inbox was filled lmao
I disagree when it comes to Control decks at least, when I play Renolock I pray to god that I draw Twisting Nether and Zephrys (for Dispel) quickly enough, meanwhile having to clear every Mech so that I don't just die
Most renolock builds are great against pretty much anything, personally last month my worst match-ups were only mirrors (because everyone I faced had some unnecessary greed like Elysiana etc.). This month I've been facing a lot of Snip Snap so it's hard to beat that, so IMO it's not so good atm
if you play shit like darkest hour and big priest you genuinely need to get your head checked, you probably have a brain tumor that's turning you into an absolute fucking degenerate
why do players always greet only when they have a good hand or if they're playing cancer? I insta squelch those because I already suppose why they're emoting, and I'm right 99% of the time
wow so you play quest mage, wank off for 7 turns while I can do nothing against stupid fucking random spells and you emote "well played" at the end of the game. no it was not well played, it was not a fun game, you suck, your life sucks and nobody will mourn you when you end up 6 feet under
Ya but to ruin a list like Renolock with techs (what did you tech btw beside Eater of Secrets ?) just for this match up is as you said feels weird and you lose against the other control which are the other common part.
What I am trying to establish is do you counter the deck just by adding certain tech cards to existing decks? Or is there a real hard counter, because as many have stated Armor Warrior fell flat on its face with me.
So, this is my impression:
Since the new expansion came out, I started playing secret mage (I didn't know it would be so overpopulated). This deck is broken. Period.
If you draw well enough, not even your tech cards will help your opponent (some days ago I beat a shaman with 2 Eater of Secrets). That's the same as ruining your deck with things like Gravelsnogut Knight or Hungry Ettin against big priest... it's pointless; you will lose one or two precious slots in your deck that will screw your gameplan and won't help you most of the times against these decks..
I still can't find another deck to counter it and perform well against other decks in the current meta.
Maybe Reno decks can find their way. You need lots of healing. But then again, they lose badly to combo decks, which are all around in wild...
So, if anybody has a good answer, it will be welcome (btw, I stopped playing this deck since I hate mirror matches)
but they really don't lose against combo decks, almost all reno decks run brann, zola and dirty rat, how do you lose if you draw that? lol
Since we are on topic and its a new season and the ladder is infested with this cancer, any suggestion for decks to counter it? Tried and tested link would be appreciated, I tried Odd Warrior but they even shred through that amount of armor as I was dead by turn 8 instead of 6.
IMO the biggest culprit is the Cloud Prince, 6 damage and a body is just ridiculous, it should be 4. Anyway the post isnt about how broken the deck is, I just need a tried counter to it which I assume has to be Warrior (my list didnt work) or Druid?
I teched Renolock a bunch against that crap and my win-rate is about 80% with it, sadly I lost a lot against other control decks which are extremely greedy in an aggro meta for some reason. I've been doing well against them with Raza Priest too, got Legend with it last month, but sadly you also lose a lot to other control decks if they're greedy.
Jesus it’s begins again. Only losing to highlander decks and they always have kazakus on 4 and Reno on 6. I play a highlander deck and Reno is ALWAYS in last 10 despite a hard mulligan for it. It’s not confirmation bias when you have data to back it up.
don't worry bro, I got Legend with Raza Priest last month and around 60% of my games Anduin was bottom 5 lol, I believe you
Well Emperor Thaurissan while a bunch of low mana cards are in hand allows you to pull off huge bursts with Spawn of Shadows (you obviously need to play Raza the Chained and Shadowreaper Anduin first lol). Seance is for survival but you can use it on Thaurissan so you can get a double discount (a bunch of 0 mana cards with Spawn can kill pretty much anything as long as your HP is higher than theirs unless you want to draw).
Other than this basic game plan there really aren't any combos, you can get a Thaurissan tick on Flash Heal, Mind Blast, Prophet Velen and Auchenai Phantasm for 20 dmg but that's about it, this build is mostly for Aggro decks.
If you want combos, I suggest you take out 2 cards that you don't need and put in Mirage Caller/Vivid Nightmare and Regenerate. Phantasm, Mirage and Velen allow you to pull off 32 dmg with Flash Heal and Regenerate which means you don't have to search for Raza and Anduin.
Like I said, far from an optimized list, I'm trying him out for fun. There are circumstances where he's decent though.
Alexstrasza has no place in the deck either IMO, but is a very fun card and probably the only clown fiesta card in the deck. From time to time it can save you with some crazy RNG, and against control it's pretty good if you already have tempo, forces the opponent to play defensively.
literally this, happened to me once and I even won the game (to be fair it was a control vs control match)
If someone adds me after crappy highroll game to pour salt on the wound, I accept, write "fuck off" and delete them, simple as that. Not that I can't take trash talk, it's just way more fun to deny them an opportunity to reply.
If someone adds me to insult me because they lost against me (mind you I play tier 3/4 decks 95% of the time) I just spam something stupid like "lul", "gg" or "saltyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" till they get bored of flaming me with broken English. One time a dude was spamming for like 7 hours though (not even kidding), I even posted the screenshots in one of the threads on this site. I went outside with friends, came back like 5 hours later and my inbox was filled lmao
I disagree when it comes to Control decks at least, when I play Renolock I pray to god that I draw Twisting Nether and Zephrys (for Dispel) quickly enough, meanwhile having to clear every Mech so that I don't just die
Most renolock builds are great against pretty much anything, personally last month my worst match-ups were only mirrors (because everyone I faced had some unnecessary greed like Elysiana etc.). This month I've been facing a lot of Snip Snap so it's hard to beat that, so IMO it's not so good atm
Good riddance, I'd rather face 70 secret mages than quest mage and big priest
Just got it, check out my deck if you want
if you play shit like darkest hour and big priest you genuinely need to get your head checked, you probably have a brain tumor that's turning you into an absolute fucking degenerate
why do players always greet only when they have a good hand or if they're playing cancer? I insta squelch those because I already suppose why they're emoting, and I'm right 99% of the time
wow so you play quest mage, wank off for 7 turns while I can do nothing against stupid fucking random spells and you emote "well played" at the end of the game. no it was not well played, it was not a fun game, you suck, your life sucks and nobody will mourn you when you end up 6 feet under
but they really don't lose against combo decks, almost all reno decks run brann, zola and dirty rat, how do you lose if you draw that? lol
I teched Renolock a bunch against that crap and my win-rate is about 80% with it, sadly I lost a lot against other control decks which are extremely greedy in an aggro meta for some reason. I've been doing well against them with Raza Priest too, got Legend with it last month, but sadly you also lose a lot to other control decks if they're greedy.
don't worry bro, I got Legend with Raza Priest last month and around 60% of my games Anduin was bottom 5 lol, I believe you
wow, playing big priest and burn mage, please go back to standard
Well Emperor Thaurissan while a bunch of low mana cards are in hand allows you to pull off huge bursts with Spawn of Shadows (you obviously need to play Raza the Chained and Shadowreaper Anduin first lol). Seance is for survival but you can use it on Thaurissan so you can get a double discount (a bunch of 0 mana cards with Spawn can kill pretty much anything as long as your HP is higher than theirs unless you want to draw).
Other than this basic game plan there really aren't any combos, you can get a Thaurissan tick on Flash Heal, Mind Blast, Prophet Velen and Auchenai Phantasm for 20 dmg but that's about it, this build is mostly for Aggro decks.
If you want combos, I suggest you take out 2 cards that you don't need and put in Mirage Caller/Vivid Nightmare and Regenerate. Phantasm, Mirage and Velen allow you to pull off 32 dmg with Flash Heal and Regenerate which means you don't have to search for Raza and Anduin.