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    posted a message on Old Classics: Handlock

    I saw my warlock quest and thought, "hey, I should give handlock a try". Looks like I'm not the only one. There seem to be a tonne of tools to make this sort of deck stronger. I'm curious as to why you don't feature any heals other than Lord Jaraxxus? Are you finding the taunts to be enough? I'd love to hear some commentary on some of your games. 

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Busted Jade GANG UP Rogue

    Journey is a nice option. Getting an extra Aya or Swarmer ramps up the golems pretty quickly. Cobold might work,  but sometimes the draw is the more important trait in rogue. Having a certain card come up a turn earlier could mean the game. Consider another Gnomish Inventor or a shiv. The spell damage is important for tempo plays, though, since you want to use your burn on minions to keep your board intact. Experimentation is your friend! Keep track of the cards and note how useful they were in each situation.

    Posted in: Busted Jade GANG UP Rogue
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    posted a message on Friendly reminder for rogues to counter kabal

    For a short time, it will be an excellent wrench in the cogs. I think as time goes on we'll only see one or two Reno decks prominent on ladder, then the card will lose favour heavily. At least it will get some temporary use.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Venting about blade flurry nerf
    Quote from Infirc >>
    Quote from sampe >>

    I agree they went overboard but lets be honest here, rogue would be insanely broken with the old version in standard meta. If they made it 2 mana it would probly be 2 off in every single rogue deck currently. Which leads to my next point.

    Im pretty happy about the nerf because blade flurry didn't take 2 slots  but atleast 4. You would always play 2 deadly poisons on top of BFs. And why I am happy? I don't want to be stuck for all eternity to always autoinclude those card. We already have strong classic set and a lot of autoinclude cards.

    Maybe nerfing it to to 4 mana with the old effect would've been ok so malygos rogue cant abuse it too easily.

    Blade Flurry was never a 2 of in decks that only needed it for AoE and not damage, historically Blade Flurry was a 1 of in every rogue deck until Tinker's Sharpsword Oil came around, then   Emperor Thaurissan  got released and enabled some Malygos [/card]shenanigans with it, so [card]Blade flurry became   2 of in that deck as well, if Blizzard didn't want the card to burst then fine it would've been enough with removing the damage it did to face without touching the mana cost, what they did to Blade Flurry was overkill, unrequested and unneeded
     I definitely agree with this comment. It was so strange to see this and Molten nerfed. Definitely not a card that people were getting their pitchforks and torches out for. And true, just one was necessary for a good swing turn. But people knew about it. If rogue got out of hand like Shaman spirit claws are now, people would have started running ooze or Harrison. Oftentimes, you had to set up over a couple of turns. Fitting as little as two mana to make another weapon in a combo turn usually proved difficult.
    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Venting about blade flurry nerf

    This thread is a rollercoaster of emotions, but I think that it's an important thing to look at again and again. I'm not so amused by people's head stuck in the sand saying, "oh, they're making room for design space". Why did they nerf it at the beginning of the year and not immediately give the class something in WotoG? People are pretty naïve to think that Team 5 hasn't done their set design homework at least a year in advance. If we haven't seen anything by now, it's not coming. Even if it were coming, the nerf should have arrived closer to the reveal of the back-breaking cards that would correspond. I've given the card it's fair assessment in live play as well. It's terrible because you take a whole turn doing it, even if you set up your weapon before hand. Also, the metagame is showing a higher level of weapon removal, so sitting on a 3/1 charge is risky. Good luck getting at shamans and zoo then. Let's also take a look at a thing Reynoodle and Kripparian have been warning us

    Good luck getting at shamans and zoo then. Let's also take a look at a thing Reynoodle and Kripparian have been warning us about: the power level of 1 and 2 drops in the game. If you don't even have backstab in your opener, there's a good chance you can't win. If you have bladeflurry at 2 mana, you could at least take a couple of early turns (outside of Harrison range) and set up the clear. These two personalities say that MORE board wipes would be good for the game, not fewer.

    The last point pertaining to, "it's just like shadowflame". Not even close. I have been playing a decent amount of handlock as of late (it's been making a comeback due to Faceless Shambler. It's definitely still a more potent card with the giants and such hanging around. Worst case, you have to use a Power Overwhelming on some random minion already on the board, then use SF for 5+ AoE. Sometimes that cost is less due to Emperor Thaurisan ticks (warlock has many ways of stalling the game as it is). Bladeflurry is much more delicate, because--at least looking at standard--there are two weapon buffs right now, being Deadly Poison and Southsea Squidface. A 5 damage AoE would have costed 6 mana with two charges of the first, and even more with the second if you happened to have the luxury of a weapon available to take a charge from SSSF. The huuuge difference between the classes is that warlock uses his health for card advantage (at a consistent rate of 2hp), while Rogue uses hers for tempo, for varying amounts. The nerf has more and more encouraged the class to play from behind while having few tools to heal up or taunt up (i.e. survivability)! This is really bad design, folks. We don't want BrokeBack cards, as others have said. We just

    We just wan't something interesting to play with that's not, "roll the dice, flip 10 coins, see what craaayaaayzy things happen"! It's not crazy. It's boring. It's either a blow out, or a fizzle. Cheap tricks wear out quickly; novelty always has a huge high but leads into desensitisation. Well calculated plays that include predicting your draws, taking the risk of holding a decent play for the hope of a better one later, that never gets old.

    Well, I tried to keep it positive. Keep fighting the good fight, boys and girls.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on [1st Legend October] muzzy's Midrange Shaman

    In this case, Acidic Swamp Ooze isn't a terrible substitution, especially in the mirror. Though you can't capitalize on the draw, you gain board presence and your opponent loses the potential command on his turn.

    Posted in: [1st Legend October] muzzy's Midrange Shaman
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    posted a message on Rogue's new direction

    I'd love to see more unique weapon buffs that give  your face damage AoE on the board or something (betrayal toxin or something), or something that gives lifesteal or something. I think they're missing a really neat angle here, and wouldn't necessarily be abused by the whole miracle thing. Even if they were cheap-ish buffs, Tomb Pillager is rotating, so the miracle archetype could use some cheap, non-zero mana spells to make the deck interesting and strong, but fair.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Experimenting with the fatigue insert

    Hey, all. I decided to try a N'Zoth deck featuring Brann Bronzebeard and Coldlight Oracle for fatigue (with some hand mill), as well as Violet Illusionist and Assassin's Blade as a control combo. It's been harder finding good heal in standard opposed to Wild, where I find just one healbot makes a massive difference in value. Oh, and I've been trying out Blade Flurry for the memes.

    Fatigue Style
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (16) Ability (12) Weapon (2)
    Loading Collection

    Okay, quick Q & A

    Q: Why no VanCleef?
    A: I think he doesn't have the same potential in this deck unlike the old Oil style and new variants of Miracle. You may play a couple of cards in a turn, and that's it. He's even worse on a top-deck.

    Q: Could Xaril fit in this deck?
    A: Probably. Try him instead of blade Flurry, but I find he's more value oriented and less Tempo driven.  Shamans make him less desirable to play. There are 4 weapon buffs in this deck, plus Assassin's Blade. I think it can be a valuable out if you're flooded.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on A Friendly Game of Chess - Tavern Brawl #69

     The fIrst page was full of accolades, and everything forward has been a pile of salt. Look, fam, I'll say to you whiners what you say to the rest of us who complain about seeing "at the crossroads" for the 5th time this year: "not all the brawls are for everyone". This one isn't terrible at all. I've played numerous games with different outcomes each time. It's only one-sided if you slam down all your pieces in order and don't bother to swap and control the board. Many of us have been asking for a skill brawl for a while, and we've got it. For the rest of you, go play Farmville until next week. Thank you, team 5, for trying something new in Tavern Brawl this week. :)

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Do you have all alternate heroes?

    I picked up Alleria when I got some Amazon credit. The only free one I'm missing is Morgl. Most of my friends are playing HS, and the one who doesn't play much won't take my recruit link. I don't buy this "make your own account" thing, either. I'm already working on a F2P on EU and don't care to deal with a third. 

    Quick edit: maybe I'd make an alt account if it were possible to have a second account piggyback on the rewards. My brother doesn't have Morgl either.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Card Nerf - Charge
    Quote from Maukiepaukie >>

    Argh, tough call. This nerf is obviously because of worgen OTK. Anyway, people are whining like worgen OTK is some braindead draw and answer until you draw combo deck, while it's one of the hardest decks in the game and NOT BROKEN imo. The funny part is that according to statistics some of the people who say this play decks like midrange hunter and aggro shaman.

    Anyway, while I do aggree it wasn't fun and interactive, RIP another deck that actually takes skill. You go visit old patron in heaven.

     I'm sick of this "it's the only skilled deck that exists" bullshit. That's what people say about Freeze mage, old patron (new patron!) and FoN + SR decks. If you want to play a "skill" game, go play priest. You can toot your own horn when you beat zoo with the perfect hand of clears. At least you can say then that you arose to the challenge and came out the übermensch that you claim to be.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is wild format so unpopular?

    I don't know why there are so many bliss ninnies railing on Toymachine. He's right, and he is providing sources to back it up! Come on, guys. Anyway, wild is interesting for sure, but as some have said, it will take a couple of rotations before we see something interesting going on. The card pool needs more broken cards before we see more variety. In eternal formats in card games, you usually see the best of the best of the best combos competing to be the top. Right now, there are ~3. And they are carbon copies of pre-WotG net decks (I personally haven't seen any new cards included. WotG is on the power curve, but the standard pool just doesn't have the same defensive cards as Naxx produced. So we get aggro everywhere). I think the biggest upside is that there truly isn't anything to lose when you play there. Go try some janky decks, re-invent the wheel, or whatever. I sure did have fun with some Violet Illusionist control Rogue stylings, since there are ample heals in that format. I think Valeera will take some time before she is given a true finisher and a good board clear before we can explore that style further.

    Teal Deer; great place for theory crafters low rank, high rank is full of old ghosts.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Welcome battlenet rogue class forum posters

    Really? Is this a part of the abandonment of their "Battle.net" Branding? FeelsBadMan

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Randomonium - Tavern Brawl #67

    Incoming, "I can finally grind games for my free to play account". Not when you lose ten times in a row to turn 2 legendaries. It would be nice if their variance wasn't so large, but that would take too much forethought.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on The ultimate Peddler deck!

    Take it to wild and you can throw in Trade Prince Galywix. More value! PogChamp

    Posted in: Rogue
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