Pretty solid. Deathrattle seems alright. When you use Embiggen, this bad boy becomes a beefy 4 Mana 5/6 with Taunt. If paired with the Prime later, 10 Mana 11/11 with Taunt which can survive with sliver amount of HP if bumped w/ Kargath Prime.
Edit: On second thought, 10 Mana sure is too heavy when the others are around 6~8, and obviously it can be unplayable when drawn too early. So maybe not much of a must-have.
Edit: There are some scenarios I'm thinking. When you complete the Untapped Potential, Msshi'fn Prime will automatically summon a 9/9 minion with Taunt and Rush. It's good in most situations, but the Fungal Giant's Taunt sometimes can make itself vulnerable to attacks. Take Kargath Prime for example. In this case, Embiggen or not, your opponent kills a 9/9 and gains 10 Armor. However if you only use Embiggen, you may choose not to have Taunt, hopefully protecting your Fungal Giant with 11/11 Msshi'fn Prime, if you've applied +2/+2 to him. In this case, Kargath Prime alone probably can't get rid of any minion on your board.
It's all about looking for Dark Pharaoh Tekahn while controlling the field safely. Cobalt Spellkin will probably farm couple more Dragon's Hoard, especially when paired w/ Spirit of the Shark. But Spellkin might be unplayable because of her fairly high cost, so always play the Spirit at turn 4 and Spellkin at 5th if you have chance. Frizz Kindleroost can be a solution for this, but not recommended if you don't use more dragons like Evasive Wyrm.(Yeah we're talking about a lot of good cards.) Good thing is that Rogue's other one-mana spells are decent, and great for opening Combo.
Once you've acquired Tekahn, the game will go fairly easier. Rogue has like dozens of ways to have lackeys, and even more when using Galakrond-invoking deck. Because of that, 4/4 lackeys are too nice to have.
Other than all that, even if you fail to find Tekahn, you'll probably have bunch of good stuff if you're lucky. Zentimo is very nice to have and delete enemy minions with cards like Walk the Plank, Sap, Eviscerate, et cetera.
Thank you for reading, and hope all these were understandable, since English isn't my first language. Here's the replay of that screenshot.
It's all about looking for Dark Pharaoh Tekahn while controlling the field safely. Cobalt Spellkin will probably farm couple more Dragon's Hoard, especially when paired w/ Spirit of the Shark. But Spellkin might be unplayable because of her fairly high cost, so always play the Spirit at turn 4 and Spellkin at 5th if you have chance. Frizz Kindleroost can be a solution for this, but not recommended if you don't use more dragons like Evasive Wyrm.(Yeah we're talking about a lot of good cards.) Good thing is that Rogue's other one-mana spells are decent, and great for opening Combo.
Once you've acquired Tekahn, the game will go fairly easier. Rogue has like dozens of ways to have lackeys, and even more when using Galakrond-invoking deck. Because of that, 4/4 lackeys are too nice to have.
Other than all that, even if you fail to find Tekahn, you'll probably have bunch of good stuff if you're lucky. Zentimo is very nice to have and delete enemy minions with cards like Walk the Plank, Sap, Eviscerate, et cetera.
Thank you for reading, and hope all these were understandable, since English isn't my first language. Here's the replay of that screenshot.
This is better than most Dormant minions except Imprisoned Phoenix. Baiting out Silence effects seems good enough.
Aside from this card itself, the lady in that illustration is so pretty!
Mom, can I have a copy of these?
Mom: We already have Devout Pupil at home.
Devout Pupil at home:
Pffft, Boompistol Bully can easily prevent you from playing this card. What a perfect garbage.
About time......
Took the words right out of my mouth! It's impressive how you pointed that out.
Nah, I think he still looks adorable.
Pretty solid. Deathrattle seems alright. When you use Embiggen, this bad boy becomes a beefy 4 Mana 5/6 with Taunt. If paired with the Prime later, 10 Mana 11/11 with Taunt which can survive with sliver amount of HP if bumped w/ Kargath Prime.
Edit: On second thought, 10 Mana sure is too heavy when the others are around 6~8, and obviously it can be unplayable when drawn too early. So maybe not much of a must-have.
Edit: There are some scenarios I'm thinking. When you complete the Untapped Potential, Msshi'fn Prime will automatically summon a 9/9 minion with Taunt and Rush. It's good in most situations, but the Fungal Giant's Taunt sometimes can make itself vulnerable to attacks. Take Kargath Prime for example. In this case, Embiggen or not, your opponent kills a 9/9 and gains 10 Armor. However if you only use Embiggen, you may choose not to have Taunt, hopefully protecting your Fungal Giant with 11/11 Msshi'fn Prime, if you've applied +2/+2 to him. In this case, Kargath Prime alone probably can't get rid of any minion on your board.
How come my opponent Rogue always successfully create this pile of deck w/ Ethereal Lackey at Fatigue, paying 1~3 Mana instead of 400 Dust lol
"That was frightening."
"I shall concede."
Pffft, this is nothing but a worse River Crocolisk. Boosts fatigue. So useless!!!!
"Created by Dragon's Hoard"
Flik Skyshiv also did a great job taking down two 11/14 Onyxia's.
Well how I play this deck is simple; but first of all, Galakrond, the Nightmare, two Dragon's Hoard and two Cobalt Spellkin plays important role in this deck. Put more Weaponized Piñata or a Brightwing in the deck if you want.
That's pretty well put and accurate.
"Created by Dragon's Hoard"
Flik Skyshiv also did a great job taking down two 11/14 Onyxia's.
Well how I play this deck is simple; but first of all, Galakrond, the Nightmare, two Dragon's Hoard and two Cobalt Spellkin plays important role in this deck. Put more Weaponized Piñata or a Brightwing in the deck if you want.
Imma use Galakrond, the Nightmare and two Dragon's Hoard in my Rogue deck.
Yeah, don't ask.