TLDR: Come join a growing community of likeminded players looking for a proper casual environment without the risk of running into top tier tourney decks over and over.
Set some decks aside specifically for this purpose - no top tier stuff that is plaguing casual right now. We only want meme decks, budget decks or nooby decks from restricted collections (i.e. the kinds of decks SUPPOSED to be in casual).
THIS IS NOT A PLEA FOR BLIZZARD TO DO SOMETHING. THIS IS NOT A WHINE THREAD. THIS IS US DOING SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE OURSELVES. So please kindly refrain from negative comments about how Blizzard won't listen or how casual is fine/not fine because that is not the purpose of this thread.
Original post:
After spending a few years barely getting to 10 in ranked due to limited cardpool and getting spanked all over Casual by top tier tourny decks I began to wonder if we could just create a defacto third option without Blizzard's help. We would do this by creating a dedicated friends network for this purpose only using this thread as its base. Ideally it would be a truly casual environment for people wanting to play around with fun/meme decks and those without huge card collections.
I figure that a good first step is to do what MTG Commander players do and rate your decks. Top tier decks are obviously going to be way up there from around 70% to 100% so only power levels up to 70% would be welcome.
Obviously this is subjective and reliant on human estimates but you all know what up to 70% means so as long as nobody is a tool about it and justifying Zoolock as being 69% then we're fine. Leave the other 30% for Ranked or Casual (i.e second ranked). Then add your tag to this thread so people can add you and challenge using only decks that fit this criteria.
This would also help the noobies that have almost no cards a lot because they could just use the 'borrow deck' function in friendslist challenge to pilot one already checked and rated by the other player.
This would be super easy to police because you could just post screenshots of any knobs that decide to bring a fox into the henhouse with a toptier deck and they are shamed and unfriended by the people using this thread.
If you're interested in playing fairer HS in a friendlier environment post your tag in this thread and add some other peoples'.
Happy gaming!
1) Keep deck power under 70%. Make an educated guess.
2) Only screenshot and post pic if someone is bringing an obviously >70% or high tier deck into these games
3) Keep it clean - we want this to be a safe and fun environment. Keep the salt to a minimum.
We could also make a group within the Blizzard App. And maybe we should have a codeword for challenging. I suggest "#clownfiesta".
That's a good idea i'll look into creating one when I get home and i'll sort out invites later. It's now almost 5pm in Sydney so it'll be a few hours til it's ready.
Also I stupidly didn't take server into account so maybe i'll make one for each server.
I don't accept the premise that the game is particularly unfair
That being said, I sincerely compliment you. Been hovering around these forums for years and this is the first proactive solution I've seen. It's amazing to watch people post month after month after month about how other people have to change for their benefit.
I say thee yay sir or madame
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
I don't accept the premise that the game is particularly unfair
That being said, I sincerely compliment you. Been hovering around these forums for years and this is the first proactive solution I've seen. It's amazing to watch people post month after month after month about how other people have to change for their benefit.
I say thee yay sir or madame
Agreed. Congratulations to the OP for doing something constructive - though I share misgivings about criticizing the competitive play-mode for actually being competitive. If I go to the local store, intending to compete with a bunch of perfect strangers in a MtG store tourney, I know what to expect if I choose to bring my meme deck. The competitive mode in HS is no different.
Some advice - if you are able, attend a Fireside Gathering. Meeting like-minded HS players IRL will quickly expand your Friends list to include people who want to play the game the same way you do. I have about three dozen IRL Friends in-game that I've met at FSGs - we often play "tournaments" against each other with crazy decks. Good luck to the OP.
I don't accept the premise that the game is particularly unfair
That being said, I sincerely compliment you. Been hovering around these forums for years and this is the first proactive solution I've seen. It's amazing to watch people post month after month after month about how other people have to change for their benefit.
I say thee yay sir or madame
Agreed. Congratulations to the OP for doing something constructive - though I share misgivings about criticizing the competitive play-mode for actually being competitive. If I go to the local store, intending to compete with a bunch of perfect strangers in a MtG store tourney, I know what to expect if I choose to bring my meme deck. The competitive mode in HS is no different.
Some advice - if you are able, attend a Fireside Gathering. Meeting like-minded HS players IRL will quickly expand your Friends list to include people who want to play the game the same way you do. I have about three dozen IRL Friends in-game that I've met at FSGs - we often play "tournaments" against each other with crazy decks. Good luck to the OP.
I don't think that I claimed it was unfair, I just thought we could make it fairer. I see fairness as a scale not a dichotomy so I think this is an incremental step towards making it fairer for those of us without a meaningful or enjoyable place in Ranked or Casual (Second Ranked).
I also didn't criticise competitive mode for being competitive. Just the fact that people use the casual system for ranked quality decks without ladder anxiety makes it hard for the rest of us to enjoy the game. This method offers an alternative to that.
I'm glad you touched on MTG play because as I mentioned in the first post MTG Commander players have identified deck power mismatches as a huge inhibitor for enjoyable gameplay and have begun to analyse power levels of their own decks using percentages the same way I suggested here so that Grizzly Bears isn't suddenly up against Black Lotus without knowing why first.
With this system only in its infancy I think we can rely on what would be widely perceived as really powerful, medium and meh. I don't think a 50% will be really really upset if they challenge a person that says they have a 60% that turns out to be more like 70%. It's more about curbing any obvious shenanigans and generally top performing decks/builds are not welcome. Even rough power ratings will be enough for a 20% to know they probably won't beat someone else's 65% and it saves them the trouble of waiting out the loss.
You are of course welcome to take an idea from a top performing deck and build around it yourself with whatever you have on hand so long as it doesn't come too close to the super high performing/wallet version or its power level.
I expect some people will run into things that sometimes seem more powerful than they expected: we must all understand that sometimes a memey deck like bombhunter or mill mage is going to get a great draw and blow you out. This will be up to you to reasonably judge and not just report someone because they lucked out with non-OP cards. We can't completely avoid the RNG of it all - the best we can do is give people a fighting chance so they're not queuing into the same old tourney blowout decks.
Who knows - maybe brewers will use this system to find interactions other people haven't thought of yet.
It's really impossible to spell it out specifically because it is subjective so it's a ballpark estimate.
If toptier tourney decks are 90-100% and classic-only no real collection FTP noobie decks are 0-10% then make an educated guess as to where yours sits on that spectrum. We're all adults i'm sure one person's 20% is not going to be another person's 90%.
The rules are fairly simple - when you make a deck you want to play in this way add the percentage to the front of the deck name (in case someone wants to use the borrow deck function and so that you can keep track of your own power levels) and don't bring anything higher than 70%.
Post your battletag in this thread so people can add you, you add as many others as you wish, and play away.
If anyone is running around here with top tier decks then people will take screenshots and post in the thread so everyone else can ignore that user in friendslist.
Im just pinning it up again so more people can see it) Also OP, I suggest you changing the name of the thread to something different than the current one. At first glance I assumed that it is another salty rant because I was judging by the title. I can't be the only one
Hi All
TLDR: Come join a growing community of likeminded players looking for a proper casual environment without the risk of running into top tier tourney decks over and over.
Set some decks aside specifically for this purpose - no top tier stuff that is plaguing casual right now. We only want meme decks, budget decks or nooby decks from restricted collections (i.e. the kinds of decks SUPPOSED to be in casual).
THIS IS NOT A PLEA FOR BLIZZARD TO DO SOMETHING. THIS IS NOT A WHINE THREAD. THIS IS US DOING SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE OURSELVES. So please kindly refrain from negative comments about how Blizzard won't listen or how casual is fine/not fine because that is not the purpose of this thread.
Original post:
After spending a few years barely getting to 10 in ranked due to limited cardpool and getting spanked all over Casual by top tier tourny decks I began to wonder if we could just create a defacto third option without Blizzard's help. We would do this by creating a dedicated friends network for this purpose only using this thread as its base. Ideally it would be a truly casual environment for people wanting to play around with fun/meme decks and those without huge card collections.
I figure that a good first step is to do what MTG Commander players do and rate your decks. Top tier decks are obviously going to be way up there from around 70% to 100% so only power levels up to 70% would be welcome.
Obviously this is subjective and reliant on human estimates but you all know what up to 70% means so as long as nobody is a tool about it and justifying Zoolock as being 69% then we're fine. Leave the other 30% for Ranked or Casual (i.e second ranked). Then add your tag to this thread so people can add you and challenge using only decks that fit this criteria.
This would also help the noobies that have almost no cards a lot because they could just use the 'borrow deck' function in friendslist challenge to pilot one already checked and rated by the other player.
This would be super easy to police because you could just post screenshots of any knobs that decide to bring a fox into the henhouse with a toptier deck and they are shamed and unfriended by the people using this thread.
If you're interested in playing fairer HS in a friendlier environment post your tag in this thread and add some other peoples'.
Happy gaming!
1) Keep deck power under 70%. Make an educated guess.
2) Only screenshot and post pic if someone is bringing an obviously >70% or high tier deck into these games
3) Keep it clean - we want this to be a safe and fun environment. Keep the salt to a minimum.
(permanent link now)
- New and improved - added Discord server and battletag lists
- Deleted deck rating system - too many people asking me how to estimate a deck's power out of 100. Just tell people what you're playing.
Sounds cool to me. I'm usually on Asia server though. Luckyjack#1848
That's a good idea i'll look into creating one when I get home and i'll sort out invites later. It's now almost 5pm in Sydney so it'll be a few hours til it's ready.
Also I stupidly didn't take server into account so maybe i'll make one for each server.
I'm in!
EU server, Hegarmin#2217
Looks like a good idea. I am in. My battletag is: ilja615#2558 on EU servers.
i mostly play off meta decks, but also i play a self-made mechrattle hunter, which is now quite popular but it wasnt when i started playing it.
i play both standard and wild, i play since 1 year, and i dont have a lot of cards because i am ftp (although im thinking about buying LoE)
@ OP
I don't accept the premise that the game is particularly unfair
That being said, I sincerely compliment you. Been hovering around these forums for years and this is the first proactive solution I've seen. It's amazing to watch people post month after month after month about how other people have to change for their benefit.
I say thee yay sir or madame
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
Sounds like a good idea!
PinkiePieYay#21852 EU
Agreed. Congratulations to the OP for doing something constructive - though I share misgivings about criticizing the competitive play-mode for actually being competitive. If I go to the local store, intending to compete with a bunch of perfect strangers in a MtG store tourney, I know what to expect if I choose to bring my meme deck. The competitive mode in HS is no different.
Some advice - if you are able, attend a Fireside Gathering. Meeting like-minded HS players IRL will quickly expand your Friends list to include people who want to play the game the same way you do. I have about three dozen IRL Friends in-game that I've met at FSGs - we often play "tournaments" against each other with crazy decks. Good luck to the OP.
I am interested. I've been playing mostly to get golden heroes and I don't feel particularly happy playing ladder.
Just one question, how do you rate the decks? We should have a more objective rating.
We could also do some self-imposing rules like: Only rares and commons or only commons.
My battlenet is DZMarcos#1460. I play mostly on NA, but I can play on EU (way smaller collection though)
I don't think that I claimed it was unfair, I just thought we could make it fairer. I see fairness as a scale not a dichotomy so I think this is an incremental step towards making it fairer for those of us without a meaningful or enjoyable place in Ranked or Casual (Second Ranked).
I also didn't criticise competitive mode for being competitive. Just the fact that people use the casual system for ranked quality decks without ladder anxiety makes it hard for the rest of us to enjoy the game. This method offers an alternative to that.
I'm glad you touched on MTG play because as I mentioned in the first post MTG Commander players have identified deck power mismatches as a huge inhibitor for enjoyable gameplay and have begun to analyse power levels of their own decks using percentages the same way I suggested here so that Grizzly Bears isn't suddenly up against Black Lotus without knowing why first.
With this system only in its infancy I think we can rely on what would be widely perceived as really powerful, medium and meh. I don't think a 50% will be really really upset if they challenge a person that says they have a 60% that turns out to be more like 70%. It's more about curbing any obvious shenanigans and generally top performing decks/builds are not welcome. Even rough power ratings will be enough for a 20% to know they probably won't beat someone else's 65% and it saves them the trouble of waiting out the loss.
You are of course welcome to take an idea from a top performing deck and build around it yourself with whatever you have on hand so long as it doesn't come too close to the super high performing/wallet version or its power level.
I expect some people will run into things that sometimes seem more powerful than they expected: we must all understand that sometimes a memey deck like bombhunter or mill mage is going to get a great draw and blow you out. This will be up to you to reasonably judge and not just report someone because they lucked out with non-OP cards. We can't completely avoid the RNG of it all - the best we can do is give people a fighting chance so they're not queuing into the same old tourney blowout decks.
Who knows - maybe brewers will use this system to find interactions other people haven't thought of yet.
Well at least I got to add two people before this thread faded away.
Sounds like a very nice idea.
Though like to know more about "how to rate decks" and "rules".
I'm not a meta player, make my own decks and such.
Looking forward to read your answer
I'm not online, it's just your imagination
It's really impossible to spell it out specifically because it is subjective so it's a ballpark estimate.
If toptier tourney decks are 90-100% and classic-only no real collection FTP noobie decks are 0-10% then make an educated guess as to where yours sits on that spectrum. We're all adults i'm sure one person's 20% is not going to be another person's 90%.
The rules are fairly simple - when you make a deck you want to play in this way add the percentage to the front of the deck name (in case someone wants to use the borrow deck function and so that you can keep track of your own power levels) and don't bring anything higher than 70%.
Post your battletag in this thread so people can add you, you add as many others as you wish, and play away.
If anyone is running around here with top tier decks then people will take screenshots and post in the thread so everyone else can ignore that user in friendslist.
EDIT: Spelling
Im just pinning it up again so more people can see it) Also OP, I suggest you changing the name of the thread to something different than the current one. At first glance I assumed that it is another salty rant because I was judging by the title. I can't be the only one
Moving into
Bumped after title change. Thanks FirePalyHSplayer.
Your idea is awesome but Blizzard would not listen to it since it does not benefit them. :(
-some lyra guy
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
Awesome thanks for your participation guys it's fantastic.
Let's keep the train going until we have enough players involved that someone is always online to vs.