Card Text
Deal 3 damage to a character. If it dies, draw a Shadow spell.
Flavor Text
If you're looking to make an "Emo" deck, this card is perfect!
Deal 3 damage to a character. If it dies, draw a Shadow spell.
If you're looking to make an "Emo" deck, this card is perfect!
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very underpowered but it is still preferable over other warlock removal cards
I miss you. You made my decks complete :'(
3 years later if you are still playing: Soul Shear is replacing this card in standard and wild if anyone runs darkbomb in there.
A very strong card that has seen play in pretty much every Warlock deck except Zoo. A 2-mana vanilla deal 3 damage may seem uninspiring when you compare it to similar spells like Frostbolt for Mage or Wrath for Druid, which have additional upsides, until you consider these two things:
1. In 90% of circumstances, spells like Frostbolt and Wrath, despite their potential upsides, are used as vanilla deal 3 damage to remove a minion. Darkbomb is not actually that different from these spells in the vast majority of scenarios, and these spells are considered top-tier cards for their respective classes.
2. Warlock cards usually have a significant downside to compensate for their overpowered hero power, so the fact that this card has no downside is, for Warlocks, an upside.
Additionally, Darkbomb was contextually very important for the class since it lacked good removal. Soulfire was good for aggro zoo that would dump their hand fast, but Handlock risked discarding important cards in exchange for simply killing a Knife Juggler, and Darkbomb filled that gaping hole in the warlock's lineup very well by providing a reliable early game removal spell to buy time until the Twilight Drakes and Mountain Giants.
Fire in the hole!
Someone should make an emo deck, anyone wanna help?
I do like this card. But it made me cringe when Quick Shot came out. Another 2 mana 3 dmg spell that ALWAYS is just as good as this card and often much better. The same way Frostbolt ALWAYS is just as good and often much better.
Wrath at least can't target face, so the additional value comes at a cost. I know that Warlock hero ability is great but I would like it better if this card also had a "do x if y" mechanism.
Probably that's because Warlock has some insane minion variant spells and minions. Frostbolt is obviously good because it's a mage spell. If it was better , i think it would be too good.
Still i think Quick Shot is a little overpowered.
It's actually underpowered compared to wrath, lightning bolt and frostbolt as well as win ax, but it is in the sweet zone of 3 for 2 mana having it in your collection gives you options,
oftentimes soulfire is overkill and costs you a card, no big deal you have life tap, but if you don't need to do the full 4 damage why spend more than you need to?
This card is a stupid way to say: "The mages are better than warlocks". Ok, 4 damage isnt fair (even when the flamespitter deals 4 damage at 2 cost, its random ok, but its such a BIG damage by "no cost"), but they could do something like: If it kills the enemy, summon an imp 1/1 or heal 1 or 2 or deal 3-4 damage, I dont know how they could see this, but its totally unfair the same damage, with less effect at the same price just because...the warlocks cant freeze, cant they?
Two things:
1. Warlock's hero power is phenomenally better than all others. This is something the devs understand, and balance around by making differences in the overall power. If warlock's cards were as good as any other class's, it'd be by far the best class in the game.
2. Card games, all card games, are designed so that there's a notable discrepency of power. There is an imbalance, a curve of power, that exists and is put in intentionally so that it takes deep understanding to know why certain cards are good and certain ones aren't. It takes a lot of knowledge of the game to know that, even if it is a worse frost bolt or wrath, it's STILL a really solid card to run. There's a lot of merits to imbalances like these besides that, and dark bomb is still a great card.
I can see literally every Warlock deck running 2 of this card; it really just looks like a more reliable/flexible/consistent version of Soulfire and Shadow Bolt. :/
Warlock can use a bit more board clearing possibilities IMO. I'm a fan of this card.
i'm keeping my soulfires, nerf or not thanks.
With the nerf to Soulfire, maybe this could be a replacement? 1 more mana, 1 less damage, no discard.
Worse than Frostbolt, yet still a strong piece of removal/direct damage. Frostbolt really should cost 3.
It's simple: because mages have an in-build mana cost reduction of 1. If you look at all mage spells you see that all of them does deal 1 damage (or simply cost 1 mana less) than spells from other classes. So Frostbolt cost normally 3 for 3 damage and freeze, but since it's mage, it mana cost get reduced by 1.
Shadow Bolt deals 4, but only to a minion.
This deals less than Shadow Bolt, but can be aimed towards face, and is cheaper.
It is better than Shadow Bolt imo, but certainly not strictly better.