• 1

    posted a message on New cheap cards devaluing older legendary cards (compensation???)
    Quote from tiny_spikey_boy >>

    How about 6 mana mukla and banana boofon? The same text, but banana boofon is cheaper and easier to play. Sure it is worse statted, but you play boofon for bananas, not for stats


    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 8

    posted a message on New cheap cards devaluing older legendary cards (compensation???)

    The following cards should imo either be buffed to preserve their uniqueness of their rarity or be compensated with dust similar to hall of fame rotations.

    Inkmaster Solia vs Dragoncaster

    Solia is objectively worse than the rare (double copy) dragoncaster. The fact that Dragoncaster costs 1 mana less is huge deal for the effect, giving you the ability to cast Pyroblast for free one turn earlier. Also the condition of needing a dragon is easier to meet, especially when highlander cards like Dragonqueen Alextrasza are already present in almost every reno deck.

    Adding the Dragoncaster to the wild card pool basically nerfs Inkmaster Solia and I think player who have that card should be compensated. In fact it's more like Solia was hall of famed and made unplayable, which might warrant the usual full dust refund AND keeping the card. Alternatively they could salvage the Legendary status of the card by making it "Your next spell costs (0)".

    Princess Huhuran vs Terrorscale Stalker

    Any combo card becomes way better when the cost is reduced. Huhuran is technically better statted for the cost than Terrorscale, but if you can't stick a good deathrattle the turn before, it's really bad. A more expensive Legendary minion that is less powerful in the late game (can't combo with 6 and 7 mana deathrattles) is just sad.

    At least make the effect also give rush, or make it similar to Toshley where it both activates and copies the deathrattle.

    Cairne Bloodhoof vs Dragonmaw Sky Stalker

    The once powerful 6 drop Legendary has been replaced by a common card. In most situations, front-loading stats is better, especially for a more expensive minion without any defensive capabilities. The 5 attack on the dragon (yes, it even has a tribal tag) is also way more usual in trades as well as pushing face damage after turn 6. In situations where back-loading stats is preferred, Twilight Summoner and Mechanical Whelp are clearly better choices. Even in deathrattle meme decks I might play terrible cards like Feugen and Stalagg, but Cairne Bloodhoofs effect is too weak and boring to ever include.

    To make the card more playable in both standard and wild, you can make the Cairne part have taunt, which immediately makes the card interesting, especially for N'Zoth lists in wild. The taunt effect would also fit the lore, not that anyone cares about that.

    Icehowl vs Burly Shovelfist

    This one is a bit of meme. Icehowl has to be the worst card ever printed and I'm sure literally no one has this card in their collection.

    To make this one worth the pixels in the crafting tab, the card could be changed to: 10 mana 7/5 "Rush. Divine Shield. Deals double damage to minions". That way it can kill almost any minion in the game and always survives the turn it's played, making it the ultimate board control minion while sacrificing face damage.

    Soggoth the Slitherer vs Evasive Drakonid

    The most obvious power difference is that they have the same total stats while the common DRAGON costs 2 less mana. Ironically, the 5/9 statline could arguably be better on the 7 mana card. Either way Soggoth is criminally understatted for it's cost, at least compared to the Drakonid, a card that doesn't really see play either.

    By changing Soggoth the Slitherer to a 9 mana 7/9 "Divine shield. Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers", you might actually considered playing it in a big minion deck, and the card text is more Legendary worthy.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Hottest Decks for Ashes of Outland - Community Favorites - Standard and Wild!

    They chose one of my meme decks only because it contains Librams, it's really bad. I even had a pretty good Handlock list that would be worth trying instead.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Dreadsteed Apocalypse ft. Reno

    Have you considered Zephrys the Great for consistent Bloodlust lethals?

    Posted in: Dreadsteed Apocalypse ft. Reno
  • 1

    posted a message on NEED HELP WITH MY HIGHLANDER MAGE!

    Astromancer Solarian is a great card. The prime card usually clears your opponent's board or at least draws you cards. The fact that it can only target enemies is a big deal.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on The Golden Classic Bundle - Containing 6 Golden Classic Packs

    This is a great deal, I got 4000 dust from it.

    Although let's be honest. No matter how much free stuff or value deals we get every expansion, Hearthstone will still be a big money drain for anyone who wants to play with the fun cards (legendaries and epics). You can always get to legend with budget hunter, but that deck is boring as hell. King Krush on turn 7 with Dinotamer BrannZixor Prime with four 7/7 rush minions for 8 mana and Teron Gorefiend on a board full of Leper Gnomes is what keeps us interested in the game.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Did anyone ask Blizz why they made DH hero power cost 1?

    The hero power on its own is fair. When combined with Baku the Mooneater in wild it becomes a big problem.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter
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